External boards and committees
- Academia Europaea R. Loll, S.J. de Jong, R. Snellings
- ApPEC – Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Theory (PACT) J. van Holten (board member)
- ASTERICS (Astronomy ESFRI Research Infrastructure Cluster) External Advisory Board F. Linde
- Astroparticle Physics European Coordination (ApPEC) S. Bentvelsen, J. van den Brand, F. Linde (chair)
- Astroparticle Physics International Forum (APIF) S. Bentvelsen
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) K. Jungmann (chair expert committee)
- CC-IN2P3 Evaluation and Survey Committee J. Templon
- Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions conference Scientific Committee, A. Borschevsky
- Committee for Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands (CAN) J. van den Brand, C. van den Broeck (co-chair), M. P. Decowski, J.R. Hörandel (chair), D. Samtleben (Leiden), C. Timmermans
- Computer Algebra Nederland – Board J. Vermaseren
- CERN Council E. Laenen (Scientific delegate for the Netherlands)
- CERN Physics Beyond Colliders Working Group 2016-2019 K. Jungmann
- CERN Theory Department External Review Committee E. Laenen
- CERN Scientific Computing Forum J. Templon
- Combinatorics, Physics and Their Interactions, Annales de Henri Poincaré l’Institut D (AIHPD) R. Loll (editor)
- Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering (RNTW), KNAW R. Loll
- DESY Evaluation panel, Helmholtz Gesellschaft, S.J. de Jong
- Dutch Research School Theoretical Physics (Nikhef members only) W. Beenakker (Governing Board), R. Fleischer (Governing Board), J.-W. van Holten (Educational Board), P. Mulders (Governing Board), F. Saueressig (Educational Board)
- EGO (European Gravitational Observatory) External Computing Committee J. Templon
- e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) A. van Rijn (Dutch delegate)
- EUROCOSMICS B. van Eijk (chair)
- European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) S. Bentvelsen (restricted ECFA), N. de Groot, F. Linde (restricted ECFA ex off.), M. Merk, Th. Peitzmann
- ECFA PG1 – steering group S. Caron (ATLAS representative for SUSY and Exotics)
- European Particle Physics Communication Network (EPPCN) G. Bobbink, V. Mexner
- European Physical Society E. de Wolf (Executive Committee, Physics Education Board), S. Bentvelsen (HEP Board)
- European Physics Journal C S.J. de Jong (associate editor)
- European Policy Management Authority for Grid Authentication in e-Science (EUGridPMA) D. Groep (chair)
- EU-T0 Executive Board J. Templon
- EXA2020, International Conference on Exotic Atoms (Vienna), IAC K. Jungmann
- Excellentieprogramma Radboud Pre-University of Science S.J. de Jong (projectleader)
- Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Vlaanderen – Expertpanel Physics E. de Wolf
- GEANT Trusted Certificate Service Policy Management Authority D. Groep (member)
- General Relativity and Gravitation (Springer) R. Loll (associate editor)
- Genootschap ter bevordering van de Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde E. Koffeman (board member)
- Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt – Review Committee silicon tracking detector system for the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment G. Nooren
- Gravitational Wave International Committee, J. van den Brand (member)
- Grid Community Forum M. Sallé (Project Management Committee)
- Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics, Germany (HAP) E. de Wolf (Advisory Board)
- Hyperfine Interactions K. Jungmann (Editorial Board)
- INFN F. Linde (Scientific Technical Council)
- Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) F. Linde (member Technical Scientific Committee)
- INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Scientific Committee M.P. Decowski
- InterActions V. Mexner
- International Advisory Board for IdeaSquare S.J. de Jong
- International Conference On Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter) M. van Leeuwen, R. Snellings, M. Verweij (Int. Adv. Comm.)
- International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) C. Timmermans
- International Review Committee for ADV+ S.J. de Jong
- International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) D. Groep (Int. Adv. Comm.)
- Interoperable Global Trust Federation (IGTF) D. Groep (chair)
- International Symposium on Grids and Clouds D. Groep (programme committee)
- International Conference on B Physics at Frontier Machines (BEAUTY) R. Fleischer (Co-chair Int. Adv. Comm.)
- International Union for Pure and Applied Physics – Commission on Astroparticle Physics J. Hörandel
- Int. Workshop Quantum Spacetime and the Renormalization Group F. Saueressig (scientific organizer)
- Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA) J. van den Brand (Program Advisory Board)
- KIT Advisory Board Matter S.J. de Jong (chair)
- Laboratory Directors Group (LDG) S. Bentvelsen
- Landelijk coördinatorenoverleg HiSPARC B. van Eijk (chair), J. van Holten
- Lepton Moments 6, Symposium, Cape Cod K. Jungmann (Advisory Committee)
- LHCP – 2019 Annual Conference on Hadron Collider Physics P. Koppenburg, Marco van Leeuwen (Programme Committee)
- Living Reviews in Relativity – Editorial Board R. Loll (member and subject editor for Quantum Gravity)
- Lorentz Center – Physics Advisory Board W. Beenakker
- Management Committee of the European Union COST action “Connecting insights in fundamental physics” (CA15108) W. Beenakker (Dutch representative)
- Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda (NWA) S. Bentvelsen
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) E. de Wolf (vice chair)
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Advisory Board M. Vreeswijk, A. Mischke
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Sectie Atomaire, Moleculaire en Optische Fysica (AMO) A. Borschevsky, S. Hoekstra (board)
- Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (NNV) – Sectie Subatomaire Fysica F. Filthaut (secretary), J. Even (treasurer), H.Snoek (chair), D. Samtleben
- Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, Redactie M. van Leeuwen, R. Muller, E. de Wolf
- New and Enhanced Photosensor Technologies for Underground/underwater Neutrino Experiments (NEPTUNE) workshop D. Samtleben (Scientific Advisory Committee)
- Nijmegen Centre for Advanced Spectroscopy – Supervisory Board F. Linde (chair)
- Nijmeegs NLT Cluster S.J. de Jong (projectleader)
- Nuclear Physics A P. Mulders (associate editor)
- Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC) R. Snellings
- NWA – ORC, Beoordelingscommissie 2019/20 , K. Jungmann
- NWO – PC-GWI (permanente Commissie Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur) F. Linde
- NWO network Theoretical High Energy Physics E. Laenen (chair), R. Loll, W. Beenakker, R. Kleiss
- NWO Centrale Klachtadviescommissie (CKAC) L. Wiggers (member)
- NWO Research Community – Particle and Astroparticle Physics S. Bentvelsen, E.A. Bergshoeff, S. Caudill, M.P. Decowski (chair), S. Hoekstra, E. Laenen, R. Loll, T. Peitzmann, H.G. Raven, H.L. Snoek
- NWO Research Community – Physics for Technology and Instrumentation N. van Bakel
- NWOShell CSER (Computing Science Energy Research) J. van den Brand (Board)
- Open Grid Forum CA – OPS working group D. Groep (co-chair)
- Particle Data Group P. de Jong
- Particle Physics Inside Products (P2IP BV) A. van Rijn (director)
- Permanente Commissie Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur F. Linde
- Platform Bèta Techniek – Ambassador F. Linde, E. de Wolf
- Platform Academische Natuurkunde (PAN) N. van Bakel, N. de Groot, P. de Jong
- PDF4LHC (Parton Density Functions for the LHC) workshop series – Organising committee M. Botje
- PSI2019 Conference, Villigen, Switzerland Program Advisory Committee 2019 K. Jungmann
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Faculty Commission for Gender Equality R. Loll
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Opleidingscommissie natuur- en sterrenkunde W. Beenakker
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – Committee Academic Integrity R. Loll
- Radboud University, Nijmegen – PR-commissie WiNSt F. Filthaut
- Rencontres de Blois – Scientific Program Committee D. Samtleben
- Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee European Gravitational Observatory F. Linde
- Sectorplan committee for Physics and Chemistry (Commissie Breimer) B. de Wit
- SPS and PS Experiments Committee (CERN) D. Boer
- Stichting Conferenties en Zomerscholen over de Kernfysica (StCZK) S.J. de Jong (secretary), P. Mulders (treasurer)
- Stichting EGI.eu A. van Rijn (Chair person EGI Council and EGI Executive Board)
- Stichting Hoge-Energie Fysica J. van den Brand, S. Bentvelsen (chair), Th. Peitzmann, A. van Rijn (treasurer)
- Stichting Industriële Toepassing van Supergeleiding B. van Eijk
- Stichting Natuurkunde.nl F. Linde (chair), A. van Rijn (treasurer), M. Vreeswijk (editorial board)
- Stichting Natuurkunde Olympiade Nederland E. de Wolf (board member)
- Stichting Physica E. Koffeman, P. Mulders (treasurer)
- Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) – Advanced Instrumentation / Precision Mechanics Board J. van den Brand
- Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) – Scientific Committee and Roadmap Circuits & Components Committee N. van Bakel
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Director Institute of Physics P. de Jong
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Opleidingsdirecteur Bachelor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde M. Vreeswijk
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Director Graduate School of Sciences A.-P. Colijn
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Opleidingscommissie Bachelor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde H. Snoek
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – Exam Committee Physics and Astronomy R. Bruijn
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – GRAPPA Master Track coordinator M.P. Decowski
- Universiteit van Amsterdam – GRAPPA Spokesperson G. Bertone, S. Nissanke
- University of Edinburgh – Higgs Centre E. Laenen (associate member)
- University of Hamburg, Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, J. van den Brand (member)
- Utrecht University – Scientific Director Institute of Subatomic Physics R. Snellings
- Utrecht University – Director Master Experimental Physics R. Snellings
- Utrecht University – BKO/SKO Commissie (Teaching Qualifications Committee) T. Peitzmann (chair)
- Utrecht University – Commissie Kwaliteit WP (Scientific Staff Quality Committee) T. Peitzmann (chair)
- Virgo STAC, Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee (EGO) F. Linde
- VUB Brussel N. de Groot (Curriculum advisory board)
- WISE Information Security for Collaborating E-infrastructures D. Groep (Steering Committee)Workshop Quantum Spacetime and the Renormalization Group, F. Saueressig (scientific organizer)
- Worldwide LHC Computing Grid J. Templon (overview board)