Recently part of the ATLAS group at NIKHEF became involved in the development of the Higher Level Trigger. The interests of this group include top quark physics and associated Higgs boson production. As part of this research I am initiating an effort on trigger studies and the integration with the LCG computing infrastructure.
Excellent candidates for graduate positions are invited to express their interest in this effort. Please contact me at:
Sander Klous
PO Box 41882
NL-1009 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +3120 592 2020
Fax: +3120 592 5155
PhD students at NIKHEF are appointed on the basis of a four year contract and receive a thorough training within the international research school "Subatomic Physics". They profit from a well-structured and multidisciplinary training and research program. She/he has the opportunity to be engaged in many international contacts and (for brief periods) at foreign laboratories.
NIKHEF coordinates and supports major research activities in experimental and theoretical subatomic physics in the Netherlands. It is supported by the national funding agency for physics research FOM, the Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen and the Universiteit Utrecht. The academic staff consists of about 120 physicists of whom more than half are PhD students or postdoctoral research associates. Technical support is provided by a well-equipped mechanical workshop, an advanced electronic engineering workshop, an engineering design group and an information technology group.
The technical support staff totals about 100. The design and construction of detectors and the analysis of data takes place at the institute in Amsterdam as well as at the participating universities.