Openbare lezing Robbert Dijkgraaf tijdens TIPP

4 juni 2014

Woensdagavond 4 juni geeft prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf tijdens de conferentie TIPP 2014 (Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics) de Engelstalige openbare lezing "The frontiers of physics. From the earliest Universe to the latest particle. And what is it good for?" De lezing wordt vanaf 19:45 muzikaal ingeleid door muzikanten van het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest. 

Locatie: Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam

De zaal is open vanaf 19:15 uur

Toegang is gratis

De lezing wordt georganiseerd door Nikhef (tevens host van TIPP 2014)

Wednesday evening the 4th of June Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf gives a public lecture in the ‘Beurs van Berlage’ in Amsterdam during the TIPP 2014 conference. The lecture is called "The frontiers of physics. From the earliest Universe to the latest particle. And what is it good for?" and will be introduced by musicians from the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra from 19:45 onwards.

Location: Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam

Doors open at 19.15

Free entrance

The lecture is hosted by Nikhef (also host of the TIPP conference).