For recent updates, see the ORCID record.

Quick jump to: 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2002-2004 |

Publications in 2014

chep2013 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP2013)
D L Groep and D Bonacorsi (eds.); J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 513 001001

Publications in 2013

sci2013 A Trust Framework for Security Collaboration among Infrastructures
D. Kelsey, K. Chadwick, I. Gaines, D. Groep, U. Kaila, C. Kanellopoulos, J. Marsteller, R. Niederberger, V. Ribaillier, R. Wartel, W. Weisz and J. Wolfrat; PoS(ISGC 2013)011
ISGC 2013; March 2013

Publications in 2011

gfd189 Relying Party Defined Namespace Constraints Policies in a Policy Bridge PKI Environment
D. Groep, J. Jensen; OGF Document Series, the Open Grid Forum, Joliet, Illinois,
GFD.189; June 2011
cse Managing Authentication in the Global Research Infrastructure
D. Groep, J. Jensen; Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice
IGI Global publishers, ISBN 1613501161; October 2011
chep2010 Adoption of a SAML-XACML profile for authorization interoperability across grid middleware in OSG and EGEE
G. Garzoglio, et al. , D.L. Groep; J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 331 (2011) 062011

Publications in 2009

ogf-cloudsec09 Thoughts on Grid Security standards and practices in the Cloud
D. Groep; Open Grid Forum Security Area whitepapers
Open Grid Forum, Joliet, Illinois, USA; 22 April 2009
samlxacml Definition and Implementation of a SAML-XACML Profile for Authorization Interoperability Across Grid Middleware in OSG and EGEE
Gabriele Garzoglio, et al. (David L. Groep); J. Grid Comput. 7(3): 297-307 (2009)

Publications in 2008

gfd125 Grid Certificate Profile
D. Groep, M. Helm, J. Jensen, M. Sova, S. Rea, R. Karlsen-Masur, U. Epting, M. Jones; OGF Document Series, the Open Grid Forum, Joliet, Illinois, USA
GFD.125; May 2008
sfiligoi2008 Addressing the pilot security problem with gLExec
I. Sfiligoi (et al.), O. Koeroo, G. Venekamp, D. Groep; J.Phys.:Conf.Series 119 (2008) 052029
CHEP2007; June 2008
groep2008 gLExec: gluing grid computing to the Unix world
D. Groep, O. Koeroo, G. Venekamp; J.Phys.:Conf.Series 119 (2008) 062032
CHEP2007; June 2008
escience2008 Re-thinking Grid Security Architecture
Y. Demchenko, C. de Laat, O. Koeroo, D.L. Groep; Proceedings of the eScience 2008 Conference, p79-86
eScience 2008; December 7-12, 2008

Publications in 2007

demch2008 Security and dynamics in customer controlled virtual workspace
Y. Demchenko (et al.), D. Groep, O. Koeroo; HPDC 2007 : Proceedings 16th international symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC07), Monterey, California, USA, 25-29 Jun. 2007, ISBN:9781595936738. 231
HPDC2007; Jun 2007
li2007-1 Mining Performance Data for Metascheduling Decision Support in the Grid
Hui Li, David Groep, Lex Wolters; Future Generation Computer Systems
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23 (1) 2007, p.92-99
sciagrid Using Grid services for Sciamachy data sharing and processing
VAN DE VEGTE, John (KNMI), Mr. SOM DE CERFF, Wim (KNMI), Dr. VAN HEES, Richard (SRON), Mr. VAN DER NEUT, Ian (KNMI), Dr. WOLFRAT, Jules (SARA), Dr. GROEP, David (NIKHEF), Mr. COLIN, Olivier (ESA-ESRIN), Dr. PITERS, Ankie (KNMI)
EGEE User Forum 9-11 May 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom; 9 May 2007

Publications in 2006

li2006-2 Improving a Local Learning Technique for Queue Wait Time Predictions
Hui Li, Juan Chen, Ying Tao, David Groep, and Lex Wolters; Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006, Singapore, May 16-19 2006), pp. 335-342 ; (ISBN 0-7695-2585-7); IEEE Computer Society
li2006-3 Efficient Response Time Predictions by Exploiting Application and Resource State Similarities
Hui Li, David Groep, Lex Wolters
In proceedings of 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid2005), in conjunction with SC'05, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2005
li2006-4 An Evaluation of Learning and Heuristic Techniques for Application Run Time Predictions
Hui Li, David Groep, Lex Wolters
In proceedings of 11th Annual Conference of the Advance School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), Heijen, the Netherlands, June, 2005
groep-edg-2005 Crunching Real Data on the Grid
D. Groep, J. Templon, C. Loomis; Concurrency and Computat.: Pract. Exper. 2006 (18) 925-940

Publications in 2005

li2005-1 Workload characteristics of a multi-cluster supercomputer
H. Li, D.L. Groep, L. Wolters; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3277 pp. 176-193
roeblitz-edg-2005 Autonomic Management of Large Clusters and Their Integration into the Grid
Thomas Roeblitz et al.; Journal of Grid Computing 2: 247-260
EU DataGrid Special Issue
alfieri-2005 Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms for Multi-domain Grid Environments
R. Alfieri et al.; Journal of Grid Computing 2: 301-311
EU DataGrid Special Issue
li2005-2 Mining the Supercomputer Workloads for Applicatin Run Time Predicions
H. Li, D.L. Groep, L. Wolters; Proceedings of the ASCI 2005 Conference, June 8 - 10, 2005
ASCI 2005 Conference, June 8 - 10, 2005
callaghan-2005 International Grid CA Interworking, Peer Review and Policy Management through the European DataGrid Certification Authority Coordination Group
D. O'Callaghan et al.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3470 pp. 285-295
Proceedings of the EGC2005 Conference
egee-jra3-djra32 Site Access Control Architecture
EGEE JRA3 collaboratio
EGEE JRA3 Deliverable DJRA3.2
egee-jra3-djra33 Updated Global Security Architecture
EGEE JRA3 collaboratio
EGEE JRA3 Deliverable DJRA3.3
igtf-pressrelease Trust on the Grid Goes Global
International Grid Trust Federation Press Release, Boston, MA, USA, October 5, 2005; 5 October 2005
morrow-2005 Comparison between the transverse responses of the reactions 12 C(e,e'p) 11 B and 12 C(&gamma,p) 11 B
S.A. Morrow, J. Arneil, E.C. Ashenauer, M.F. van Batenburg, H.P. Blok, D.J. Boersma, D. Branford, T. Davinson, G. DeMeyer, J.E. Ducret, W.H.A. Hesselink, D. Groep, K. Hicks, D.G. Ireland, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, L. Lapik\'{a}s, M. Liang, J. Mackenzie, C. Marchand, R. Medaglia, J. Ryckebusch, M. van Sambeek, R. Starink, G. van der Steenhoven, M.A. van Uden, H. de Vries; Physical Review C 71 (2005), 014607

Publications in 2002-2004

ATLAS DC1 Task force Collaboration (R. Sturrock et al.); Submitted to Nucl.Instrum.Methods
CERN-PH-EP-2004-028, Apr 2004. 24pp.
hli-2004-1 Workload Characteristics of a Multi-cluster Supercomputer
Hui Li, David Groep, Lex Wolters; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3277, Apr 2005, p. 176-193
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2004), June 2004, New York, NY, USA
hli-2004-2 Workload Characteristics of the DAS-2 Supercomputer
Hui Li, Lex Wolters, and David Groep
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), June 2004, Ouddorp, The Netherlands, pp. 251-258
hli-2004-3 Predicting Job Start Times on Clusters
Hui Li, David Groep, Jeff Templon, and Lex Wolters
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004), April 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (to appear)
barring-2003 Towards automation of computing fabrics using tools from the fabric management
Olof Bärring et al.
CHEP 2003
R. Alfieri, R. Cecchini, V. Ciaschini, L. dell'Agnello, A. Gianoli, F. Spataro, F. Bonnassieux, P. Broadfoot, G. Lowe, L. Cornwall, J. Jensen, D. Kelsey, A. Frohner, D.L. Groep, W. Som de Cerff, M. Steenbakkers, G. Venekamp, D. Kouril, A. McNab, O. Mulmo, M. Silander, J. Hahkala, K. Lhorentey
CHEP 2003
afsarmanesh-2002 VLAM-G: A Grid-based virtual laboratory
H. Afsarmanesh, R.G. Belleman, A.S.Z. Belloum, A. Benabdelkader, J.F.J. van den Brand, G.B. Eijkel, A. Frenkel, C. Garita, D.L. Groep, R.M.A. Heeren, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, J.A. Kaandorp, E.C. Kaletas, V. Korkhov, C.T.A.M. de Laat, P.M.A. Sloot, D.Vasunin, A. Visser and H.H. Yakali; Scientific Programming 10 (2) 173-181, 2002
Special issue on Grid Computing
belloum-2002-1 The VL-Abstract-Machine: a Data & Process Handling System on the Grid
A. Belloum, Z.W. Hendrikse, D.L. Groep, E.C. Kaletas, A.W. van Halderen, L.O. Hertzberger; Proc. of the 9th international conference HPCN Europe, 2001,
eijkel-2002 Mass spectrometry in the Amsterdam Virtual Laboratory: development of a high-performance platform for meta-data analysis
G.B. Eijkel, H. Afsarmanesh, D. Groep, A. Frenkel, R.M.A. Heeren; Proc. of the 13th Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry: informatics and mass spectrometry
Sanibel Island, Florida (USA), 2001
belloum-2002-2 VLAM-G: A Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory
Adam S. Z. Belloum, David L. Groep, Zeger W. Hendrikse, Bob L.O. Hertzberger, Vladimir Korkhov, Cees T.A.M. de Laat, Dmitry Vasunin; Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 19 (2) (2003) pp. 209-217
Proc. of the TERENA Networking Conference, Limerick, 2002