National Institute for Subatomic Physics
Welcome to Nikhef. We are the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics. Our institute performs research into the elementary building blocks of our Universe, their mutual forces and the structure of space and time.
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Gravitational wave technology spinoff aims for the moon
Nikhef spinoff company Innoseis delivered protoypes of highly sensitive seismic sensors to Australia’s Fleet Space Technologies last August. That company will thoroughly test the sensors in preparation for…
Particle physicists chart a course to the future
The aim of the third update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics is to develop a visionary and concrete plan that greatly advances human knowledge in fundamental…
FNS grant for Nikhef researcher Juan Rojo to study the feeblest particles in the universe
The Swiss National Research Council (FNS) has awarded a CHF1.250M grant to a team composed by Prof. Dr. Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve) and Nikhef researcher Prof. Dr….