The Main directory for FORM

For the most recent changes, please consult the history.

The current version of FORM is 3.3. In this version there is support for computers with more than one processor. The `multi-threaded' version is called TFORM. It runs on computers with shared memory. The version for computers in which the processors don't share their memory is called ParFORM. Its availability is more restricted, due to more problems of portability.

The distribution contains:
binaries The binaries of the latest version.
documentation The tutorial, reference manuals, etc.
packages The packages that come with the distribution.
courses Course material.
publications Publications about FORM.
other programs Like stedi, minos and axodraw.
old versions The binaries and documentation of previous versions.

As a special there here is also a link to the MZV data mine. This is an enormous database of relations between Multiple Zeta Values and relations between Euler sums.

For more information about FORM, click here.

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