The 2024 European HTCondor Workshop was held from Tuesday 24th September to Friday 28th September, at Nikhef. Condor has a long history at Nikhef, and this event celebrates collaboration and a bright future.

The workshop will be an excellent occasion for learning from the experts (the developers!) about HTCondor, exchanging with your colleagues about experiences and plans and providing your feedback to the experts.

The HTCondor Compute Entrypoint (CE) will be covered as well as with token authentication (currently a hot topic), along with general use and administration of HTCondor.

Participation is open to all organisations (including companies) and persons interested in HTCondor (and by no means restricted to particle physics and/or academia!) If you know potentially interested persons, don’t hesitate to make them aware of this opportunity.

The workshop will cover both using and administering HTCondor; topics will be chosen to best match participants’ interests.

Review the programme at the workshop Indico pages.