PhD defense Maria Tsagri @ UvA

2018-05-15 12:00 | 2018-05-15 14:00

“High Precision Gaseous Pixel Detectors“

Maria Tsagri, promovenda aan het Nikhef, verdedigt haar proefschrift dinsdag 15 mei 2018 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

“The scope of this thesis is the study and development of high precision gaseous pixel detectors such as the Gossip detector and their applications in High Energy Physics. Various measurements and simulations were performed in order to validate existing physics models and detectors’ structures.”

High Precision Gaseous Pixel Detectors (pdf)

De promotie vindt plaats om 12.00 in de Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 – 231, Amsterdam.

Promotoren: prof. dr. S.C.M. Bentvelsen en prof. dr. ir. E.N. Koffeman
Co-promotor: dr. N.P. Hessey

Contact: Maria Tsagri