URN namespace assigned to NIKHEF by GEANT - list of assigned names
URN | Owner | Description or reference |
urn:geant:nikhef.nl | urnmanager@nikhef.nl | Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energie Fysica |
urn:geant:nikhef.nl:idm | davidg@nikhef.nl | Nikhef identity management |
urn:geant:nikhef.nl:aai | davidg@nikhef.nl | Nikhef Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure services |
Note: This URN has been delegated to Nikhef by GEANT based on the provisions of RFC 4926. Subassignements from this delegation - for Nikhef purposes only - can be addressed to the OID and URN manager.