PhD defense Hans Montanus @ UvA

2017-04-25 14:00 | 2017-04-25 15:00

“Observing jets in cosmic air showers”

Hans Montanus, promovendus aan het Nikhef, verdedigt zijn proefschrift dinsdag 25 april 2017 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Cosmic rays consist of particles, primarily nuclei, that enter the atmosphere of the Earth from space. When a cosmic ray collides with the nucleus of an atom in the air (most likely nitrogen or oxygen), a multiplicity of secondary particles is created, which can set of a cascade known as a cosmic air shower. Shower dominated by hadronic interactions are called hadronic showers. In high-energy hadronic collisions jets can occur as a result of the hard scattering, and these jets in cosmic air showers cause density fluctuations that can be detected using HisPARC detectors. Hans Montanus uses computer simulations to investigate this phenomenon.

De observeerbaarheid van jets in atmosferische lawines veroorzaakt door kosmische deeltjes (pdf)

De promotie vindt plaats om 14.00 in de Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 – 231, Amsterdam.

Promotoren: prof. dr. P.M. Kooijman en prof.dr. J.W. van Holten
Copromotor: dr. J.J.M. Steijger

contact: Hans Montanus