Experience and degree in High Energy Physics

Topics for obtaining practical experience and/or a degree of various nature are offered.  In order to get a better impression of which activities will be involved, several finished 'master' reports are listed.  Some of these can be consulted here.

Topics for obtaining practical experience and/or a degree

At present, the following topics for gaining experience and/or (masters) degree are being offered.  In general, the student is required to join NIKHEF in Amsterdam.  At very special occasions, part of the tasks (after consultation) may be carried out in Enschede.  Participation in (temporary) experiments abroad also belongs to the possibilities.  Areas of research are:

Beam telescope

Data acquisition and 2nd level trigger

Diamond sensors

Muon detectors

Silicon pixel detectors

Silicon strip modules

Physics- and detector simulation

Vertex detection techniques

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Reports on practical experience and masters reports

Past years several students at the University of Twente obtained their degree in 'High Energy Physics' on various topics.  All of them participated in the activities at NIKHEF in Amsterdam.

N.Z. Chen:  'Ageing Behaviour of Micro Strip Gas Counters' (1996).

R. van der Eijk:  'A NIKHEF pilot Study on the Use of Diamond as a Particle Detection Medium' (1997).

T.H.C. Jarigsma:  'Characterization of the Omega3/LHC1 Silicon Pixel Detector' (1997).

J.J. Velthuis:  'Pumping effects in CVD Diamond Particle Detectors' (1998).

G.J. Heijboer:  'GRAIL:  Using electrostatical Excitations of Vibrational Modes in a Solid as a Calibration Method' (1998).

R. Scholte:  ''A Beam-Telescope for high-precision Tracking' (1998).

Also students from other universities (for instance the U.v.A.) have obtained their masters in our group:

P. Balm:  ' ' (1999).

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Latest change: 13 January 1999 nederlandse versie email: vaneijk@nikhef.nl

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