Master Theses 2023

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2023-12 Alwine Delgado High-Energy Neutrino Detection from Supernovae Aart Heijboer UvA/VU
2023-12 Tim Mathijs Kortekaas Searching for CP-violating New Physics Signatures in B → V ll decays Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-12 Robin Kan Simulation of high-time-resolution silicon LGAD sensors with Allpix Hella Snoek UvA/VU
2023-10 Jasper Westbroek The chiral magnetic effect in isobaric nuclei at LHC energies Panos Christakoglou, Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-10 Ioannis Sidiras Azimuthal Correlation Studies of Charm and Anti-Charm at LHC Energies Panos Christakoglou, Hella Snoek UvA/VU
2023-08 Jelmer Mulder Seasonal muon variation in the KM3NeT detectors Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2023-08 Heleen Mulder Scrutinizing the CKM anomaly within SMEFT and using sterile neutrinos Jordy de Vries UvA/VU
2023-08 Dylano van Oijen Improved modeling and systematic studies for KM3NeT ORCA neutrino oscillation analysis Daan van Eijk, Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2023-07 Steven Niedenzu Constraining the low-x gluon PDF using far-forward neutrinos produced in proton-proton collisions Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Saad el Morabit Radiation-Based Electron Momentum Reconstruction in PTOLEMY Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Jelmer de Haan Position reconstruction with the Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 PMT Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Floris Jan Kamphorst Characterising components of the XAMS TPC Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Evangelia Nikoloudaki Neutrino oscillation analysis with the first data of KM3NeT Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2023-07 Pranati Kharbanda Exploring the gg → ZH process for constraining Wilson coefficients within the SMEFT framework Marcel Vreeswijk UvA/VU
2023-07 Lisanne Bleiksch Optimisation of the Machine Learning-based Event Selection of Higgs Decaying into Two Muons Wouter Verkerke UvA/VU
2023-07 Isis Hobus A dedicated in-DOM muon detector for KM3NeT Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Maaike Bakker The Impact of the High Luminosity LHC on the SMEFT Parameter Space Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Adrianne Schaus Polarized Structure functions with Heavy flavor Corrections for Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Next-Leading Order Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Pim Herbschleb Generating hadron level unbinned multivariate observables for EFT fits at the LHC from Machine Learning Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Boudewijn Zwanenburg Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals Eric Laenen UvA/VU
2023-06 Josep Sola Cava The effect of the FPF@LHC on the high-x charm PDF Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-06 Douwe Nobels Characterisation of RD-50 HV-CMOS Sensors Jory Sonneveld UvA/VU
2023-03 Mattia Boscardin Bridging the Gap between Proton Decay and the B-anomalies with the Scalar Leptoquark S_3 Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-01 Guido Smit Simulating and Analysing Accidental Coincidence Backgrounds in the DARWIN Dark Matter Detector Tina Pollmann UvA/VU
2023-01 Daan Oppenhuis Charge calibration of Timepix4 Martin van Beuzekom, Kazu Akiba UvA/VU
2023-01 Ethan van Woerkom Modelling Kilonova Afterglows with Teiresias Radiative Transfer Samaya Nissanke UvA/VU
2023-12 Dirren van Vlijmen Learning the Phases of the cpMSSM Wim Beenakker, Jochem Kip RU Nijmegen
2023-11 Wouter Morren Transformer regressing the mass of boosted Higgs bosons decaying to bb Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Steven Bos Accelerating Trigger Performance of the ALICE Detector Using FPGA-Based Neural Networks A. Grelli, M. Rossewij UU
2023-06 Colin Bolle Using machine learning for non-prompt D0 analysis A. Grelli, R. Snellings UU
2023-11 Eric Teunis de Boone Synchronisation Methods for Air Shower Radio Detectors Harm Schoorlemmer, Katharine Mulrey RU Nijmegen
2023-11 Susanne Auwens Analysis of LGADs for the High Granularity Timing Detector Mengqing Wu RU Nijmegen
2023-10 Madelief Koster Particle detection and direction reconstruction Charles Timmermans RU Nijmegen
2023-10 Tuan Amith Particles in 3D Regge Gravity and BMS symmetry Timothy Budd, Alicia Castro RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Robin Rietman One-Loop Matching of a Scalar Dark Matter Effective Field Theory Susanne Westhoff RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Guus Korver Renormalizing the Graviton 2-Point Function in the Presence of Matter Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Jesse van der Duin Curvature Correlations in Quantum Gravity Renate Loll RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Berend Schneider Reading the Cosmic Palm: Spinors, the Weyl Tensor Fingerprint, and Mass in General Relativity Béatrice Bonga, Gijs Nelemans RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Bart Peters Tidal resonances in extreme mass ratio inspirals Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Mila Keijer Conformal symmetry versus quantization of geodesic motion Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Bas Slotema The production and propagation angles for muon neutrino charged current deep inelastic scattering events Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Tom Gerstel Simulating Quantum Gravity Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2023-06 Thoman Meeusen Describing hyperbolic surfaces with decorated tree graphs Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2023-03 Martijn Velders PTOLEMY Project: Graphene-Based Particle Detector Nicolo de Groot, U. Zeitler RU Nijmegen
2023-02 Jasper Jacobs pMSSM stau search at ATLAS Wim Beenakker, Cristina Galea, Melissa van Beekveld RU Nijmegen