Particle physicists chart a course to the future

14 October 2024

The aim of the third update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics is to develop a visionary and concrete plan that greatly advances human knowledge in fundamental physics through the realisation of the next flagship project at CERN.

During its 218th session, the CERN Council formally finalised the organisation of the European Strategy process by appointing the Physics Preparatory Group, whose aim will be to prepare the scientific contribution based on the input from the community. The European Strategy is driven by the CERN Council, the highest authority of the Organization, composed of representatives of all Member States. During the next year and a half, the whole community will work to develop a common vision for the future of particle physics in Europe – including which major project should succeed the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The process is expected to be concluded at the end of 2025, after which the European Strategy Group will submit its recommendations to the Council.

“The discoveries at the LHC of the Higgs particle and more than 70 new composite hadrons have been highlights of an amazing decade in particle physics dominated  by experiments at CERN, which will be continued at the LHC and its high-luminosity upgrade until 2041. Researchers across the globe agree that deeper study of the Higgs particle is certain to lead to very valuable scientific results, and the CERN Council is united in its vision to have CERN continue to provide the most exciting experimental scientific programme in high energy physics with the aid of the best possible technology. The community and the Council therefore eagerly await the recommendations of the European Strategy Group on the best path to be taken.”, said CERN Council President, Eliezer Rabinovici, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Read the entire CERN press release on the CERN website: