Together with the University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, Nikhef provides a Master’s programme in ‘Particle and Astroparticle Physics’ that is taught in English.
Students at Utrecht University, University of Twente and Radboud University Nijmegen can make the programme part of their Master’s degree in Experimental Physics (Utrecht University), Applied Physics (University of Twente), Physics (Groningen University) or Physics and Astronomy (Radboud University Nijmegen).
The programme tackles the smallest building blocks of matter. What are these particles and what forces are they subjected to? Why is our universe constructed from matter as opposed to antimatter? During the Master’s programme you will also carry out a research project at Nikhef or at CERN in Geneva.
Mor info:
Master’s programme Particle and Astroparticle Physics at UvA/VU
Master’s programme Experimental Physics at the UU
Master’s programme Physics- and Astrophysics Radboud University
Master’s programme Applied Physics at the Universty of Twente
Master’s programme Physics at the Groningen University
Research projects
Depending on their point of interest, students can carry out the research project for their Master’s degree at one of the research groups of Nikhef in Amsterdam, Utrecht or Nijmegen – or at the theory department of the institute. A master student can also specialize in research in detector R & D
Contact: Patrick Decowski