These documents provide good background and some copy-paste text that can be used to generate or fill the required NWO Data Management Plan (DMP) documents for any project related to the LHC experiments. The text you can copy from here, actually making a properly-formatted DMP is most easily done in DMP Online.

When using the DMPOnline tool, you can select the “NWO” (2020) template.

Please use that one, since otherwise the NWO assessors will fail to tick the rubric and you’ll get it returned with a request to ‘use an approved template’. We recently found out that their own NWO 2017 templates also get rejected, so are recasting the LHC standard templates also in the new format. We’ll be regenerating the ‘click-n-go’ LHC templates shortly - the LHCb one is the proposed new format and will be tested to see if it makes it through the NWO rubric. This experiment is ongoing.

Forms for use in NWO submission (2023 versions)

Nikhef-LHC-DMP-LHCb-NWO-DMP-Template-version-September-2020.docxNikhef template LHC LHCb DMP form (NWO 2020 template, OOXML docx format)
Nikhef-LHC-DMP-LHCb-NWO-DMP-Template-version-September-2020.pdfNikhef template LHC LHCb DMP form (NWO 2020 template, PDF format)
Nikhef-LHC-DMP-ATLAS-NWO-DMP-Template-version-2023.docxNikhef template LHC ATLAS DMP form (NWO 2020 template, OOXML docx format)
Nikhef-LHC-DMP-ATLAS-NWO-DMP-Template-version-2023.pdfNikhef template LHC ATLAS DMP form (NWO 2020 template, PDF format)
Nikhef-LHC-DMP-ALICE-NWO-DMP-Template-version-2023.docxNikhef template LHC Alice DMP form (NWO 2020 template, OOXML docx format)
Nikhef-LHC-DMP-ALICE-NWO-DMP-Template-version-2023.pdfNikhef template LHC Alice DMP form (NWO 2020 template, PDF version)
Theory_and_Phenomenology_compact_DMP_example-2023.pdfExample for a small project in theory or phenomenology using mostly simulations and generating code (PDF format)

Forms for use in NWO submission (2017 versions)

Formulier Datamanagementplan ENG - ATLAS-v03-plan.docxNikhef template LHC ATLAS DMP form
Formulier Datamanagementplan ENG - ATLAS-v03-plan.pdfNikhef template LHC ATLAS DMP form
Formulier Datamanagementplan ENG - Alice-v01-plan.docxNikhef template LHC Alice DMP form
Formulier Datamanagementplan ENG - LHCb-v01-plan.docxNikhef template LHC LHCb DMP form

CERN Organisation conventions

Convention.pdfCERN Convention original EN/FR (as amended 1971)
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research _ CERN Council-amended1971.pdfCERN convention EN (searchabe text)
CERN_Circ_Op_en_03.pdfCERN Operational Circular No. 3 (EN)

LHC Experiments

CERN-OPEN-2020-013.pdfCERN Open Data policy for the LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) foundation policy
LHCb-Data-Policy-v2.pdfLHC LHCb Data Policy v2 (aligned with CERN OPEN 2020-013) (2020)
ATLAS-Data-Policy-2021.pdfLHC Atlas Data Policy 2021 (aligned with CERN OPEN 2020-013)
CERN-RRB-2002-034.pdfLHC Alice experiment M&O MoU
ALICE-Data-Policy.pdfLHC Alice Experiment Data Policy
ALICEOrgvs9.pdfLHC Alice Experiment Organisational Structure
MOU.pdfLHC Atlas experiment M&O MoU
gen-96-016.pdfLHC Atlas experiment Organsiation Structure
CERN-RRB-2002-032.pdfLHC LHCb experiment M&O MoU
Constitution_25Feb2015.pdfLHC LHCb Experiment LHCb Constitution
construction_MoU_24-11-00.pdfLHC LHCb experiment Construction
LHCb-Data-Policy.pdfLHC LHCb Experiment Data Policy (2014)

Nikhef and NWO-I RDM policy and Research Integrity talk

NikhefRDMPolicy-v4-20171207.docxNikhef RDMP v4 (incorportating feedback NWOI contactgroup)
NikhefRDMPolicy-v4-20171207.pdfNikhef RDMP v4 (incorportating feedback NWOI contactgroup)
NWO-Institutes-Data-Management-Policy-Framework.pdfNWO-I Data Management Policy Framework
talk-ri.pdfPractical Guidance on Data Management at Nikhef (Computing Course November 2017)
NWO-I-Toolbox-wetenschappelijke-integriteit_aug2022.pdfNWO-I Research Integrity toolkit