In Numbers 2023

Talks, Posters and Theses

Nikhef theses, posters at conferences, outreach talks and talks at scientific meetings, including online ones.


Number of scientific refereed publications in the last eight years, split in: accelerator based physics (LHC), non-accelerator based physics (Neutrino Telescopes, Grav. Waves, Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays, Astr. Phys. and eEDM) and other (Det. R&D, Theory, Physics Data Processing, and Miscellaneous). The significant increase in the number of of publications is due to the release of a backlog of articles following a formal agreement at CERN on Russian authorship.

PhD duration

The fraction of PhD durations in months from start till PhD defence.

Typically, 15–25 theses are produced per year. The PhD duration from start till the PhD defence has a median of 59.8 months in 2023. Note that there usually is a 3-4 months’ delay between finishing the thesis and the thesis defence. Some PhD students finish their thesis while already in another job.

Median of PhD duration in months from start till PhD defence. The error bars represent the median absolute deviation (MAD)/√(n-1).