Publiekslezing Youtube door Nikhef-onderzoeker Clara Nellist

2020-05-14 20:00 | 2020-05-14 21:00

Nikhef-onderzoeker Dr Clara Nellist geeft donderdag een live lezing van 30 minuten over deeltjesfysica op CERN en de ATLAS-detector. Na de lezing is er een vraag-en-antwoord sessie van 30 minuten.

Clara Nellist: “This talk is part of my fundraising efforts for Mermaids, a charity in the UK that supports young gender-diverse people. I am signed up for the Great North Run in September, but given the current situation, I’m not sure if it will be going ahead. In addition, I know that a lot of charities are struggling for funding now with many of their fundraising opportunities cancelled. So I thought this talk would be a fun way to share what we do as particle physicists as a thank you to those who have supported already and perhaps raise a bit more cash for the vital work that Mermaids is doing in the process. Please note that there is no obligation to give, as I know that many people are in difficult financial situations right now.
