Colloquium within National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics “Exploring black holes with gravitational waves” by Badri Krishnan (RU)

2023-03-17 11:15 | 2023-03-17 12:15

Colloquium within National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics (DRSTP):

Friday 17 March, 11.15h, at Nikhef/CWI in Z011.

Speaker: Badri Krishnan (RU)

Title: “Exploring black holes with gravitational waves”

The LIGO and Virgo observatories have now observed gravitational wave signals from close to 100 binary black hole merger events. These observations potentially enable us now to confront theoretical predictions of general relativity with observational data. Some of the most remarkable predictions of general relativity are concerned with black holes. These include: the black hole area increase law, properties of black hole horizons, uniqueness theorem and black hole quasi-normal modes. In this talk, I will review recent results in this direction, and the prospects with future, more sensitive detectors.

This colloquium will be hybrid:

More information about the National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics

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