
For the most recent changes, please consult the history.

The current (25-oct-2013 or later) version of FORM is 4.1. Of this version we have only the 64-bits LINUX binaries and the (13-mar-2014) apple 64-bit/32-bit binaries. The other binaries are of version 4.0. For older versions, please look in the old website. Usually it is best to make the binaries yourself on the computer on which you want to run your FORM programs. For this we have made the sources available. (For development versions, CVS and git repositories are also available. ) Make sure to read the INSTALL file before you start. For ParFORM making your own installation is the only procedure, because of differences in the versions of MPI, which ParFORM uses for communication. The binaries we provide here are given as a service to people who have trouble translating the sources. Which binaries there are is a function of computers we have access to. In addition, these binaries are not updated very frequently, because making many executables on many different computers is much work.

In the past we would distribute both the executable and its gzipped version. Because the files are not very large, we provide nowadays only the executables. Because of that the execution flag may not be on when you get the file. Do not forget to turn the EXECUTION FLAG on (in UNIX with either: chmod +x form or: chmod +x tform).

For UNIX and Apple computers we provide two binaries:
form The sequential version of the FORM executable.
tform The multi-threaded version of the FORM executable (TFORM).
As mentioned above, ParFORM you will have to make yourself. Whenever possible we provide a static link to make the executables independent of versions of the local libraries.

In some directories you may find executables of other programs. These are programs of which the sources are provided at other locations in this distribution. At the moment these are minos and stedi. For instructions about those programs, please follow the links.

Currently there are executables for:
LINUX/32-bits The LINUX version as running on 32 bits Pentium-like architectures. This is version 4.0.
LINUX/64-bits The LINUX version as running on 64 bits architectures. Runs both on Xeon-like and Opteron-like processors. This is version 4.1.
Cygwin A 32-bits version for the Cygwin UNIX emulator under Windows.
This is version 4.0.  
Apple/Intel The Pentium version as running on Apple. This is version 4.1.
It should be noted that we can upgrade the LINUX and Apple 64 bits versions fastest. They only depend on our own computers.

More binaries may follow.

If the binaries you are looking for are not here you may try the older versions in theold website.

Questions, remarks, suggestions? Please use the issue tracker in the github pages.