Talks (scientific) 2022


Name Title Project
Event City Country Date
P.  Christakoglou Searches for early stage E/M fields and novel QCD phenomena AT the lhc ALICE Chirality and vorticity workshop Los Angeles USA 2-12-2022
P.  Christakoglou Heavy ion physics ALICE Colloquium Groningen The Netherlands 15-12-2022
P.  Christakoglou Experimental overview on searches for early stage E/M fields and novel QCD phenomena ALICE INPC2022 Cape Town South Africa 22-9-2022
P.  Christakoglou Studying primordial matter in the laboratory latest results and future perspectives ALICE Colloquium Shanghai China 8-6-2022
P.  Christakoglou Experimental overview on searches for chiral anomalies ALICE Zimanyi school Budapest Hungary 12-12-2022
M. van Leeuwen Studying the Quark Gluon Plasma at the LHC: current results and future plans ALICE LIP seminar Lisbon (online) Portugal 31-3-2022
M. van Leeuwen A next-generation heavy-ion experiment for the LHC ALICE Special Lecture on Heavy-ion Physics, ALICE-India collaboration online India 3-2-2022
M. van Leeuwen Exploring jet quenching in LHC Run 3 and beyond ALICE Workshop on jet quenching in the quark-gluon plasma Trento Italy 17-6-2022
M. van Leeuwen De sterke kernkracht en het quark-gluonplasma ALICE HOVO college Leiden The Netherlands 21-3-2022
R.J.M.  Snellings Fluid and Correlations from an Experimental Perspective ALICE Karpacz Winter School Karpacz Poland 19-6-2022
R.J.M.  Snellings The Dutch Landscape ALICE NuPECC at INPC Capetown South Africa 17-9-2022
R.J.M.  Snellings (Anisotropic) Flow; Quo Vadis ALICE Non Equilibrium Dynamics Krabi Thailand 28-11-2022
R.J.M.  Snellings Flow from RHIC to the LHC ALICE Symposium on collective flow in nuclear matter: a celebration of Art Poskanzer’s life and career Berkeley USA 9-12-2022
R.J.M.  Snellings Extreme Matter at the corners of the QCD phase diagram ALICE Seminar Niels Both Institute Copenhagen Denmark 1-4-2022
F. de Almeida Dias Into the unknown – Searching for new physics phenomena with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC ATLAS Colloquium for the Physics Department at the University of Cape Town Cape Town South Africa 27-7-2022
M.V.  Vozak Preservation and reuse of SM (incl. top, Higgs, etc) measurements: ATLAS review ATLAS (Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics CERN Switzerland 12-12-2022
F.  Filthaut A High-Granularity Timing Detector
 for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade ATLAS Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Vienna (remote) Austria 23-2-2022
F.  Filthaut A re-appraisal of delta rays
(“the TPC project”) ATLAS HEP Department seminar Nijmegen The Netherlands 7-2-2022
A.G.A.  García Alonso System tests II: DAQ and electrical testing. DAQ at Nikhef ATLAS ITK Strips EC Integration Workshop@DESY Hamburg (remote) Germany 25-10-2022
A.G.A.  García Alonso Stiffener disk thermal deformations ATLAS ITk week at CERN: Strip Global Mechanics and Integration Geneva Switzerland 9-3-2022
M.  Wu High Granularity Timing Detector (project overview talk) ATLAS ATLAS Collaboration Week Geneva Switzerland 21-6-2022
M.  Wu A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade ATLAS The 31st International Workshop on Vertex Detectors Tateyama Japan 27-5-2022
H.  Arnold Probing the Higgs coupling to c quarks in CMS and ATLAS ATLAS Collider Cross Talk at CERN Meyrin Switzerland 5-5-2022
H.  Arnold Update of the VH subgroup ATLAS The 19th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group CERN/Meyrin Switzerland 29-11-2022
D.  Pyatiizbyantseva Measurements of quartic coupling and vector boson scattering in ATLAS ATLAS Corfu Summer Institute 2022 ‘School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity’ Corfu Greece 29-8-2022
D.  Pyatiizbyantseva Measurement of electroweak Z$(nunu)gamma$jj production and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in ATLAS ATLAS NNV Annual meeting Lunteren The Netherlands 4-11-2022
C.F.  Galea Searches for Ultra High Energy Neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory Cosmic Rays Biermann Symposium at the Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy Bonn Germany 29-11-2022
K.M.  Weerman Latest results of KamLAND-Zen: the most stringent limit on the half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay Dark Matter NNV symposium (astro-)particle physics Lunteren The Netherlands 4-11-2022
M.P.  Decowski Neutrinoless double beta decay in KamLAND-Zen, XENON and DARWIN/XLZD Dark Matter Neutrinoverse Amsterdam The Netherlands 1-12-2022
M.P.  Decowski First exploration of Majorana Neutrinos in the Inverted Mass Ordering with KamLAND-Zen Dark Matter SLAC Fundamental Physics Directorate Seminar Palo Alto USA 5-5-2022
T.R.  Pollmann Particle dark matter searches, the next generation Dark Matter LIDINE conference Warsaw Poland 21-9-2022
T.R.  Pollmann Searching for dark matter with argon and xenon Dark Matter SFB1258 colloquium Munich Germany 17-10-2022
R.  Russo Digital Pixel Test Structure characterization with the ALPIDE telescope Detector R&D 10th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop Lecce Italy 22-6-2022
K.  Heijhoff Timepix4 timing performance and first beam test results Detector R&D The 31st International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2022) Tokyo Japan 27-10-2022
M.C.  Mooij Phase-space measurements of a buffer gas cooled BaF beam for the NL-eEDM experiment eEDM CCMI 2022, Durham Durham United Kingdom 6-9-2022
A.  Mitchell Tilt in Gravitational Wave Detectors Gravitational Waves International Working Group of Rotational Seismology Paris France 21-11-2022
A.  Mitchell Technical Readiness of HoQI for LIGO Gravitational Waves LIGO systems call Remote The Netherlands 2-11-2022
A.  Mitchell Demonstrating Interferometric Sensors to Improve Local Control of Suspended Optics Gravitational Waves GWADW Tokyo (remote) Japan 25-5-2022
M.H.  Haney Gravitational-wave astronomy with ground-based interferometers: past, present & future Gravitational Waves Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern Bern Switzerland 21-9-2022
A.  Puecher A phenomenological inspiral-merger-postmerger gravitational waveform model for binary neutron star coalescence Gravitational Waves GR23, International conference on General Relativity and Gravitation Beijing (remote) China 6-7-2022
A.  Puecher A phenomenological inspiral-merger-postmerger gravita- tional waveform model for binary neutron star coalescence: Unravel information about supernuclear-dense matter with future generation detectors Gravitational Waves Probing the Universe with Multimessenger Astrophysics (PUMA) conference Sestri Levante Italy 28-9-2022
A.  Puecher Unraveling information about supranuclear-dense matter from the complete binary neutron star coalescence process using future gravitational-wave detector networks Gravitational Waves Belgian-Dutch GW meeting Ghent Belgium 13-10-2022
K.  AKIBA First tracks and initial timing results with Timepix4 ASIC LHCb 10th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop Lecce Italy 20-6-2022
J.S.  Butter CP violation and CKM measurements with beauty decays at LHCb LHCb 30th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies Manchester (virtual) United Kingdom 12-1-2022
J.S.  Butter Testing the Standard Model using hadronic beauty decays LHCb Physics@Veldhoven 2022 Veldhoven (virtual) The Netherlands 25-1-2022
P.a.t.r.i.c.k.  Koppenburg Software citation in LHCb LHCb Software Citation and Recognition in HEP Virtual USA 22-11-2022
P.a.t.r.i.c.k.  Koppenburg LHCb Analysis Models LHCb ROOT workshop Virtual USA 9-5-2022
I.  Kostiuk Early Career, Gender & Diversity at LHCb LHCb International Conference on High Energy Physics Bologna Italy 8-7-2022
N.  Tuning Anomalies with muons at LHCb LHCb Workshop on Muon Precision Physics Liverpool United Kingdom 7-11-2022
N.  Tuning LHCb and Belle II: present status and expectations LHCb 110th Plenary ECFA meeting Geneva Switzerland 22-7-2022
N.  Tuning Precision Flavour Physics: Scrutiny of the SM LHCb Seminar Genoa Italy 23-11-2022
N.  Tuning Precision Flavour Physics: Scrutiny of the Standard Model at LHCb LHCb Seminar Beijing China 16-11-2022
S.  Klaver Semileptonic b-hadron decays at LHCb LHCb Moriond EW La Thuile Italy 18-3-2022
S.  Klaver LFU in charged-current b decays in LHCb LHCb LHCb Implications Workshop CERN Switzerland 19-10-2022
S.  Ferreres Solé Rare and LFNU B decays LHCb FPCP conference Oxford, Mississippi USA 24-5-2022
A.  Usachov Online/offline development for LLP LHCb LHCP Taipei (online) Taiwan 16-5-2022
M.  Botje Bayesian PDF fits to ZEUS high-x data Miscellaneous PDF4LHC workshop Geneva Switzerland 23-11-2022
A. van der Gaag Opbrengsten van de dynamische RI&E Miscellaneous NVVK congres Veldhoven The Netherlands 8-11-2022
D.F.E.  Samtleben The neutrino as cosmic messenger Neutrino Telescopes Veldhoven remote The Netherlands 26-1-2022
D.F.E.  Samtleben KM3NeT physics perspective Neutrino Telescopes KM3NeT townhall meeting Catania, Italy The Netherlands 26-1-2022
D.F.E.  Samtleben KM3NeT multimessenger perspective Neutrino Telescopes Neutriverse Amsterdam The Netherlands 1-12-2022
D.F.E.  Samtleben Neutrino detection in the Mediterranean Sea Neutrino Telescopes Astronomical Colloquium, Ruhr Universität Bochum Bochum Germany 2-11-2022
P.J. de Jong Neutrino Pillar Neutrino Telescopes Committee for Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands (CAN) Symposium Soesterberg The Netherlands 16-6-2022
P.J. de Jong Recent results and status of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope Neutrino Telescopes Cosmo 22 Rio de Janeiro Brazil 24-8-2022
P.J. de Jong The neutrino program at Nikhef Neutrino Telescopes Neutriverse Amsterdam The Netherlands 30-11-2022
R.  Bruijn Results and status of the Antares and KM3NeT neutrino telescope Neutrino Telescopes European Cosmic Ray Symposium Nijmegen The Netherlands 29-7-2022
B.J.  Jung Measuring the atmospheric tau-neutrino appearance with KM3NeT Neutrino Telescopes Lunteren NNV jaarvergadering 2022 Lunteren The Netherlands 4-11-2022
E.J.  Buis New sensors for acoustic neutrino detection Neutrino Telescopes Int. Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, Arena 2022 Santiago de Compostella Spain 10-6-2022
R.S.  Muller Status, recent results and prospects of KM3NeT/ARCA Neutrino Telescopes TeVPa conference Kingston Canada 10-8-2022
E.  Laenen The European Strategey for Particle Physics Theoretical Physics Int. Conf. Horizons in Particle Accelerators and Laboratory-Based Quantum Sensors Bangalore India 17-11-2022
E.  Laenen Recent Advances in QCD Theoretical Physics GIAN lecture course, at University of Mumbai Mumbai India 2-11-2022
E.  Laenen LHC and perturbative QCD Theoretical Physics Lecture at Erice School on Subnuclear Physics Erice Italy 15-6-2022
P.J.  Mulders The symmetries of the Standard Model of Particle Physics Theoretical Physics University of Groningen (RUG) Groningen The Netherlands 17-3-2022
P.J.  Mulders Chiral Entanglement and Emergence of Hadron Structure Theoretical Physics Int. Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy (IWHSS) CERN, Geneva Switzerland 30-8-2022
J.W. van Holten Gravitational waves from post-keplerian binaries Theoretical Physics Seminar Univ. of Utah Salt Lake City USA 4-5-2022
J.W. van Holten Emilie Du Châtelet: physicist Theoretical Physics Physics Colloquium, Bonn University Bonn Germany 10-11-2022
J.W. van Holten Conformal symmetry and supersymmetry in Rindler space Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics Symposium, Tours University Tours France 15-11-2022
A.  Pelloni Deep Inelastic Scattering using Differential Equations Theoretical Physics DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects Santiago de Compostela Spain 5-5-2022
A.  Pelloni Differential Higgs Boson Production Theoretical Physics Higgs Hunting Orsay-Paris France 12-9-2022
A.  Pelloni Exact non-singlet $nf^2$ coefficient functions for DIS at four loops Theoretical Physics High Precision for Hard Processes (HP2 2022) Newcastle United Kingdom 22-9-2022
A.  Pelloni Computing DIS Coefficient Functions at four loops Theoretical Physics Amplitude meeting Edinburgh United Kingdom 29-9-2022
A.  Pelloni Deep Inelastic Scattering using Differential Equations Theoretical Physics Physics@Veldhoven (remote) The Netherlands 25-1-2022
A.  Pelloni Deep Inelastic Scattering using Differential Equations Theoretical Physics National Seminar THEP Amsterdam The Netherlands 18-3-2022
A.R.  Rehult Fingerprinting CP-violating New Physics with Rare B Meson Decays Theoretical Physics Fall meeting of the (astro-)particle physics section of the NNV Lunteren The Netherlands 4-11-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Unbinned multivariate observables for global SMEFT analyses from machine learning Theoretical Physics LHC Reinterpretation Forum Geneva (CERN) The Netherlands 14-12-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Towards an optimal global SMEFT fit with machine learning Theoretical Physics Machine Learning at GGI Florence Italy 8-9-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Unbinned measurements in global SMEFT fits from machine learning Theoretical Physics Machine Learning at GGI Paris France 29-4-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Unbinned measurements in global SMEFT fits from machine learning Theoretical Physics Machine Learning at GGI Santiago de Compostela France 5-5-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Charting Electron Energy Loss Spectra with Machine Learning, Theoretical Physics Physics@Veldhoven Veldhoven The Netherlands 25-1-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Unbinned measurements in global SMEFT fits from machine learning Theoretical Physics Learning to Discover Paris France 29-4-2022
J.J. ter Hoeve Unbinned measurements in global SMEFT fits from machine learning Theoretical Physics DIS2022 Santiago de Compostela Spain 5-5-2022
N. de Groot Plutonium-241 as a possible isotope for neutrino mass measurement and capture Theoretical Physics The 7th Symposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics (NDM22) Asheville USA 16-5-2022
E.  Malami CP violation and mixing in beauty sector: theoretical overview Theoretical Physics 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference Taipei (remote) Taiwan 16-5-2022
E.  Malami New Physics in $B_s to D_s^+ K^-$ Theoretical Physics Workshop on Status and Prospects of Non-Leptonic B Meson Decays Siegen Germany 1-6-2022
E.  Malami Puzzles in the $B^0_s to D_s^{mp} K^{pm}$ system: Do they indicate New Physics? Theoretical Physics 27th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg Germany 27-7-2022
E.  Malami Exploring New Physics in $B^0_q$–$bar B^0_q$ Mixing Theoretical Physics Theory Seminar, University of Siegen Siegen Germany 10-10-2022
E.  Malami CP violating New Physics in $B(s) to D(s) K$ Theoretical Physics Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects Geneva Switzerland 19-10-2022
E.  Malami Study of New Physics in $B^0_q-bar B^0_q$ Mixing:Challenges, Prospects and Implications for Leptonic Decays Theoretical Physics 8th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries Baden-Baden Germany 9-11-2022