
At the moment, Nikhef has eight experimental research directions, some of these are partly done outside of the Netherlands:

Apart from this, at Nikhef we conduct research in the fields of Theoretical Physics, Detector R&D and Advanced Computing for Research, and have three technical departments, that support the experimental departments. The entire organisation, including management and staff departments, is shown in the below figure.




































The directorate consists of director Stan Bentvelsen, the institute manager Arjen van Rijn, head of personnel Pieter van Braam van Vloten and strategic advisor Rosemarie Aben.

Nikhef consists of on average 185FTE physicist, 75 FTE technical staff and engineers and 25 FTE supporting staff. The formation exists of the following main groups:

  • Permanent scientific staff (WP/V): around 60.
  • Temporary scientific staff (WP/T): around 95 OIO’s and 30 postdocs)
  • Permanent and temporary technical personnel (TP/T and TP/V): around 75
  • Permanent and temporary supporting staff (OP/T en OP/V): around 25

To a large degree, the structure and arrangement of the organisation are tuned to the research projects that Nikhef works on.