List of messages and their meanings

This chapter is something like an anti panic chapter. It explains very shortly what each message means, and how serious it is.

# bytes: #/# screen: #,# lines: #
See the equals command (=) p. [*].
# character(s) in learn buffer #
When a learn sequence is completed (p. [*]) this message will appear.
# lines per formatted printerpage. Offset = #
The setting of the page layout is reported after setting it with the pp command. See p. [*].
# lines read.
After a file has been read the number of lines is reported.
# lines sent to the printer.
After a file has been printed the number of lines is reported. This number is reported after stedi has finished sending the lines and before it returns control to the user. The printer may still be printing as it may have a buffer of its own.
# lines written.
After a file has been written the number of lines is reported.
# replacement(s)
After a replacement this indicates the number of successful replacements.
'file' not found
The user tried to read a file but it wasn't there.
'name' is illegal name
The given name isn't a proper name for a variable (p. [*]).
'var' = contents
The answer to a show command if the variable has a value.
'var' is undefined
The answer to a show command if the variable is undefined.
Abort execution? (Y/N)
When both shift keys are pressed during the execution of a macro the user is asked whether the execution should be halted.
Access denied.
A file cannot be read, due to a lack of rights.
Already learning in a lower buffer.
You cannot start learning in a higher buffer if a lower learn sequence is already running (p. [*]).
Autoindent at column #(+)
Autoindent off.
Autoindent on.
Regular messages corresponding either to a change in the settings of the auto-indent mode or a request to what the auto-indent status is currently.
Buffer is ViewOnly.
Reply to an attempt to write a buffer that is in the View-Only mode (see p. [*]).
Buffer made read-only!
When a file cannot be read in its entirety, due to a lack of memory, this message will be displayed. Stedi will automatically turn on the View-Only mode to prevent accidental writing of a truncated file (see p. [*]).
Buffer not found
A buffer was searched by name, and it couldn't be located.
Buffer unsaved. Empty anyway? (Y/N)
The clear buffer command is given (shift-F9) and the current buffer has its dirty flag on. You can answer with Y or N.
Cannot create file 'name'
Somehow the file system refuses to create this file properly.
Cannot delete running macro
It is possible to execute the md command (p. [*]) from a macro. It is however not allowed to kill or remove a currently active macro.
Cannot find file 'name'
Either the default file cannot be located, or a file with key redefinitions as specified in the K command (p. [*]) cannot be found by the file system.
Cannot find help file. Quitting is with shift-F10.
If the help file cannot be located the least the editor can let you know is how you can get out.
Cannot find macro 'name'
The requested macro couldn't be located. Do you have the proper default directory or environment variable STEDIMAC?
Cannot make a proper backup.
Somehow the old file cannot be renamed so that it gets a .bak extension.
Cannot move old file to backup.
The name of the old file corresponds to that of an object of which you aren't allowed to change the name into a name with the extension .bak.
Cannot read defaults from learn buffer.
You aren't allowed to read a default file from a learn buffer (p. [*]).
Cannot remove old backup.
A previous backup file cannot be removed. Is it readonly?
Cannot save a buffer without a name
Before a buffer can be saved, the buffer must have a name.
Columns must be in range 1-255
A reply to a sort command with an illegal request for a column range.
Command too long.
The command you just entered is longer than 255 characters after the substitution of the variables in it.
Cursor not in a fold line.
You cannot open a fold if the cursor isn't on the fold line.
Cursor not inside a legal fold.
You cannot close the current fold if the cursor isn't inside a fold.
Cursor not on a bracket.
You cannot search for a matching bracket if the cursor isn't on a bracket.
Cursor not on a word.
The cursor isn't on a word and you are trying to do something with the current word.
DFT file from 'path'
A reply to the setting of the path for the default file with the DD command (p. [*]).
Deallocation error
Some internal error has messed up the line allocation mechanism inside stedi. If you can reproduce this the author would like to know how. Anyway it is time for panic. See what you can save, but be smart and don't write it over your regular files (don't use the save command). If that can be done you should leave the editor and start it up again.
Defaults written to 'fullname'
The reply to a DW (defaults write) command (p. [*]);
Detabbed # line(s)
The number of lines in which stedi had to look for tabs to execute a TE (tabs expand) command (empty lines don't count) (see p. [*]).
Drive not connected.
You were asking for the available disk space on a drive that isn't known to the operating system.
Drive not found.
Message returned by the file system. The requested file couldn't be found for the indicated reason.
Else without if
Each else statement must belong to an if statement and each if statement can have at most one else. See the chapter on macro's p. [*].
Empty substring
A substring in a regular expression is a string enclosed by double quotes. You used the meaningless sequence "".
Endwhile without while
Each endwhile statement in a macro's should correspond to a while statement earlier in the text (see macro's p. [*]).
Error #
While returning from executing a shell command this error number was reported by the operating system (see `Execute an external command' p. [*]).
Error while reading key redefinitions Hit any key to abort
This message can occur only during startup. It means that something is wrong with your default file.
Error while reading macros. Hit any key to abort
This message occurs only during startup. It means that something is wrong with your default file.
Error while reading.
A general mishap reported by the file system during reading of a file. Reading is aborted.
Error while writing. Disk full?
The operating system reported an error during writing. The most common reason for such an error is that the disk is full.
Error while writing. File unreliable.
An error is reported during the writing of the default file. It would be best to remove it as it has only partially been written.
Evaluation error
The evaluation of the right side of a set statement or the expression in an if or while statement ran into some problems. Check your expression carefully (p. [*]).
Execution time = #.# sec.
After the execution of an external command stedi always reports the time to an accuracy of tenths of a second.
Expression too complicated during matching
An internal stack overflow was reported during the matching of a regular expression. For this to happen there should be a few hundred objects in the match.
Expression too complicated.
The pattern for a regular expression is too complicated to be translated. This is quite some expression. The author would like to see it (if you think it is altogether reasonable to have stedi process this expression).
File exists already. Write anyway ? (Y/N)
The write command was issued with the name of a file that exists already. Stedi wants to know for sure that the user doesn't mind that this name is used nevertheless. A .bak version will be made if the backup setting asks for it.
File not found.
A reply of the operating system when a file has to be read and cannot be located.
Fold lines may not be changed.
You undertook an attempt to alter a line that represents a closed fold. This is not allowed (p. [*]).
Fold not found.
If you look for a fold by name it can always happen that the fold doesn't exist (typing error?).
Fold line skipped
A paste in block mode was done and one of the lines that should have gotten a new piece in it was a closed fold line. The fold line wasn't changed!
Higher buffer called from a lower one!
An attempt at replaying a higher learn buffer from a lower one was intercepted (see p. [*])
If without endif
For each if statement in a macro there must be an endif statement. According to stedi there is no matching endif for the if statement of which the line number is given in regular way for macro error messages (see the chapter on macro's p. [*]).
Illegal end of expression
Either a regular expression pattern wasn't completed properly or an expression that had to be evaluated wasn't complete.
Illegal end of macro
The evaluation of an expression ran into the end of the macro. This can happen when the end of line has been escaped with either an escape character or a backslash and there are no more lines.
Illegal if/while nesting
This could involve a sequence of statements like: if, while, endif, endwhile. Such a sequence of statements is of course illegal.
Illegal key redefinition file.
The file read with the K command (p. [*]) cannot be recognized as a proper key redefinition file.
Illegal name for variable
The name of the variable you tried to use didn't conform to the rules (see the chapter on variables p. [*]).
Illegal option in field 'string'
The option refers to an option in the command that was used to start stedi. See the chapter on running stedi p. [*].
Illegal position for )
The parentheses inside an expression to be evaluated aren't at the right place.
Illegal repetitor
A repetitor in a regular expression was found wanting. See the definition of repetitors p. [*].
Illegal sequence of operators
The operators in an expression to be evaluated were in an improper order. See p. [*] about the syntax of the operators.
Illegal sequence starting with 'string'
A regular expression isn't formed properly. The offending object is shown.
Illegal string
A string (enclosed in double quotes) had an illegal ending (maybe the closing double quote is missing). This message is reported by the routine that evaluates expressions.
Illegal substring
A substring (string enclosed in double quotes in a regular expression) wasn't formed properly. Check your expression.
Illegal use of @
A digit was expected after the character during the compilation of your regular expression. See the chapter on regular expressions p. [*].
Improper defaults file.
The default file cannot be right. It is way too short. You'd better throw it away.
Improper use of @ in rhs
A digit was expected after the character in the right hand side of a replacement by means of regular expressions. See the chapter on regular expressions p. [*].
Improper use of nonnumerical string
An arithmetic operation was attempted on a nonnumerical string. See the part about operators in expressions p. [*].
Internal error!
This is a sign of stedi getting into trouble. If you can reproduce this one, please report it to the author. This particular message is generated by the routine that performs the operations for the evaluation of an expression.
Invalid default file. Hit any key to abort
This message can occur only during startup. It means that something is wrong with your default file.
Invalid load format.
This message is reported by the operating system when the program you tried to execute by means of the ! command isn't a proper executable program.
Invalid range in string
Inside a group of characters in a regular expression (indicated by straight brackets) a range of characters wasn't formed right. See the part on character groups p. [*].
Irregular ending
A regular expression statement ends in an escape of the end of line and there are no more lines in the macro (or the command line).
Key not active
A key combination was used that isn't bound to anything. When this happens suddenly to your favorite key redefinitions you better check (i) the default file. Did you load the right one. (ii) have the redefinitions been loaded? (iii) Did you add a redefinition that messes up your scheme (see example 2 p. [*]) (iv) what happened to the flags? (v) if all else fails, reread the chapter on key redefinitions p. [*]. (vi) Don't Panic! (vii) Start from scratch.
Label 'name' not found
A goto statement without a label is quite serious in a macro. (Goto's are quite serious anyway, but sometimes they are very handy).
Line too long.
First source: Line allocation mechanism. Somehow a request for a line of more than 16000 characters was made. The author would like to know how you did it. Second source: The command you gave was expanded into a command of more than 255 characters after the variables were substituted.
Line too long. cut up? (Y/N/Q)
During reading of the input a line of more than 255 characters has to be constructed. If you don't want the editor to cut it up the reading will be stopped. It is usually an indication that you are reading a file without linefeeds/carriage returns. This can be either a binary file or a file from some word processor with its own ideas about character files. Usually one can still do much with such a file by putting stedi in the raw mode (Alt-R) before reading the file. See also p. [*].
Macro 'name' added
Message after a successful `mc' command to create a macro (p. [*]).
Macro 'name' deleted
Message after a successful `md' command to delete a macro (p. [*]).
Mark not found.
The presence of the mark was needed (either to jump to the mark or to use it for a `ranged' action). However it couldn't be found. The most likely reason is that it is hiding inside a closed fold.
Mark removed.
The answer to either the `delete mark' command (shift-F1 on systems with a help key) or an operation that made it impossible to keep the position of the mark (like deleting the line with the mark in it).
Mark set.
The answer to the `put mark' command.
Missing / in replacement
The syntax of a replacement is much stricter than that of a search command. The trailing slash should also be present.
More than 9 parameters
A macro may have at most 9 parameters (p. [*]).
Name longer than # characters
The name of a buffer, including the path name is longer than a built in maximum value. Try to keep the path name simpler.
Negative number of chars?
One of the operations `string take/make left/right' had to take/make a negative number of characters. See the rules for the operators on p. [*].
New file.
At startup a file was requested that didn't exist. The buffer does get the name and this message is displayed.
No = in set
A set statement needs the equals sign. See the chapter on variables p. [*].
No linefeeds in block or column mode
In block or column mode it makes no sense to try to replace an end of line.
No lines to be sorted
There are no lines to be sorted (for instance in an empty buffer).
No mark.
The presence of the mark was needed (either to jump to the mark or to use it for a `ranged' action). However there is no mark.
No match
A search returns unsuccessful.
No memory for writing.
The write operation needs a buffer to make the writing efficient. If there is no memory to be allocated for this buffer. If the above message is given you should try to clear the undo buffer or one of the paste buffers. If that doesn't help, clear another buffer (press shift-F9 twice to also clear the undo buffer). If that cannot be done either you can try to remove all macro's and the key redefinitions. That may make some space available. If that doesn't help either you are in trouble.
No memory
(Without period) Issued at startup if there isn't enough memory to even start the editor up.
No memory.
A given operation couldn't be performed. This can be a temporary matter if the operation was restructuring the memory considerably. In that case it may be sufficient to wait a second and give the command again, so that it may finish. The garbage collections are quite fast. If it happens during the running of a long macro one could try to insert a `garbage' command at some strategic spots in the macro to force a garbage collection (p. [*]), as these are usually only done when the computer waits for input. If the garbage collection isn't sufficient you should try to empty some buffers first before continuing.
No more handles.
A message from the file system. It says that a file couldn't be opened for reading or writing for the mentioned reason. It indicates usually that some other program has been wrecking havoc on the operating system and that it is time to reset the computer. stedi pleads innocence.
No more words.
A command like `goto next word' (Ctrl-W) has been given but either the end of the file has been reached or the only characters left are seen as illegal characters for a word. See the word definitions on p. [*]
No name specified in goto
A goto statement needs the name of a label. It's bad enough already! For the syntax see p. [*].
No other match
The search statement comes to the conclusion that the only match is the match at the position that the cursor occupies already.
No reading in fold line
When the cursor is inside a closed fold line reading would damage this line, so it is forbidden (see p. [*]).
No rewrapping in fortran mode.
Rewrapping makes no sense in the fortran mode. So it isn't done! See the section on rewrapping p. [*].
No slot for help file. Quitting is with shift-F10.
All buffers are filled (or have a name), so the help file cannot be read. If you don't know how to get out it tells you at least how it can be done. See the part about the help facility p. [*].
No word wrap set.
Rewrapping a paragraph can of course only be done when the word wrap mode has been set. The current status of the word wrap can be inspected with the WW command (p. [*]).
Not enough memory. Buffer made View-Only.
During the reading of a file the memory got exhausted. As the file has only been read partially it is better to make it difficult to write the file away. If a file is too big one can edit it in parts and concatenate these parts while writing so that the eventual output forms a new file that is too large. See the options of the read and write commands p. [*] and p. [*].
Not in backwards mode
Regular expressions can only be used in one of the forward search modes. Discussions about how to interpret a backward search with regular expressions have still not been finished. The opinions are divided.
Not in raw mode
In raw mode all special tab representations are switched off. Hence it would not serve any purpose to try tabbing, trimming or detabbing. Therefore it is forbidden.
Numerical value expected.
When setting some variables it is necessary to provide them with a numerical value. The string that was given couldn't be translated in one. See p. [*].
Path not found.
A message from the file system. The path specified with the name of the file to be read couldn't be located.
Printer not available
If you try to print something and either there is no printer or the printer is off, this is the message. It may also be that you write to the wrong port. See the chapter on printing p. [*].
Printer not ready. Continue ? (Y/N)
A message if during writing the printer `times out', indicating that during a given period no character could be sent to the printer. This could be due to a lack off paper, or the user took the printer off line to interrupt a listing. One can continue printing (for instance after refilling the paper tray) by typing Y. Typing N aborts the printing.
Printing to PRN:/AUX:/COM:
The answer to the setting of the printer port with the `P=' command. It is also the answer to the request for the printer port status. See the chapter on printing p. [*].
Range copied.
The message after the successful copying of a range to a yank buffer.
Range cut.
The message after the successful cutting/yanking of a range to a yank buffer.
Raw writing? (Y/N)
When a write command is given and the buffer is in the raw mode this writing should always be verified. If you switch the buffer accidentally to the raw mode and the file would just be written it is a lot of work to put all the linefeeds back in. See the chapter on writing p. [*].
Reading discontinued
The answer to the request to truncate lines longer than 255 characters during reading was no. Stedi cannot put this file in its buffers (see p. [*]).
Replace? (G/Y/N/Q)
When using the veto option for a replace, each time the editor finds a match it will wait and ask the user what to do.
Return code = #
The return code when an external command has been executed. If the return code is zero, it isn't reported and when it is negative it is reported as an error.
The execution of a macro was interrupted by the user.
Syntax error.
Some simple commands result only in this vague message when their syntax isn't right. You better check the corresponding pages in the manual.
Tabbed # line(s)
The number of lines in which stedi had to look in to see whether tabs should be placed in them while executing a `tab' command (empty lines don't count) (see p. [*]).
Tag # placed
After the command <# this is the message (# is a single digit). See the section on tags p. [*].
Tag not found.
A `goto tag' command was given but the tag could not be located. See the section on tags p. [*].
There are # bytes free on drive 'char'
The reply to the ? command. See the section on free disk space p. [*].
There is a macro with this name already!
There can only be one macro with a given name. If you insist on this name you have to delete the existing macro first with the `md' command p. [*].
Too long word for autorewrap.
The current word is so long that the word wrap would get in trouble. This trouble would manifest itself by getting a new line, every time a character is added to the word.
Too many character groups
The number of character groups in your pattern is larger than a predefined maximum (at least 10). Try to rethink your pattern.
Too many characters in learn buffer #
The learn buffers have a capacity of 100 characters each. If the above message is shown you should stop the learning in the given buffer, as it has no use to continue it. See the chapter on the learn buffers p. [*].
Trimmed # line(s)
The number of lines in which stedi had to look for superfluous blanks and tabs while executing tt (tab trim) command (empty lines don't count) (see p. [*]).
Truncate too long line? (Y/N)
A paste command results in a line being longer than 255 characters. Should this line be truncated (with loss of characters) or should this part of the paste operation be aborted?
Twice else in one if
Each if can only have one else in a macro.
Undefined variable # in rhs
In a regular expression replacement there is a variable in the right hand side that wasn't specified in the left hand side, so during the replace operation it will be undefined. See the chapter on regular expressions p. [*].
Unexpected end of expression
A pattern in a regular expression is terminated abnormally.
Unknown command 'string'
The command line command you gave isn't recognized.
Unknown option in set
The set command knows only two options: the -L and the -G option. Apparently you asked for another option. See the chapter on variables p. [*].

A group of characters in the pattern of a regular expression is opened but the closing bracket is missing.
Unmatched brackets
The brackets in an expression aren't matched.
Unmatched parentheses
Some subexpression in the pattern of a regular expression has unmatched parentheses. Check the statement.
Unmatched while or if in macro 'name'
When a macro is put in the inner buffers all the jumps are set up. During this phase some links couldn't be made.
Unsaved buffer(s) 'digits' Leave anyway? (Y/N)
The message that is displayed indicates that there is still some unsaved work and that you are trying to leave the editor. The digits are the numbers of the buffers that have their dirty flag on. So the string `13' means that the buffers 1 and 3 have still unsaved work in them.
User interrupt. Abort execution? (Y/N)
The user has pressed both shift keys during the execution of a macro. He can tell now whether he wants to abort execution.
Value should be ON or OFF
You tried to set a variable to an illegal value. This variable can have only one of the reported values. See p. [*].
Value should be ON, OFF or SINGLE
You tried to set a variable to an illegal value. This variable can have only one of the reported values. See p. [*].
Variable stack overflow during evaluation
During the evaluation of an expression the intermediate result became too long. Try something simpler.
Word wrap at column #
Word wrap in fortran mode.
Word wrap off.
Either an answer after the status of the word wrap has been changed or a report on its status after the WW command has been given. See p. [*].
Wrong version default file.
The default file belongs to a different version of stedi (or to a version on a different computer). It should be removed or renamed before stedi is willing to start up.