Barbara Trzeciak from the Intitute for Subatomic Physics (UU) received the Young Scientist Award for the best experimental talk at the major international conference in the field of heavy-ion physics, Quark Matter. She was selected from about 200 experimental speakers. Trzeciak talked about ‘Measurements of heavy-flavour correlations and jets with ALICE at the LHC’. The prize includes a cash award of €750.
“I am very honoured to receive this Young Scientist Award”, Trzeciak says. “It is a result of more than two years of measurements and data analysis in the ALICE experiment conducted in the group of Andre Mischke and the coordination work in the ALICE Heavy-Flavour group. I would like to express my gratitude to these research groups for their continuous support and stimulating discussions.”
Trzeciak obtained her Master’s and PhD degree at Warsaw University of Technology. After a postdoc position at the Czech Technical University in Prague, she took on a postdoc position in the group of André Mischke.
Source: UU