Chapeau-magazine article about Einstein Telescope

12 May 2023

Einstein telescope can become a ‘gamechanger’ for Limburg and Euregio: In this article in Chapeau, a cross-media platform about the good life in Belgian and Dutch Limburg, Nikhef director Stan Bentvelsen, Nikhef researcher Stefan Hild, Guido Derks (together with Bentvelsen the driving force behind the Dutch project office) and Stefan Satijn (Limburg VVD list leader) are interviewed about the Einstein Telescope.

With the Einstein Telescope, an advanced gravitational-wave observatory, currently in the planning stage, scientists want to capture signals from just after the Big Bang, and research the nature of black holes. The border region of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is an ideal location. This is because of its tranquillity, stable ground and strong ecosystem of scientific institutions and high-tech companies.

Read the article on the website of Chapeau (Dutch only)