CVMFS Workshop and GBD in Amsterdam
The next CernVM Users Workshop will be held from 12 to 14 September 2022 at Nikhef, Amsterdam. The workshop will be co-hosted with the GDB on 14 September.
Please save the date! We will provide more information shortly.
As usual, the workshop aims to bring together users and developers to discuss the current status of the CernVM ecosystem and the future directions, with a fresh look onto the landscape of cloud technology and software delivery.
In-person meeting
This is planned as an in-person event with the possibility of joining remotely. If you plan to attend, either in-person or remotely, please register.
Attending the event in-person is free but for logistical reasons we would like to know how many people will be there. Let us know if you wish to change your registration.
Read more on the Indico event page