The status bar

Besides the messages that appear in the center of the status bar from time to time,the status bar has a number of fields which record various settings of options of the editor. On the left side is the line number. On the extreme right is the buffer name. Then just to the left of the buffer name are nine character fields which indicate settings of the editor. These fields will be covered in order from left to right. They are called status characters because each one indicates the status of a particular setting of stedi. A summary of these fields is as follows.

I/O Insert or Overwrite mode
A/U/R/P MS-DOS or Atari/ Unix/ Raw/
  Printer output mode
0 or $\infty $/$\gg$/$\ll$/>/< Search Direction mode
N/S Case Sensitivity
Y/y Yank buffer in use
B/b/!! or $\dagger$ Backup options
1/2/.../0 Current buffer
$\circ $ `Dirty Bit' telling whether
  a file has been changed
