We join our sister institutions here in the Netherlands and around the world in condemning the acts of racism and violence we have all witnessed taking place in the US in recent weeks. We denounce these injustices in the strongest terms and stand by the members of the Black community here and abroad, because Black Lives Matter and racism and systemic inequity have no place in our community. As shocking as these events have been, they serve as a harsh reminder that racism is prevalent throughout society in many parts of the world, including here in the Netherlands. We recognize the significance of this moment in time, and we want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the impact of inequality within the Dutch academic community. Members of our community experience bias and racism regularly, often in ways that are hidden or unrecognized by the majority of us. To those members of our academy, we want them to know they are seen, that we support them, and that we are committed to dismantling systemic and structural discrimination in our community.
The NWO mission is to advance science for the betterment and enrichment of society. We fully recognize that racism and other forms of discrimination damage and limit scientific careers, while at the same time hampering scientific potential and progress. Racism and systemic inequity deprive our community and the world of the valuable contributions these careers represent and the unique and varied perspectives that are so central to science. At NWO, we absolutely condemn racism and discrimination. They have no place in our community, our workplace, or our policies. We aspire to be an organisation where everyone feels welcome, can be their authentic selves, and can bring out the best in themselves and their colleagues. We therefore strive for a diverse organisation with an inclusive culture where everyone is valued, regardless of cultural, ethnic or religious background, gender, sexual orientation, health, or age.
At NWO, we take our responsibility to the scientific community seriously and are committed to actively dismantling systemic and structural discrimination in science. We are working and will continue to work on actions to increase, support, and retain an equitable, diverse, and representative scientific community here in the Netherlands. In the meantime, we stand in strong solidarity with the members of our scientific community and everyone affected by racism and discrimination.
We encourage scientist to communicate with us if they experience racism or bias in our funding procedures. These signals help us to change patterns, structures and processes. We also urge everybody at NWO who has concerns or needs additional support at this difficult time to contact their HR representatives or members of the NWO diversity team.
NWO Executive Board and the directory of NWO-institutes
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