Cutting and pasting

Often when a cut (yank) or a paste is made, there may be desire to reverse the operation. For this purpose the <Undo> key (or F11 on some systems) is not used. Whenever a paste operation is performed, after the operation is completed stedi places the mark and the cursor in the appropriate positions so that an immediate cut operation will cut out the part of text that was just pasted in. This holds for both paste (F5) and block paste (shift-F5) which are undone by cut (F3) and block cut (shift-F3) respectively. In the case of a cut operation (F3), an immediate paste (F5) will restore the text just cut out. The only one that is not completely straightforward is a block cut (shift-F3). In this case, in order to restore the text cut out, the cursor must be placed in the first line from which the text was cut, at the position of the cut. Of course, if a mistake is made, the text can be immediately cut out again and the cursor re-positioned.