NWO election debate

2021-02-17 10:00 | 2021-02-17 11:00

The first NWO election debate about the future of research in the Netherlands has generated considerable interest. This debate will take place online on Wednesday 17 February from 10 am to 11 am. Lucella Carasso, journalist at NOS, will present questions to candidates from VVD, D66, CDA, ChristenUnie, GroenLinks and SGP about their political ambitions for research in the Netherlands.

What is the future of research in the Netherlands?

Topics such as knowledge, innovation and science are probably not major themes in the national election campaign, nor do they usually receive much attention from the major news media. That is why NWO is organising this election debate with candidates from various parties. NWO is thus offering researchers and research institutions the opportunity to voice their questions to the participating politicians in advance. NWO has had an enthusiastic response, and the number of registrations is growing fast. Questions are being asked about the way in which politicians want to give science a role in policymaking, but also about the value of science in the current coronavirus crisis. Another important question that is often asked concerns the size of the budget allocated to research and innovation. And what do the political parties intend to do about researchers’ workload?

About Lucella Carasso

Moderated by Lucella Carasso, the event will see political parties debate the future of research in the Netherlands. Carasso is a former parliamentary reporter with the NOS and now hosts the radio programme ‘Met het Oog op Morgen’. In 2004, Lucella received the Philip Bloemendal Prize, a biennial award for the most talented young presenter on radio and/or television.

Practical information

The debate will take place on Wednesday 17 February between 10 am and 11 am in Nieuwspoort and will be broadcast live. Due to current COVID-19 measures, there will be no audience. To follow the debate online, you can register free of charge on NWO’s registration page.