Programme Leaders
Wouter Verkerke, Frank Filthaut, Ivo van Vulpen (deputy)
Main points: scientific
- New combined interpretation of single and double Higgs boson production in terms of the Higgs boson self-coupling.
- A first measurement of the Higgs boson width (lifetime) using off-shell Higgs production in the ZZ4l and ZZ2l2 decay channels.
- In the area of top quark physics a first observation was published of the simultaneous production of 4 top quarks (tttt). This process, with a tiny SM cross-section, is highly sensitive to the effects of a broad array of new physics theories.
Main points: technical
- The FELIX Trigger and readout system, co-developed at Nikhef,has been used for the commissioning efforts of the newly installed detectors, notably the muon New Small Wheel and the upgraded Level-1 calorimeter trigger. A first candidate FELIX card for the next (Phase-2) upgrade has been built and its suitability is being evaluated.
- The upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) focuses mostly on global mechanical structures. The first of the two end-cap structures has been produced, apart from minor rework; and the tooling for the strip detector petal insertion and the thermal enclosure have been determined (in collaboration with DESY).
- Suitable Low-Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) designs for the ATLAS High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) have been identified, and a possibly final readout ASIC has been designed. FELIX based readout has been established of several readout ASICs.
Awards, fellowships etc.
- ATLAS Thesis Prize (Brian Moser)
- Springer Thesis Award (Brian Moser)
- ENW-XL FASTER grant (shared with R&D, LHCb, and ALICE)
Key positions in collaborations
- Physics coordinator: Pamela Ferrari
- Authorship committee chair: Frank Filthaut
- Collaboration Board Chairperson Advisory Group member: Wouter Verkerke
- Statistics committee: Lydia Brenner, Wouter Verkerke
- Exotics group convener: Flavia Dias
- Early Career Scientist Board: Flavia Dias
- Diversity and Inclusion contact: Clara Nellist
- Convener of top-quark mass & properties subgroup: Clara Nellist
- ITk system engineer & global structures coordinator: Marcel Vreeswijk
- FELIX firmware coordinator: Frans Schreuder
- FELIX software coordinator: Mark Dönszelmann
- HGTD DAQ/Luminosity/DCS coordinator: Mengqing Wu
- HGTD Institute Board chairperson: Frank Filthaut
Main papers in 2022
- “A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery”, ATLAS Collaboration, Nature 607 (2022) 52
- “Constraining the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at s = 13 TeV”,ATLAS Collaboration, arXiv:2211.01216
- “Search for off-shell Higgs production and constraints on the total width of the Higgs boson in the ZZ4l and ZZ2l2 decay channels with the ATLAS detector”, ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS-CONF-2022-068
Programme Leader
Marcel Merk, Mara Soares (deputy)
Main points: scientific
- High precision measurement of the Bs – anti-Bs meson oscillation frequency using decays of the type Bs → Ds pi.
- Decay-time dependent CP violation studies: the study of the mixing phase φs of Bs0 oscillations using Bs→ J/ψ φ decays and the decay phase γ using Bs → DsK decays.
- Precise measurement of very rare decays of B0s→μ+μ– including the effective lifetime of this decay. Subsequently, the search for B0→μμ and the relative branching ratio of B0 over Bs for these decays. Furthermore, the search for the even stronger suppressed decays involving electrons and tau leptons: B0(s)→ e+e–, Bc → τν, and of the Lepton Flavor violating decays B0(s)→ e μ.
- Lepton universality tests in semileptonic b-quark to s-quark decays probing physics beyond the standard model, in particular using the angular distribution variables.
- Searches for long-lived massive particles through signals of displaced as well as emerging jets
Main points: technical
- Production of Velo upgrade detector modules and the installation of two sets of vacuum encapsulation boxes for the detector.
- Installation of Scintillating Fiber detector modules, the Coldboxes and the cooling infrastructure.
- Commissioning of SciFi modules in the C-frames at CERN.
- Development and commissioning of the real-time reconstruction framework and implementation of reconstruction algorithms.
Awards, fellowships etc.
- Vici: Niels Tuning and Wouter Hulsbergen,
- Swiss SNF mobility grant, Andrea Mauri,
- Veni: Andrii Usachov, Jacco de Vries, Suzanne Klaver
- CERN scientific associate: Gerhard Raven
Key positions in collaborations
- Physics Coordinator: Niels Tuning
- Run Coordinator: Niels Tuning,
- Velo Deputy project leader: Kazu Akiba,
- SciFi deputy project leader: Antonio Pellegrino,
- Data Processing and Analysis deputy project leader: Patrick Koppenburg
- Membership Committee chair: Marcel Merk,
- Working group convenor of B to CC decays: Miriam Lucio Martinez
- Working group convenor B to Open Charm Time Dependent: Emmy Gabriel
- Working group convenor Very rare decays: Mick Mulder
- Real Time Analysis deputy project leader: Gerhard Raven
- Speakers Bureau deputy chair: Keri Vos
- SciFi controls and monitor convenor: Kazu Akiba
Main papers in 2022
- Measurement of the lepton universality parameters in B+ → K+ l+l- and B0 → K*)l+l- decays, submitted to Phys Rev D, arXiv:2212.09153
- Test of lepton universality in b → s l+ l- decays, Phys Rev Lett., arXiv:2212.09152
- Observation of a J/psi \Lambda resonance consistent with a strange pentaquark candidate in B → J/\pis \Lambda p decays, Phys Rev Lett., arXiv:2210.10346
- Direct CP violation in charmless three-body decays of B+ mesons, Phys Rev D , arXiv:2206.07622
- Observation of the double charmed baryon decay \Xicc++ → \Xi’c+ pi+, JHEP 05 (2022) 038.
- Observation of the decay \Lambda B0 → \Lambda C+ tau nu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022)
Programme Leader
Raimond Snellings, Marta Verweij (deputy)
Main points: scientific
- Measurements of transport properties of Quark Gluon Plasma
- Constraints on magnitude chiral magnetic effect
- Charm baryon and meson cross-sections as function of multiplicity in proton-proton collisions
Main points: technical
- Installation of the upgrade of inner-tracking system at CERN, commissioning and first data taking.
- Research and development for 4D tracking technology for ITS3 (run 3+4) and ALICE3 (run 5)
Key positions in collaborations
- Elected Spokesperson : M. van Leeuwen
- Upgrade coordinator : M. van Leeuwen
- Physics Working Group Convenor: M. Verweij
- System Run Coordinator: I. Ravasenga
- Conference Committee: A. Grelli
- Editorial Board: P. Christakoglou, T. Peitzmann
Awards, fellowships etc.
- Vici: Marco van Leeuwen
- Start-up: Marta Verweij
Main papers in 2022
- The ALICE Collaboration. Measurement of anti-3He nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy. Nat. Phys. 19, 61–71 (2023). 10.1038/s41567-022-01804-8
- Measurement of the Groomed Jet Radius and Momentum Splitting Fraction in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV. S. Acharya et al. (A Large Ion Collider Experiment Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 102001 – Published 7 March 2022
- The Alice Collaboration. Direct observation of the dead-cone effect in quantum chromodynamics. Nature 605 (2022) 7910, 440-446, Nature 607 (2022) 7920, E22 (erratum). 10.1038/s41586-022-04572-w, 10.1038/s41586-022-05026-z
- First demonstration of in-beam performance of bent Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 1028 (2022) 166280, 10.1016/j.nima.2021.166280
Programme Leader
Steven Hoekstra
Main points: scientific
- Accurate analysis of the hyperfine structure in the X2Sigma and A2Pi state of BaF
- Demonstrated all-optical spin-precession method for sensitive eEDM searches
- Two-step detection scheme to characterise molecular beam properties developed
Main points: technical
- Developed method to analyse BaF cryogenic beam properties using CCD images
- Sideband creation for BaF laser cooling using AOMs completed
Awards, fellowships etc.
- VICI Steven Hoekstra
Main papers in 2022
- Benchmarking of the Fock-space coupled-cluster method and uncertainty estimation: Magnetic hyperfine interaction in the excited state of BaF, The NL-eEDM collaboration:, Malika Denis, Pi A B Haase, Maarten C Mooij, Yuly Chamorro, Parul Aggarwal, Hendrick L Bethlem, Alexander Boeschoten, Anastasia Borschevsky, Kevin Esajas, Yongliang Hao, Steven Hoekstra, Joost W F van Hofslot, Virginia R Marshall, Thomas B Meijknecht, Rob G E Timmermans, Anno Touwen, Wim Ubachs, Lorenz Willmann, Yanning Yin, Physical Review A, vol. 105(5), 052811 (2022)
- Molecular enhancement factors for the P,T-violating electric dipole moment of the electron in BaCH_3 and YbCH_3 symmetric top molecules, Yuly Chamorro, Anastasia Borschevsky, Ephraim Eliav, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Steven Hoekstra, Lukas F. Pasteka, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 106(5), 052811 (2022)