Working group of Sascha Caron
Associate Professor
Radboud University and Nikhef

Particle Physics, Machine Learning,
Dark Matter, AI, Colliders,
ATLAS experiment, Phenomenology,
Astrophysics Data-derived search strategies

Working group Sascha Caron

I'm a particle physicists and work since begin 2006 for the ATLAS experiment at CERN (Geneva). I was a member of the DØ experiment at Fermilab (Chicago) between 2004 and 2006 and a member of the H1 experiment at DESY (in Hamburg) between 1998 and 2004.

Together with my group I try to discover signals from new physics, e.g. physics outside our current theory of the microscopic world (the so-called Standard Model). For this we develop data science methods for astroparticle physics problems, astrophysics and theory.
Select some of the research topics from the menu bar.

For those even more interested in my physics life: a brief CV
ATLAS Experiment


ATLAS Experiment
This is a collection of work that we are doing in ATLAS (including some links to notes, papers and relevant webpages):

Some coordination activities of group members: Monte Carlo studies, Data analysis, software, trigger, upgrade activities:

Additional (old) info: - My Outreach work and some review articles
- Interested in really old stuff? My Ph.D. thesis and diploma thesis at the RWTH Aachen can be found here.
Data Science and Machine Learning for Particle Physics & Dark Matter


Examples of our data science related research topics outside ATLAS are (see also phenomenology papers)::
- The autosourceid project to automatize point source detection and classification, see AutoSourceID
(use cases for gamma ray and optical data)
- Darkmachines initiative on Optimisation algorithms for high-dimensional particle and astrophysics applications, e.g. : first paper
- The darkmachines unsupervised challenge, see: benchmark dataset and LHC challenge
- Developing various anomaly score algorithms for LHC data analysis, e.g. rare+different
- A database for high-parameteric data in the fields of Astro and Particlephysic : Prototype at idarksurvey (based on SPOT developed with the Dutch escience center)
- Using Machine Learning and advanced data analysis to identify the nature of Dark Matter. We initated the worldwide first workshop and build a community. Go to darkmachines.org
- The the idark project with the Dutch escience center
- The BSM-AI project to use machine learning to learn the global model-data: susy-ai & bsm-ai
- The ASTRO-AI projec to use ConvNets for Astrophysics, a first paper is : ConvNets for gamma-rays
- The DeepXS project to learn cross sections: DeepXS
- Exploring physical models with active learning
- Building deep generative model based Event Generators
- Data-derived searches for New Physics and search algorithms:
work in H1 experiment, , work in ATLAS



We published a few papers outside of the ATLAS, D0 and H1 collaborations. Full list of papers containing my name can be found here here . Other examples are (not complete):
Our group members also collaborate on research topics with Astronomers and Astrophysics, especially with the application of Machine Learning methods. Examples are papers on Astroseismology and the Event Horizon Projects by Luc Hendriks and various projects within the darkmachines initiative.


@Radboud University Nijmegen:
Former students and Post Docs:



Dr. Sascha Caron
Associate Professor
Radboud University Nijmegen and Nikhef
Email: scaron at cern.ch

Tel. in Nijmegen:
+31 24 365 3660
Tel. at CERN:
+41 22 76 76049

in Nijmegen:
Experimental High Energy Physics
Huygens building (room: HG02.828)
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands
at CERN:
Bld. 54 Room 3-002


Brief CV

Sascha Caron is an associate professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen and a leading researcher at Nikhef. He works at the interface of fundamental physics and data science. He has been involved in several important experiments, such as D0 (at Fermilab) and H1 (DESY). As a researcher at the ATLAS experiment (CERN), he made leading contributions to the first LHC searches for dark matter and supersymmetry and is pioneering data-driven methods and machine learning to explore new physical phenomena. In addition to his experimental work, Caron leads research in the fields of dark matter phenomenology, astroparticle physics and astrophysics. Caron has initiated and led a number of innovative projects dealing with data analysis and artificial intelligence. These include collaborations with the Dutch eScience Center, the Dutch Supercomputing Center, contributions to the "Les Houches Workshop" series and the co-founding of the Darkmachines Initiative. He is currently initiating a pioneering pan-European collaboration to integrate AI in fundamental physics research (European Collaboration for AI in Fundamental physics (EuCAIF)) and works closely with renowned European research organizations such as ECFA, APPEC and NUPECC.