Grants 2019

The table shows from top to bottom grants awarded in 2019, running grants and completed grants, awarded in earlier years, including their financial envelope, running period and –if not the NWO- institute- the name of the Nikhef partner university via which the grants have been obtained.

In 2019 Nikhef has scored less sizable grants (in total 12 M€) than the extremely successful previous year (2018: 25,5 M€). More than half of this amount is attributable to the funding from EU Regional Funds (and associated cofounding) for the ET pathfinder; the funded share of the Nikhef partners in this project is 7,65 M€ (the total funding is ~14,5 M€).

  Leader Title Source Period Budget ( k€) Partner
Awarded Van Leeuwen VICI: Microscopy of the Quark Gluon Plasma using high-energy probes NWO 2019-2024 1,500  
  Caudill VIDI: A New Spin: The Next Generation of Gravitational-wave Searches for Merging Black Holes NWO 2020-2025 800 UU
  Dubla VENI: A charming witness of the strongest magnetic field in the universe NWO 2020-2023 250  
  Van Beuzekom Take-off: InCooling NWO 2019-2020 40  
  Caudill NWA: Cortex: the Center for Optimal, Real-Time Machine Studies of the Explosive Universe NWO 2019-2023 399  
  Caudill WISE: Women in Science Excel NWO-I 2020-2022 320  
  Groep GEANT Project GN4-3 EU 2019-2022 244  
  Heijboer ESCAPE: European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle
physics ESFRI research infrastructures’
EU 2019-2022 319  
  Van Leeuwen STRONG2020: The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge:
fundamental research and applications
EU 2019-2023 99  
  Caudill AHEAD2020: Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain EU 2019-2023 149  
  Van Bakel ATTRACT: SIMS: Seismic Imaging and Monitoring Systems EU 2019-2020 100  
  Van der Graaf ATTRACT: HighQE: MEMS-made Photocathodes with High Quantum Efficiency EU 2019-2020 100  
  Linde R&D field lab ETpathfinder EU/Interreg 2019-2022 7,650 UM
Total         11,970  
Running Van Den Broeck The discovery of gravitational waves with Advanced Virgo and LIGO FOM/Pr 2015-2020 404  
  Peitzmann Solving the direct photon puzzle in heavy-ion reactions with FOM/Pr 2016-2020 400 UU
    direct photon interferometry        
  Vreeswijk/Laenen Top spin FOM/Pr 2016-2020 468 UvA
  Merk/Fleischer Very rare beauty decays: a magnifying glass for quantum physics FOM/Pr 2017-2021 504  
  Rojo Nuclear Parton Distributions from LHC Data FOM/Pr 2017-2021 420 VU
  Bentvelsen director’s budget FOM 2015-2020 500  
  Linde Roadmap: Dutch contributions to the detector upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN
NWO 2014-2023 15,240  
  Grelli VIDI: The hottest place in the Universe NWO 2015-2020 800 UU
  Petraki VIDI: Deciphering the dark matter code NWO 2016-2020 800  
  Du Pree VIDI: Higgs from Z to A NWO 2017-2022 800  
  Igonkina * VICI: Leptons that have created the world NWO 2016-2021 1,500  
  Van der Kolk NWO N/V: Shower modelling in imaging calorimeters. NWO 2017-2020 257  
  Gauld VENI: Precision physics with heavy quarks: from colliders to the cosmos NWO 2018-2021 250  
  Van der Schee VENI: Black hole horizons and the quark-gluon plasma NWO 2018-2021 250 UU
  Herzog VIDI: Decoding Singularities of Feynman Graphs NWO 2018-2023 800  
  Heijboer VICI: Cosmic Neutrinos: a new tool for physics and astronomy NWO 2018-2023 1,500  
  Hulsbergen VICI: Discovering Dark Matter at the LHC NWO 2017-2022 1,500  
  Tuning VICI: Antimatter matters: probing the differences to the bottom NWO 2017-2022 1,500  
  Bentvelsen NWA Route 2 Startimpuls NWO 2018-2021 738  
  Van Den Broeck VICI: Black holes and gravitational waves: A new route to cosmology and fundamental physics NWO 2019-2023 1,500  
  Ferrari/Van Eijk Determining the Higgs Trilinear coupling with the ATLAS detector at the LHC NWO 2019-2023 435  
  Bentvelsen Roadmap: KM3NeT 2.0: Neutrino Science in the Deep Sea NWO 2019-2028 12,730  
  Linde NWO/G: Gravitational waves: The new cosmic messengers NWO 2018-2023 3,520 UvA
  S. de Jong NWO/G: Searching for Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Sources using a new Detector Concept in the Pierre Auger Observatory NWO 2018-2023 2,500  
  Linde ENW/G: Gravitational waves: a new road to fundamental physics, astrophysics, and cosmology NWO 2019-2025 2,514  
  P. de Jong ENW/G: The Hidden Universe of Weakly Interacting Particles NWO 2019-2025 1,879 UvA
  Basegmez NWO/f: Dark Matter Detection in the Deep Sea NWO 2019-2021 251  
  PDP group Contribution to the national e-infrastructure SURF 2019-2021 1,650  
  Caron iDark: The intelligent Dark Matter Survey NLeSC 2016-2020 498 RU (250 in-kind)
  Verkerke Automated Parallel Calculation of Collaborative Statistical Models NLeSC 2016-2020 491 (250 in-kind)
  Van Bakel SENSEIS: Silent sensors for stellar echo’s and seismic surveys STW 2014-2020 495 UT
  Van Eijk HiSparc – ‘betadecanen’ Univ. 2014-2020 240  
  Kooijman AdG: Chromium (PI: Jennifer Thomas, UCL, UK) EU/ERC 2016-2021 1109  
  Groep EGI Operational security EGI 2018-2020 89  
  Jansweijer EMPIR/WRITE: White Rabbit Industrial Timing Enhancement EU 2018-2021 108  
  M. de Jong KM3NeT 2.0 (Preparatory Phase, Nikhef is Coordinator) EU 2017-2020 786  
  Dietrich Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Counterparts from Generic Binary Neutron Star Systems EU 2018-2020 166  
  Nocera Parton Dynamics in QCD Hadron Structure: collinear FFs and unpolarized TMDs EU 2018-2020 166  
  Groep EOSC Hub EU 2018-2020 477  
Total         60,235  
Completed Van Eijk/ Bentvelsen Splitting the Higgs: the connection to dark matter FOM/Pr 2013-2019 400  
  Filthaut/N. De Groot Higgs as a portal to new physics FOM/Pr 2013-2019 396 RU
  Van den Brand Field studies with seismic and gravity-gradient sensor networks for gravitational waves physics and oil-and-gas exploration FOM-HTSM 2015-2019 332 VU
  Fransen Take-off: Holografische emitter NWO 2018-2019 40  
  PDP group Contribution to the national e-infrastructure SURFsara 2016-2018 1,285  
  Van Rijn HNSciCloud: Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud EU 2016-2018 233  
  Groep AARC-2: Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration EU 2017-2019 236  
  Groep AENEAS: Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA EU 2017-2019 67  
  Benson Transformations with Neutrals and Turbo analyses EU 2017-2019 166  
  Berge/Heijboer ASTERICS: Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster EU 2015-2019 364 UvA
Total         3,519