- Academia Europaea R. Loll, S.J. de Jong, R. Snellings
- ApPEC SAC S. de Jong (chair), M. de Jong
- ASTERICS (Astronomy ESFRI Research Infrastructure Cluster) R. van der Meer (project manager)
- ApPEC General Assembly S. Bentvelsen
- Astroparticle Physics International Forum (APIF) S. Bentvelsen
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) K. Jungmann (chair expert committee)
- CC-IN2P3 Evaluation and Survey Committee J. Templon
- Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions conference Scientific Committee, A. Borschevsky
- Committee for Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands (CAN) D. Samtleben (chair) , C. van den Broeck, A. Freise, S. Hild, J.R. Hörandel, C. Timmermans
- Computer Algebra Nederland – Board J. Vermaseren
- CERN Council E. Laenen (Scientific delegate for the Netherlands)
- CERN Theory Department External Review Committee E. Laenen
- CERN Scientific Computing Forum J. Templon
- Combinatorics, Physics and Their Interactions, Annales de Henri Poincaré l’Institut D (AIHPD) R. Loll (editor)
- Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering (RNTW), KNAW R. Loll
- DESY Physics Research Committee J. Templon
- Dutch Physics Council, M.P. Decowski (member Executive Board)
- Dutch Research School Theoretical Physics (Nikhef members only) R. Fleischer, J. Rojo (Governing Board), S. Bentvelsen (restricted ECFA), N. de Groot, E. Laenen, M. Postma, van Leeuwen, M. Merk, F. Saueressig (Educational Board)
- EGI, advanced computing for research Federation D.L. Groep (Dutch delegate to the Council)
- e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) A. van Rijn (Dutch delegate)
- EUROCOSMICS B. van Eijk (chair)
- European Committee for Evaluation panel, Helmholtz Gesellschaft, S.J. de Jong
- ECFA (plenary) S.Bentvelsen, E.Laenen, M. van Leeuwen, S.Caron, N.Tuning
- ECFA Detector Training panel – N. van Bakel
- ECFA PG1 – steering group S. Caron (ATLAS representative for SUSY and Exotics)
- European Particle Physics Communication Network (EPPCN) V. Mexner (co-chair), M. van Calmthout
- European Physical Society E. de Wolf (Executive Committee, Physics Education Board), C. van den Broeck (HEP Board)
- European Physics Journal C S.J. de Jong (associate editor)
- European Policy Management Authority for Grid Authentication in e-Science (EUGridPMA) D. Groep (chair)
- Excellentieprogramma Radboud Pre-University of Science S.J. de Jong (project leader)
- Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Vlaanderen – Expertpanel Physics E. de Wolf
- GEANT Trusted Certificate Service Policy Management Authority D. Groep (member)
- GEANT Community Committee D.L. Groep (member)
- General Relativity and Gravitation (Springer) C. van den Broeck (associate editor)
- Gravitational Wave International Committee, J. van den Brand (member)
- Grid Community Forum M. Sallé (Project Management Committee)
- Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics, Germany (HAP) E. de Wolf (Advisory Board)
- HOVO commissie Universteit Leiden J.W. van Holten
- Hyperfine Interactions K. Jungmann (Editorial Board)
- INFN F. Linde (Scientific-Technical Council)
- Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) F. Linde (member Technical Scientific Committee)
- INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Scientific Committee M.P. Decowski
- Instruments – Editorial Board – N van Bakel
- InterActions M. van Calmthout, V. Mexner
- International Advisory Board for IdeaSquare S.J. de Jong
- International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP) – Steering Committee & International Program Committee – N van Bakel
- International Conference On Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter) M. van Leeuwen, R. Snellings (Int. Adv. Comm.)
- International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) C. Timmermans
- International Review Committee for ADV+ S.J. de Jong
- International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) D. Groep (Int. Adv. Comm.)
- International Spin Physics Committee (ISPC) P. Mulders
- Interoperable Global Trust Federation (IGTF) D. Groep (chair)
- International Symposium on Grids and Clouds D. Groep (programme committee)
- International Conference on B Physics at Frontier Machines (BEAUTY) R. Fleischer (Co-chair Int. Adv. Comm.)
- International Union for Pure and Applied Physics – Commission on Astroparticle Physics J. Hörandel
- Int. Workshop Quantum Spacetime and the Renormalization Group F. Saueressig (scientific organizer)
- Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA) J. van den Brand (Program Advisory Board)
- KIT Advisory Board Matter S.J. de Jong (chair)
- Laboratory Directors Group (LDG) S. Bentvelsen
- Landelijk coördinatorenoverleg HiSPARC B. van Eijk (chair), J. van Holten
- Lepton Moments 6, Symposium, Cape Cod K. Jungmann (Advisory Committee)
- Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference N.Tuning (Programme Committee)
- Living Reviews in Relativity – Editorial Board R. Loll (member and subject editor for Quantum Gravity)
- Lorentz Center – Physics Advisory Board W. Beenakker
- Management Committee of the European Union COST Action “Connecting insights in fundamental physics” (CA15108) W. Beenakker, E. Laenen (Dutch representatives)
- Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda (NWA) S. Bentvelsen
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Advisory Board M. Vreeswijk
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Sectie Atomaire, Moleculaire en Optische Fysica (AMO) A. Borschevsky, S. Hoekstra (board)
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Sectie Subatomaire Fysica J. Even (treasurer), G. Koekoek, M. van Leeuwen (secretary), H.Snoek (chair), M. Wu
- Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, Redactie M. van Leeuwen, E. de Wolf
- Nijmegen Centre for Advanced Spectroscopy – Supervisory Board F. Linde (chair)
- Nijmeegs NLT Cluster S.J. de Jong (projectleader)
- Nuclear Physics A P. Mulders (associate editor)
- Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC) R. Snellings
- NWO – PC-GWI (permanente Commissie Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur) F. Linde
- NWO network Theoretical High Energy Physics E. Laenen (chair), R. Loll, W. Beenakker, R. Kleiss
- NWO Klachtencommissie L. Wiggers (member)
- NWO Research Community – Particle and Astroparticle Physics S. Bentvelsen, D. Boer, S. Caudill, M.P. Decowski (chair), S. Hild, R. Loll, T. Peitzmann, H.G. Raven, H.L. Snoek
- NWO Research Community – Physics for Technology and Instrumentation N. van Bakel
- NWO Round Table Physics M.P. Decowski, E. Pallante
- NWOShell CSER (Computing Science Energy Research) J. van den Brand (Board)
- Particle Data Group P. de Jong
- Particle Physics Inside Products (P2IP BV) A. van Rijn (director)
- Permanente Commissie Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur F. Linde
- Platform Bèta Techniek – Ambassador F. Linde, E. de Wolf
- Platform Academische Natuurkunde (PAN) N. van Bakel, N. de Groot, P. de Jong
- PDF4LHC (Parton Density Functions for the LHC) workshop series – Organising committee M. Botje
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Faculty Commission for Gender Equality R. Loll
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Opleidingscommissie natuur- en sterrenkunde W. Beenakker
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Committee Academic Integrity R. Loll
- Rencontres de Blois – Scientific Program Committee D. Samtleben
- Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee European Gravitational Observatory F. Linde
- Scientific Advisory Committee OzGrav S.Hild
- Sectorplan committee for Physics and Chemistry (Commissie Breimer) B. de Wit
- SPS and PS Experiments Committee (CERN) D. Boer
- Stichting Conferenties en Zomerscholen over de Kernfysica (StCZK) S.J. de Jong (secretary), P. Mulders (treasurer)
- Stichting EGI.eu A. van Rijn (Chair EGI Council and EGI Executive Board)
- Stichting Hoge-Energie Fysica J. van den Brand, S. Bentvelsen (chair), Th. Peitzmann, A. van Rijn (treasurer)
- Stichting Industriële Toepassing van Supergeleiding B. van Eijk
- Stichting Natuurkunde.nl F. Linde (chair), A. van Rijn (treasurer), M. Vreeswijk (editorial board)
- Stichting Natuurkunde Olympiade Nederland S.Hoekstra (chair) E. de Wolf (board member)
- Stichting Physica H. Snoek, P. Mulders (treasurer)
- Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) – Advanced Instrumentation / Precision Mechanics Board J. van den Brand
- Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) – Scientific Committee and Roadmap Circuits & Components Committee N. van Bakel
- Universe – J.W. van Holten (member advisory board)
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Director Institute of Physics E. Laenen
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Onderwijsdirecteur College of Sciences M. Vreeswijk
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Director Graduate School of Sciences A.-P. Colijn
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Opleidingscommissie Bachelor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde H. Snoek
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Exam Committee Physics and Astronomy R. Bruijn
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – GRAPPA Spokesperson S. Nissanke
- University of Edinburgh – Higgs Centre E. Laenen (associate member)
- University of Hamburg, Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, J. van den Brand (member)
- Universiteit Leiden – Exam Committee Physics D. Samtleben
- Utrecht University – Scientific Director Institute of Subatomic Physics R. Snellings
- Utrecht University – Director Master Experimental Physics R. Snellings
- Utrecht University – BKO/SKO Commissie (Teaching Qualifications Committee) T. Peitzmann (chair)
- Utrecht University – Commissie Kwaliteit WP (Scientific Staff Quality Committee) T. Peitzmann (chair)
- Virgo STAC, Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee (EGO) F. Linde
- VUB Brussel N. de Groot (Curriculum advisory board)
- WISE Information Security for Collaborating E-infrastructures D. Groep (Steering Committee)
- Workshop Quantum Spacetime and the Renormalization Group, F. Saueressig (scientific organizer)
- Worldwide LHC Computing Grid J. Templon (overview board)