The GEANT Trusted Certificate Service (Gen4, using the Sectigo back-end) is best enjoyed with some supporting scripts to re-cast the certificates into a usable form for users and system administrators. The scripts here are experimental (i.e. there is limited support)
The “tcsg4” (and “sg*”) scripts are for use with the 4th generation GEANT TCS service (using Sectigo as a back-end operator). The scripts for TCSG3, that used DigiCert as a back-end, are available under tcsg3/, and may still be useful for other DigiCert customers. We apologize for the rather haphazard code layout, which is most certainly ‘hackish’ and originated as demonstrators or local scripts. We encourage everyone to make improvements or do code cleanup. The shell scripts are written so as to require minimal dependencies (usually only OpenSSL and basic utilities like ls, awk, or grep)
Note: This is expertimental software by the Nikhef Physics Data Processing group - subject to our customary-best-effort service level: if it’s broken, tell us and we might even fix it. If it works: also tell us, so we may change it beyond recognition. And: ‘if it breaks, you get to hold the pieces’.
Getting all code
- Download Gen4 scripts for the “2020” TCS service
- Legacy Gen3 scripts for the DigiCert-based 2015 service
Retrieve and regularize SSL server certificates for use
Import/regularisation scripts that rectify certificate chain issues for
server certificates. Required for web servers to fix ordering and get
appropriate chain files for Apache, IIS, and NGinx
Usage: [-d destdir] [-r|-R] [-f]
[-b backupprefix] <PKCS7.p7b> | EnrollmentID | p7b-URL
-d destdir write result files to <destdir>
-r use EEC commonName as basis for new filenames
--no-rename use the base filename of the P7B file for new filenames
-R use EEC commonName and date as basis for filenames
-f do not make backups of existing files
-b bckprefix prefix of the filename to use when making backups
<PKCS7.p7b> filename of the blob produced by Sectigo
or URL to the PKCS#7 blob from the success email
remember to "quote" the URL to preserve the ampersands
or Self-Enrollment ID number (numeric)
Create certificate requests (CSR) with alternative names
Create the most compatible CSRs, that will work with both OV and EV requests
and for EV anchors. Supports unlimited alternative names, wildcard certs, and
can generate both RSA and ECC requests. Can be fed with the output of existing
certificates ("openssl x509 -text") and will automatically remove any "DNS:"
and superfluous comma's in the list.
For ECC, use only P256 and P384. Sectigo does not support ec25519 :(
Usage: [-d destdir] hostname [hostname ...]
-d destdir write result files to <destdir>
(default: ./tcs-<hostname>/)
-b bits use <bits> for RSA key length (default: 2048) or curve for
ECC (e.g. "prime256v1", set explicitly)
-f | --force overwrite existing files
-E | --ecc generate ECC cert (remember to set -b to the curve!)
hostname hostname (FQDN) to be included in the request
Any literal string "WILDCARD" will be replaced by
a "*" in the hostname - it should ONLY be included as
the first element of the fqdn, and MUST be on its own
(the list of hostnames may be separated by spaces or commas)
Unpack, regularise, and install personal and IGTF personal credentials
Convert the "p12" blob you get from Sectigo into useful formats with the
script below. Never use the blob as-is, not even for import into a browser
or email client! - on Linux, MacOS, and Cygwin systems, always regularise
it first with the install script, or it may break both you and the world.
Especially useful for IGTF client certificates, as it automatically
installs also your .globus/ unpacked credentials!
See the step-by-step guide at
and the documentation pages from
Usage: [-d destdir] [-p passfile] [-r|-R] [-f]
[-n name] [-b backupprefix] <PKCS12.p12>
-d destdir write result files to <destdir>
if <destdir> contains "globus", also make the
symlinks userkey.pem and usercert.pem for GCT tools
-p passfile file with the password to use (same for input
and for output PKCS#12 and private keys)
-r use EEC commonName as basis for new filenames
-R use EEC commonName and date as basis for filenames
-f do not make backups of existing files
-n name set friendly name of the credential in corrected
PKCS#12 (.p12) file produced. If unset, is taken
from the commonName of the EEC and issuance date
-b bckprefix prefix of the filename to use when making backups
--csr generate a CSR request file for future use in destdir
<PKCS12.p12> filename of the blob produced by Sectigo
Notice: do NOT import the blob from Sectigo directly into
anything, since it will corrupt your key chain. Always use
the "package-<name>.p12" file created by this script
About these tools
Shell scripts by David Groep, Nikhef. API tool by Dennis van Dok, Nikhef.
Apache 2.0 License -