COLLOQUIUM “Testing Locality via Bell’s Inequality and/or Entanglement at Colliders?” by Herbert Dreiner (Bonn)

2024-12-13 11:00 | 2024-12-13 12:00

Friday 13 December, 11.00h, at Nikhef in the Colloquium room

Speaker: Herbert Dreiner (Bonn)

Title: “Testing Locality via Bell’s Inequality and/or Entanglement at Colliders?”


In 2022 the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Aspect, Clauser, and Zeilinger for the work on the foundations of quantum mechanics. In particular Aspect performed a fundamental test of locality via Bell’s inequality using pairs of correlated photons from an atomic transition. That is: is Nature inherently local, or is it non-local as predicted by QM? Since 2022 there has been a surge of interest in whether such a test can be performed at high energy colliders with fermions using self-analyzing decays, with many claims in the affirmative. We argue that it is NOT possible to perform such a test for fundamental reasons, and it is similarly NOT possible to demonstrate entanglement at colliders. The talk should be accessible with a basic understanding of QM.