
MT - ATLAS Trigger Algorithms, Performance and Menus (May 2007 - Phone/VRVS):
Jet Trigger Studies

SK - Advanced Computing and Analysis Tools (April 2007 - Amsterdam):
Remote Online Farms

IM - NIKHEF/ATLAS Physics Analysis Tools meeting (Januari 2007 - Amsterdam):
Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay (Using TopView)

MT - NIKHEF/ATLAS Physics Analysis Tools meeting (Januari 2007 - Amsterdam):
Hadronic ttbar selection and Jet Energy Scale calibration

SK - Calorimeter Calibration workshop (September 2006 - Barcelona):
Event Filter processing of calibration events on remote farms

SK - The VENI presentation (May 2006 - Utrecht):
Chasing the Higgs boson with a worldwide distributed trigger system

SK - Plenary presentation at TDAQ week about streaming (May 2006 - Geneva):
Streaming in the Higher Level Trigger


SK - The VENI proposal (January 2006):
Chasing the Higgs boson with a worldwide distributed trigger system



A worldwide distributed trigger system

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