Out now: New Scientist Black Holes Special with a.o. Nikhef researchers

10 May 2024

A special issue of New Scientist on black holes was released today. The special features several Nikhef employees, among others.

Nikhef director Stan Bentvelsen talks about the Einstein Telescope. This underground experiment will be Europe’s most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. It will allow researchers to hear black holes collide and gain knowledge about the early universe. The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany are jointly investigating whether to host this world-class observatory. Further on in the special, an article with infographics dives deeper into this planned observatory.

Nikhef’s head of communications and author Martijn van Calmthout writes a letter to Albert Einstein in the issue and invites him to lunch to talk about his masterful work on gravity.

Former Nikhef PhD student and now postdoc Peter Pang talks about his Nikhef thesis on ‘multimessenger science’, a way to observe different messages from one source in the universe simultaneously and process them into one model. “For that, you have to process gigantic data streams from different disciplines, from nuclear physics to astrophysics” he says.

The special issue also highlights the new exhibition at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, opened on 20 March, called ‘Closer to the Black Hole’. The exhibition also focuses on gravitational waves and the initiative to build the new Einstein Telescope for them, a project in which Nikhef is also heavily involved.

Read the special edition of New Scientist below, download the PDF or check the New Scientist website.