ONLINE COLLOQUIUM: “Resistive readout in silicon detectors” by Nicolo Cartaglia (Turin / INFN)

2020-10-30 11:00 | 2020-10-30 12:00

Speaker: Nicolo Cartaglia (Turin / INFN)

Title: “Resistive readout in silicon detectors”


In this seminar, I will present the implementation of the resistive readout principle to the silicon detector. Resistive Silicon detectors, also known as AC-LGADs, are a new kind of silicon detector that uses the combination of a continuous resistive readout electrode with AC readout to share the signal among pads. In this design, the signal is collected on a continuous resistive electrode, and it is AC-coupled to pixel electronics. This technique leads naturally to signal sharing among pads, even in very thin sensors and without an external magnetic field.

Our prototypes have shown that resistive readout works remarkably well and, using the shared signals, the position resolution is extremely good (3-5 um), even with large pads (200-300 um). These new sensors, combining internal gain and internal sharing, provide very good temporal resolution (~30-40ps), have a 100% fill factor, and are ideal for systems requiring a very low material budget.

This colloquium will be online only (PIN required):

link to colloquia overview in the Nikhef agenda