Backup Mode

Stedi allows three modes for creating backup files. These are the normal backup mode `B', the invisible backup mode `b', and the no backup mode (either ! or !! or \dagdepending on the character fonts). A `V' can also occur in this field indicating that the buffer is in `view only' mode. The seventh status character indicates which of these settings is currently chosen. The backup options have the following effects.

Whenever a file is saved to disk, the previous version will be kept, with the file extension `.bak' now appended to its name. If the system allows only a single file extension the original extension is removed first.
The backup will be made invisible or hidden. This can be useful for those using a hard disk and have very full directories. The same naming convention applies as with the `B' option. This option has become obsolete.
! or !! or $\dagger$
No backup at all is made. Many users start with using this option and a fair percentage switches to another option after a while. When trying things out with a difficult source file it may be nice to still have an older version after execution of the new version turns out to be a disaster.

Care should be exercised with the use of the last option, though it may be necessary at times if no room for a backup is available. The backup flag can be toggled with Alt-B.

A `V' can also occur in this space of the status bar. This indicates that the file is `View Rights Only' In this mode, a file can be edited but the editor will not allow the altered program to be saved. This option can be set as follows:

Sets the `View Only' option.
Gets you out of the `View Only' mode.
This option is set automatically when the user reads a file for which there are no writing rights.