Listing David Groep's presentations, all files

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Date FilenameDescription
2024-03-28AARC-TREE-ISGC-20240329.pptxSitting under a broad-leaved AARC-TREE - making authentication and authorization for research collaboration even better (ISGC 2024)
2024-03-28AARC-TREE-ISGC-20240329.pdfSitting under a broad-leaved AARC-TREE - making authentication and authorization for research collaboration even better (ISGC 2024)
2024-03-12AARC-TREE-WP2-Policy-20240312.pdfTrust Policy Harmonisation and Interoperability - WP2: Aligning proxy good practices, easily accessible to users (presentation AARC TREE kick-off meeting)
2024-03-01Intro-nikhef-20240308.pptxNikhef, its data processing, and federated identity and access management research (AAF site meeting)
2024-03-01Intro-nikhef-20240308.pdfNikhef, its data processing, and federated identity and access management research (AAF site meeting)
2024-01-25AARC-TREE-Coordinating-policies-in-multiproxy-setup-FIM4R18-20240130.pptxThe AARC Technical Revision for Enchanced Effectiveness - welcome to the FIM4R community
2024-01-25AARC-TREE-Coordinating-policies-in-multiproxy-setup-FIM4R18-20240130.pdfThe AARC Technical Revision for Enchanced Effectiveness - welcome to the FIM4R community
2023-11-29NikhefCC-2023-Somebody-else-and-Help.pptxCollaboartive services, security, and privacy - Nikhef Computing Course (RDM edition) 2023
2023-11-29NikhefCC-2023-Data-and-Software.pptxResearch Data Management and software - Nikhef Counting Course (RDM edition) 2023
2023-11-29NikhefCC-2023-Somebody-else-and-Help.pdfCollaboartive services, security, and privacy - Nikhef Computing Course (RDM edition) 2023
2023-11-29NikhefCC-2023-Data-and-Software.pdfResearch Data Management and software - Nikhef Counting Course (RDM edition) 2023
2023-11-22PDP-SEP2023-programme-introduction-20231122.pptxNikhef Physics Data Processing programme (SEP Evaluation Panel)
2023-11-22PDP-SEP2023-programme-introduction-20231122.pdfNikhef Physics Data Processing programme (SEP Evaluation Panel)
2023-11-08Nikhef-brief-intro-to-SURF-HPC-and-innovation.pptxAn Introduction to SURF for Computing and Innovation
2023-11-06LsIT-Computing-for-Research-and-WLCG-2023.pptxComputing for Research and WLCG - UM DACS Large-scale IT Course 2023
2023-11-06LsIT-Computing-for-Research-and-WLCG-2023.pdfComputing for Research and WLCG - UM DACS Large-scale IT Course 2023
2023-10-03SHA1-roots-and-RH9-October2023-update.pptxUse of SHA-1 self-signed certificates in EL9+ systems (update)
2023-10-03SHA1-roots-and-RH9-October2023-update.pdfUse of SHA-1 self-signed certificates in EL9+ systems (update)
2023-09-30TCSG4-Private-Trust-and-SMIME-implementation--IGTF-20231003.pptxImplementing private trust ad S/MIME in TCS Gen 4B (EUGridPMA+ Abingdon meeting)
2023-09-30AARC-TREE-All-that-I-can-see-20231004.pptxAll that I can see is just another AARC TREE - an introduction to the AARC TREE project
2023-09-30TCSG4-Private-Trust-and-SMIME-implementation--IGTF-20231003.pdfImplementing private trust ad S/MIME in TCS Gen 4B (EUGridPMA+ Abingdon meeting)
2023-09-30AARC-TREE-All-that-I-can-see-20231004.pdfAll that I can see is just another AARC TREE - an introduction to the AARC TREE project
2023-09-20EUGridPMA-Update-TAGPMA-20230920.pptxEuropean trust and identity issues for the TAGPMA (I2TechEx 2023)
2023-09-20EUGridPMA-Update-TAGPMA-20230920.pdfEuropean trust and identity issues for the TAGPMA (I2TechEx 2023)
2023-07-06UM-ResearchIT-collaboration-20230706.pptxICT as the research instrument for our collaborative world - Verdiepingssessie UM CI-Office
2023-07-06UM-ResearchIT-collaboration-20230706.pdfICT as the research instrument for our collaborative world - Verdiepingssessie UM CI-Office
2023-06-04AARC-TREE-for-Giants-20230604.pptxand all that I can see is just another ... AARC TREE! - Standing on the shoulders of giants: How new and exciting T&I services originate from eduroam and eduGAIN TNC23 update
2023-06-04AARC-TREE-for-Giants-20230604.pdfand all that I can see is just another ... AARC TREE! - Standing on the shoulders of giants: How new and exciting T&I services originate from eduroam and eduGAIN TNC23 update
2023-05-21AARC-TREE-for-IGTF-20230523.pptxand all that I can see is just another ... AARC TREE! - a preliminary insight in potential developments in the AARC Community for the IGTF
2023-05-21AARC-TREE-for-IGTF-20230523.pdfand all that I can see is just another ... AARC TREE! - a preliminary insight in potential developments in the AARC Community for the IGTF
2023-05-19SHA1-roots-and-RH9-May23-update.pptxRedHat OSSL3 changes and effects on trust stores
2023-05-19EOSCF-WP7-ISM-summary-20230522.pptxInformation Security Management in EOSCs Future - an overview of Securiy Coordination on the EOSC Future project for the IGTF+ meeting
2023-05-19SHA1-roots-and-RH9-May23-update.pdfRedHat OSSL3 changes and effects on trust stores
2023-05-19EOSCF-WP7-ISM-summary-20230522.pdfInformation Security Management in EOSCs Future - an overview of Securiy Coordination on the EOSC Future project for the IGTF+ meeting
2023-05-18TCSG4-Auth-SMIME-update-IGTF-20230522.pptxGEANT TCS Service update - changes to the Personal CA structures and review (IGTF May 23 Amsterdam meeting
2023-05-18TCSG4-Auth-SMIME-update-IGTF-20230522.pdfGEANT TCS Service update - changes to the Personal CA structures and review (IGTF May 23 Amsterdam meeting
2023-05-15PDP-Nikhef-Jamboree-2023-overview.pptxFancy a (peta)?b(y|i)te ... - Physics Data Processing and computing at the Nikhef Annual Scientific Jamboree 2023
2023-05-15PDP-Nikhef-Jamboree-2023-overview.pdfFancy a (peta)?b(y|i)te ... - Physics Data Processing and computing at the Nikhef Annual Scientific Jamboree 2023
2023-04-13PDP-SAC-vista30strategy-20230413.pptxPhysics Data Processing accelerating time to science through computing and collaboration (Nikhef Scientific Advisory Committee meeting 2023)
2023-04-13PDP-SAC-vista30strategy-20230413.pdfPhysics Data Processing accelerating time to science through computing and collaboration (Nikhef Scientific Advisory Committee meeting 2023)
2023-03-28Building-RCauth-UM-mar2023.pptxBuilding RCauth, a proxy for our federated global infrastructure - federated research infrastructure using a networked-systems integration approach (UM DACS Colloquium)
2023-03-28Building-RCauth-UM-mar2023.pdfBuilding RCauth, a proxy for our federated global infrastructure - federated research infrastructure using a networked-systems integration approach (UM DACS Colloquium)
2023-03-24RCauth-anycast-made-simple-20230325.pptxBuilding the anycasted RCauth Federated authentication proxy - a multi-domain anycasted high availability solution for stateful services in (ISGC 2023)
2023-03-24RCauth-anycast-made-simple-20230325.pdfBuilding the anycasted RCauth Federated authentication proxy - a multi-domain anycasted high availability solution for stateful services in (ISGC 2023)
2023-03-20Ignatius-visit-computing-nikhef-20230330.pptxComputing for (astro)particle physics at Nikhef and in the world - Ignatius caput selectum deeltjesfysica 2023
2023-03-20EUGridPMA-and AARC-Community-APGridPMA-20230321.pptxBuilding Trust and Security with AARC, IGTF, EOSC, & EnCo (APGridPMA and ISGC conference)
2023-03-20Ignatius-visit-computing-nikhef-20230330.pdfComputing for (astro)particle physics at Nikhef and in the world - Ignatius caput selectum deeltjesfysica 2023
2023-03-20EUGridPMA-and AARC-Community-APGridPMA-20230321.pdfBuilding Trust and Security with AARC, IGTF, EOSC, & EnCo (APGridPMA and ISGC conference)
2023-01-17EOSCF-WP7-ISM-SMS-audit-evolution-20230117.pptxInformation Security Management in the EOSC Future Service Management System evolution
2023-01-17EOSCF-WP7-ISM-SMS-audit-evolution-20230117.pdfInformation Security Management in the EOSC Future Service Management System evolution
2022-11-22NikhefCC-2022-Data-and-Software.pptxNikhef Computing Course: When your data becomes part of something bigger - research data management, persistent identifiers, licences, and re-use
2022-11-22NikhefCC-2022-Data-and-Software.pdfNikhef Computing Course: When your data becomes part of something bigger - research data management, persistent identifiers, licences, and re-use
2022-11-21NikhefCC-2022-Somebody-else.pptxNikhef Computing Course: You, your laptop, and somebody else - working together in a federated research infrastructure
2022-11-21NikhefCC-2022-Somebody-else.pdfNikhef Computing Course: You, your laptop, and somebody else - work
2022-11-09EOSC-a-secure-and-trusted-place-to-be-20221117.pptxEOSC: a secure and trusted place to reside EOSC Symposium, November 2022 (EOSC Future WP7T5)
2022-11-09EOSC-a-secure-and-trusted-place-to-be-20221117.pdfEOSC: a secure and trusted place to reside EOSC Symposium, November 2022 (EOSC Future WP7T5)
2022-11-08LsIT-Computing-for-Research-and-WLCG-20221108.pptxComputing for Research & the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid - Building a global large-scale ICT infrastructure for research data processing (Large-scale IT course UM DACS)
2022-11-08LsIT-Computing-for-Research-and-WLCG-20221108.pdfComputing for Research & the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid - Building a global large-scale ICT infrastructure for research data processing (Large-scale IT course UM DACS) highly-available stateful services using IP anycast - HEPiX edition (delivery by Dennis van Dok) highly-available stateful services using IP anycast - HEPiX edition (delivery by Dennis van Dok)
2022-09-22EOSC-WP7-ISM-for-IRTF-20220919.pdfInformation Security Management in the EOSC Future for the Incidedent Response Task Force, September 2022
2022-09-19EOSC-WP7-ISM-for-IRTF-20220919.pptxInformation Security Management in the EOSC Future for the Incidedent Response Task Force, September 2022
2022-08-31NES-Thematic-DCC-Roadmap-startup-20220902.pptxStarting the Natural & Engineering Sciences Thematic DCC - with the GWI Roadmap Digital Specialists, September 2, 2022
2022-08-31NES-Thematic-DCC-Roadmap-startup-20220902.pdfStarting the Natural & Engineering Sciences Thematic DCC - with the GWI Roadmap Digital Specialists, September 2, 2022
2022-08-22EOSC-WP7-ISM-summary-20220824.pptxInformation Security Management in the European Open Science Cloud Service Management System (EOSC Future WP7 InfoShare), August 2022
2022-08-22EOSC-Security-Baseline-20220823.pptxThe EOSC Security Baseline - EOSC Future TCB meeting endorsement presentation
2022-08-22EOSC-WP7-ISM-summary-20220824.pdfInformation Security Management in the European Open Science Cloud Service Management System (EOSC Future WP7 InfoShare), August 2022
2022-08-22EOSC-Security-Baseline-20220823.pdfThe EOSC Security Baseline - EOSC Future TCB meeting endorsement presentation
2022-07-09Samenwerken-voor-onderzoek-20220711r01.pptxSamenwerken in onderzoek - een Nederlandse e-Infra aanpak, SURF OCW ministriele bijeenkomst Robbert Dijkgraaf, 11 Juli 2022
2022-07-09Samenwerken-voor-onderzoek-20220711r01.pdfSamenwerken in onderzoek - een Nederlandse e-Infra aanpak, SURF OCW ministriele bijeenkomst Robbert Dijkgraaf, 11 Juli 2022
2022-06-17SCCC-WG-WISE-at-TNC22-20220618.pptxTrust by Demonstration ... in a coordinated way - TNC22 Conference WISE SIG-ISM meeting SCCC-JWG, Trieste, IT 2022
2022-06-17SCCC-WG-WISE-at-TNC22-20220618.pdfTrust by Demonstration ... in a coordinated way - TNC22 Conference WISE SIG-ISM meeting SCCC-JWG, Trieste, IT 2022
2022-05-19EOSC-Security-future-for-WP7-summary-20220520.pdfSecurity Summary report-out for the EOSC Future WP7 plenary meeting
2022-05-17EOSC-Security-future-for-WP7-20220518.pptxSecurity in the Future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC Future WP7 Project meeting)
2022-05-17EOSC-Security-future-for-WP7-20220518.pdfSecurity in the Future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC Future WP7 Project meeting)
2022-05-14PDP-at-the-Nikhef-Jamboree-2022.pdfHighlights of data processing at Nikhef in 2021 (Nikhef Annual Scientific Jamboree)
2022-05-10PDP-at-the-Nikhef-Jamboree-2022.pptxHighlights of data processing at Nikhef in 2021 (Nikhef Annual Scientific Jamboree)
2022-04-21EOSC-Security-future-for-WISE-20220421-DG.pptxSecurity in the Future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSCFuture WP7.5) (WISE Workshop, April 2022)
2022-04-21EOSC-Security-future-for-WISE-20220421-DG.pdfSecurity in the Future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSCFuture WP7.5) (WISE Workshop, April 2022) highly-available stateful services using IP anycast for (B@UM meeting, April 2022) highly-available stateful services using IP anycast for (B@UM meeting, April 2022)
2022-03-23Building-Trust-and-Security-with-AARC-IGTF-EOSC-and-WISE-20220324.pptxBuilding Trust and Security with AARC, IGTF, EOSC and WISE (ISGC 2022/APGridPMA)
2022-03-23Building-Trust-and-Security-with-AARC-IGTF-EOSC-and-WISE-20220324.pdfBuilding Trust and Security with AARC, IGTF, EOSC and WISE (ISGC 2022/APGridPMA)
2022-02-14AARC-G071-AEGIS-20220214.pptxAttribute Authority Operational Security Guidelines - AEGIS endorsement (AEGIS March 2022)
2022-02-14AARC-G071-AEGIS-20220214.pdfAttribute Authority Operational Security Guidelines - AEGIS endorsement (AEGIS March 2022)
2022-02-12Nikhef-computing-resources-20220215.pptxComputing resources and research in the Nikhef context (Maastricht FSE-Nikhef meeting)
2022-02-12Nikhef-computing-resources-20220215.pdfComputing resources and research in the Nikhef context (Maastricht FSE-Nikhef meeting)
2022-02-02NES-Thematic-DCC-Roadmap-Consultation-DG20220202.pdfThe Thematic Digital Competence Centre roadmap for the Natural and Engineering Sciences (TDCC consultation meeting)
2021-10-26EOSCF-WP75-for-WISE-DG-20211026.pptxEOSC Future Security Operations and Policy (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-26EOSCF-WP75-for-WISE-DG-20211026.pdfEOSC Future Security Operations and Policy (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-25SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20211026.pptxTrust by Demonstration - in a coordinated way (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-25SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20211026.pdfTrust by Demonstration - in a coordinated way (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-21WISE-EOSC-Security-Baseline-20211026.pptxThe Security Baseline for EOSC and beyond - for loosely connected services and infrastructure (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-21WISE-EOSC-Security-Baseline-20211026.pdfThe Security Baseline for EOSC and beyond - for loosely connected services and infrastructure (WISE Workshop Autumn 2021)
2021-10-15PDPupdate-stafoverleg-20211015.pptxThe Physics Data Processing programme - the 3-minute update (Nikhef October Staff Meeting)
2021-10-15PDPupdate-stafoverleg-20211015.pdfThe Physics Data Processing programme - the 3-minute update (Nikhef October Staff Meeting)
2021-10-14TDCC-miniupdate-20211004t.pdfMini-update Thematische DCCs (NWO-I DM Contactgroep/LDCC meeting) (closed)
2021-09-27PDK-EOSC-Security-Baseline-20210927.pptxThe Security Baseline in EOSC - for loosely connected services and infrastructure (EUGridPMA53 and IGTF-EnCo-AARC Joint Meeting)
2021-09-27PDK-EOSC-Security-Baseline-20210927.pdfThe Security Baseline in EOSC - for loosely connected services and infrastructure (EUGridPMA53 and IGTF-EnCo-AARC Joint Meeting)
2021-09-13Nikhef-QuSoft-intro-to-HEP-GW-challenges-20210914.pptxComputing challenges in HEP and GW for the QC era (QuSoft-Nikhef joint workshop)
2021-09-13AEGIS-PDK-Security-Baseline-20210913.pptxThe EOSC Security Baseline and the AARC Policy Development Kit Evolution (AEGIS meeting)
2021-09-13Nikhef-QuSoft-intro-to-HEP-GW-challenges-20210914.pdfComputing challenges in HEP and GW for the QC era (QuSoft-Nikhef joint workshop)
2021-09-13AEGIS-PDK-Security-Baseline-20210913.pdfThe EOSC Security Baseline and the AARC Policy Development Kit Evolution (AEGIS meeting)
2021-06-08EOSCF-WP75-for-EUGridPMA-DG-20210607.pptxThe EOSC Future Security Operations and Trust activities (EUGridPMA53 meeting)
2021-06-08AARC-G048-EUGridPMA-20210608.pptxAttribute Authority Operations - for AAs and AAI proxies
2021-05-25EOSC-Trust_and_Security-WISE-SCI-20210525.pptxTrust and Security in the EOSC Era (WISE Community May 2021 meeting)
2021-05-25SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20210525.pdfGet in touch ... and be sure to get an answer? mini-update (WISE Community Spring Meetings)
2021-05-25EOSC-Trust_and_Security-WISE-SCI-20210525.pdfTrust and Security in the EOSC Era (WISE Community May 2021 meeting)
2021-05-22SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20210525.pptxGet in touch ... and be sure to get an answer? mini-update (WISE Community Spring Meetings)
2021-03-23EUGridPMA-EnCo-EOSC-EGI-update-20210324.pptxTrust and Security in the EUGridPMA and EOSC - a broad overview (ISGC and APGridPMA March 2021)
2021-03-23EUGridPMA-EnCo-EOSC-EGI-update-20210324.pdfTrust and Security in the EUGridPMA and EOSC - a broad overview (ISGC and APGridPMA March 2021)
2020-12-13Nikhef-Jamboree-2020-QC-DG-20201214.pptxQuantum Computing: both ready and not ready for us, all at the very same time
2020-12-13Nikhef-Jamboree-2020-QC-DG-20201214.pdfQuantum Computing: both ready and not ready for us, all at the very same time
2020-12-03Staying-Reasonably-Safe-NWOI-ICTMO-20201203-cleansed.pdfStaying Reasonably Safe in an Open Research Environment (technical version) - for NWO ICT managers
2020-11-21NPOS-werkconf-Nikhef-input-20201120r1.pptxResearch Data Management from the ESCAPE Room
2020-11-21NPOS-werkconf-Nikhef-input-20201120r1.pdfResearch Data Management from the ESCAPE Room
2020-11-16building-scalable-einfra-davidg-UM-20201110r1.pptxBuilding scalable e-Infrastructures for research - making hardware, software, and people collaborate (Maastricht University DKE-Physics colloquium November 2020)
2020-11-16building-scalable-einfra-davidg-UM-20201110r1.pdfBuilding scalable e-Infrastructures for research - making hardware, software, and people collaborate (Maastricht University DKE-Physics colloquium November 2020)
2020-10-26SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20201026.pptxSecurity Communication Challenge Coordination - moving to the eduGAIN domain
2020-10-26SCCC-WG-WISE-update-20201026.pdfSecurity Communication Challenge Coordination - moving to the eduGAIN domain
2020-09-24Trust-Coordination-for-Research-Collaboration-in-the-EOSC-era-2020924.pptxTrust coordination for the EOSC and in EOSC Future - security and trust embedded
2020-09-24Trust-Coordination-for-Research-Collaboration-in-the-EOSC-era-2020924.pdfTrust coordination for the EOSC and in EOSC Future - security and trust embedded
2020-09-16PMA50-Trust-Coordination-for-Research-Collaboration-in-the-EOSC-era-2020907.pptxTrust coordination for the EOSC and in EOSC Future - security and trust embedded
2020-09-16PMA50-Trust-Coordination-for-Research-Collaboration-in-the-EOSC-era-2020907.pdfTrust coordination for the EOSC and in EOSC Future - security and trust embedded
2020-08-27Staying-Reasonably-Safe-NWOI-IM-20200827-cleansed.pdfStaying reasonably safe in an open research environment - NWO-I Institute Managers meeting August 2020
2020-07-08WOSSL2020-software-licensing-20200728.pptxESCAPE Workshop on Open Source Software Licensing
2020-07-08WOSSL2020-software-licensing-20200728.pdfESCAPE Workshop on Open Source Software Licensing
2020-05-25PDP-summary-20200525-extended.pptxNikhef Physics Data Processing - an overview
2020-05-25PDP-summary-20200525-extended.pdfNikhef Physics Data Processing - an overview
2020-04-21SCCC-WG-WISE-meeting-update-20200421.pptxWISE Security Communications Challenge Coordination Working Group update
2020-04-21SCCC-WG-WISE-meeting-update-20200421.pdfWISE Security Communications Challenge Coordination Working Group update
2020-03-09Developments-IGTF-and-EUGridPMA-20200309.pptxDevelopments in the IGTF and the trust area in Europe (APGridPMA meeting)
2020-03-09AARC-architecture-and-policy-developments-20200310.pptxAARC community - developments in AAI architecture and policy, focussed on the AP region
2020-03-09Developments-IGTF-and-EUGridPMA-20200309.pdfDevelopments in the IGTF and the trust area in Europe (APGridPMA meeting)
2020-03-09AARC-architecture-and-policy-developments-20200310.pdfAARC community - developments in AAI architecture and policy, focussed on the AP region
2020-02-28enco-policy-update-20200227.pdfGEANT Enabling Communities update
2020-02-27enco-policy-update-20200227.pptxGEANT Enabling Communities update
2020-02-17AARC-AEGIS-policy-overview-20200217.pptxAARC Community and AEGIS - policy and best practice developments in 2020+
2020-02-17AARC-AEGIS-policy-overview-20200217.pdfAARC Community and AEGIS - policy and best practice developments in 2020+
2020-02-06AARC-G048-AEGIS-202002010.pptxAttribute Authority operations guideline - AEGIS update
2020-02-06AARC-G048-AEGIS-202002010.pdfAttribute Authority operations guideline - AEGIS update
2020-01-22EUGridPMA-RATCC4.pptxSecurity Communications Challange Coordination and the RATCC results
2020-01-22EUGridPMA-IGTF-oidcfed-20200122.pptxOpenID Federation and the IGTF
2020-01-17TrustPolicyCoordinationAndOpsecForTheNextEOSCPhase-20200121-01.pptxEOSC Trust and Security developments
2020-01-17Prague-2020-intro.pptxEUGridPMA48 introduction
2020-01-15TCSG4-update-IGTF-20200114.pptxThe GEANT TCS service generation 4 - policy and practice updates
2019-12-15Nikhef-Jamboree2019-PDP.pptxNikhef Jamboree: Small is bautiful - or not. Tales of Scaling (Nikhef access only)
2019-12-15Nikhef-Jamboree2019-PDP.pdfNikhef Jamboree: Small is bautiful - or not. Tales of Scaling (Nikhef access only)
2019-12-10EUGridPMA-status-20191213.pptxI2TechEx TAGPMA New Orleans meeting: European status
2019-12-10EUGridPMA-status-20191213.pdfI2TechEx TAGPMA New Orleans meeting: European status
2019-10-12Welcome-to-Nikhef-HEPiX-2019.pptxWelcome to HEPiX - an overview of Nikhef
2019-10-12Welcome-to-Nikhef-HEPiX-2019.pdfWelcome to HEPiX - an overview of Nikhef
2019-09-10Intro-to-Nikhef-networking-HC-20190910.pptxNikhefs tradition and future in networking (Probus visit)
2019-09-10Intro-to-Nikhef-networking-HC-20190910.pdfNikhefs tradition and future in networking (Probus visit)
2019-07-02AARC-at-ESCAPE-WP2WP5.pdfThe AARC Blueprint for the ESCAPE community
2019-07-01AARC-at-ESCAPE-WP2WP5.pptxThe AARC Blueprint for the ESCAPE community
2019-06-17TNC19-AEGISv2.pptxThe AEGIS group at TNC2019
2019-06-14AARC-AEGISTNC-policy-20190617.pptxPolicy aspects of the AEGIS group at TNC2019
2019-06-07AARC2-NA3-PY2review.pptxThe AARC2 Year-2 project review: WP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation
2019-06-07AARC2-NA3-PY2review.pdfThe AARC2 Year-2 project review: WP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation
2019-05-19Combined-Assurance-and-the-RPS-20190520.pptxEUGridPMA and SPG: Combined assurance assessment and the Registration Practices Statement
2019-05-19Combined-Assurance-and-the-RPS-20190520.pdfEUGridPMA and SPG: Combined assurance assessment and the Registration Practices Statement
2019-05-18EnCo-eSGE-and-the-AARC-community.pptxGN4 Enabling Communities - eScience Global Engagement and the AARC Legacy
2019-05-18EnCo-eSGE-and-the-AARC-community.pdfGN4 Enabling Communities - eScience Global Engagement and the AARC Legacy
2019-05-04EGI-conference-InfoSec3-who-you-gonna-call.pptxGuerrilla Security Talk: security incident response communications for the EGI infrastructure
2019-05-04EGI-conference-InfoSec3-who-you-gonna-call.pdfGuerrilla Security Talk: security incident response communications for the EGI infrastructure
2019-04-16WISE-SCIv2-Kaunas-20190416.pptxSCI version 2, an introduction
2019-04-16WISE-ISGISM-AUP-20190416.pptxThe WISE Baseline AUP for the joint WISE-SIGISM workshop
2019-04-16WISE-SCIv2-Kaunas-20190416.pdfSCI version 2, an introduction
2019-04-16WISE-ISGISM-AUP-20190416.pdfThe WISE Baseline AUP for the joint WISE-SIGISM workshop
2019-04-15WISE-SCCC-introduction-20190416.pptxWISE Security Communications Challenge Coordination Working Group plans
2019-04-15WISE-SCCC-introduction-20190416.pdfWISE Security Communications Challenge Coordination Working Group plans
2019-04-10Nikhef-DNI-use-case-LHCetc-20190411.pptxThe LHCUpgrade Roadmap and the Dutch National eInfrastructure
2019-04-10Nikhef-DNI-use-case-LHCetc-20190411.pdfThe LHCUpgrade Roadmap and the Dutch National eInfrastructure
2019-04-01EUGridPMA-status-20190401.pptxEUGridPMA updates and evolution of the IGTF as seen from Europe
2019-04-01AARC-MCBPA-and-assurance-IGTFAHM-Taipei-20190401.pptxThe AARC Multi-Community BPA and assurance (IGTF All Hands meeting)
2019-04-01EUGridPMA-status-20190401.pdf updates and evolution of the IGTF as seen from Europe
2019-04-01AARC-MCBPA-and-assurance-IGTFAHM-Taipei-20190401.pdfThe AARC Multi-Community BPA and assurance (IGTF All Hands meeting)
2019-03-31AARC-ISGCSecWS-FedIncRes-20190331.pptxISGC Security Workshop: incident response with federated identity management
2019-03-31AARC-ISGCSecWS-FedIncRes-20190331.pdfISGC Security Workshop: incident response with federated identity management
2019-03-18AARC-NA3-beyond-AARC-20190319.pptxPolicy beyond AARC - a permanent home for evolving activities
2019-03-18AARC-NA3-beyond-AARC-20190319.pdfPolicy beyond AARC - a permanent home for evolving activities
2019-01-21TCSG4-requirements-for-eInfrastructures.pptxTrusted Certificate Service Gen4: requirements for e-Infrastructure usage
2019-01-20AARC-NA3-beyond-AARC-20190121.pptxBeyond the AARC project - the view from the IGTF side
2019-01-16I4C-KPN-intro-20190116.pptxInfrastructure for Collaboration at Nikhef - KPN meeting
2019-01-16I4C-KPN-intro-20190116.pdfInfrastructure for Collaboration at Nikhef - KPN meeting
2019-01-11I4C-introduction-20190116-full.pptxInfrastructure for Collaboration at Nikhef - an introduction to the programme
2019-01-11I4C-introduction-20190116-full.pdfInfrastructure for Collaboration at Nikhef - an introduction to the programme
2018-10-24PCGWI-RoadmapICTs-20181024.pptxIT Infrastructure for Research: many roads on one map
2018-10-24PCGWI-RoadmapICTs-20181024.pdfIT Infrastructure for Research: many roads on one map
2018-10-18ACAMP-AUP-intro.pptxACAMP session on the WISE baseline Acceptable Use Policy
2018-10-17AARC2-NA3-TechEX18-20181017.pptxThings to do in Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation when you are in Orlando ... and thereafter (I2TechEX18)
2018-10-17AARC2-NA3-TechEX18-20181017.pdfThings to do in Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation when you are in Orlando ... and thereafter (I2TechEX18)
2018-10-06OpenDag2018-PDP-een-petabyte-weinig-20181006-01.pptxEen Petabyte weinig? Spoorzoeken door data (Weekend van de Wetenschap 2018)
2018-10-06OpenDag2018-PDP-een-petabyte-weinig-20181006-01.pdfEen Petabyte weinig? Spoorzoeken door data (Weekend van de Wetenschap 2018)
2018-09-12AARC2-NA3-ALTLmeeting-20180912-02.pptxPolicy and Best Practice Harmonisation (AARC2 AL-TL meeting)
2018-09-12AARC2-NA3-ALTLmeeting-20180912-02.pdfPolicy and Best Practice Harmonisation (AARC2 AL-TL meeting)
2018-08-01EUGridPMA-status-20180806.pptxEUGridPMA Status and Current Trends (APGridPMA Auckland)
2018-08-01EUGridPMA-status-20180806.pdfEUGridPMA Status and Current Trends (APGridPMA Auckland)
2018-06-25AARC2-NA3-PY1review.pptxAARC2 WP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation (AARC2 year-1 review)
2018-06-25AARC2-NA3-PY1review.pdfAARC2 WP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation (AARC2 year-1 review)
2018-05-09I2GS2018-davidg-TrustyResearchInfra-datatrust.pptxTrusty Research Infrastructure? Digital marketplaces using novel infrastructrure models (I2GS Panel)
2018-05-09I2GS2018-davidg-TrustyResearchInfra-datatrust.pdfTrusty Research Infrastructure? Digital marketplaces using novel infrastructrure models (I2GS Panel)
2018-05-08AARC2-NA3-I2GSsession-20180509.pptxSupporting Communities with harmonized policy (I2 Global Summit Federated Identity)
2018-05-08AARC2-NA3-I2GSsession-20180509.pdfSupporting Communities with harmonized policy (I2 Global Summit Federated Identity)
2018-04-10AARC2-NA3-Overview-AHM3.pptxPolicy in harmony: our best practice (and a kit list for communities)
2018-04-10AARC2-NA3-Overview-AHM3.pdfPolicy in harmony: our best practice (and a kit list for communities)
2018-03-18EUGridPMA-status-20180319.pptxIGTF developments from Europe and the world (APGridPMA 2018)
2018-03-18EUGridPMA-status-20180319.pdfIGTF developments from Europe and the world (APGridPMA 2018)
2018-03-18AARC-BPA-and-policy-for-interoperable-AAI-APGridPMA-merged-20180319.pdfInteroperable AAI: blueprint, technology, policy in an interconnected world (ISGC APGridPMA)
2018-03-17AARC-BPA-and-policy-for-interoperable-AAI-APGridPMA-merged-20180319.pptxInteroperable AAI: blueprint, technology, policy in an interconnected world (ISGC APGridPMA)
2018-02-05igtf-oidcfed-TIIME-2018.pptxOpenID Connect Federation for Infrastructures - leveraging the IGTF trust framework
2018-02-05igtf-oidcfed-TIIME-2018.pdfOpenID Connect Federation for Infrastructures - leveraging the IGTF trust framework
2018-01-25NikhefRPMPolicy-NWOICG-20180125.pptxNikhef RDM Policy - first experiences
2018-01-25NikhefRPMPolicy-NWOICG-20180125.pdfNikhef RDM Policy - first experiences
2018-01-24RCauth-governance-changes-20180124.pptxChanges to the Governance Model
2018-01-24RCauth-governance-changes-20180124.pdfChanges to the Governance Model
2018-01-20Intro-OIDC-Federation.pptxIntroduction to the IGTF OpenID Connect Federation - Scope and developments
2018-01-20Intro-OIDC-Federation.pdfIntroduction to the IGTF OpenID Connect Federation - Scope and developments
2017-12-07NikhefRPMPolicy-WAR-20171207.pptxResearch Data Management Policy - a pragmatic approach
2017-12-07NikhefRPMPolicy-WAR-20171207.pdfResearch Data Management Policy - a pragmatic approach
2017-11-30AARC2-NA3-Policy4RIs-DI4R2018.pptx"Towards hamonized policies and best practices - Digital Infrastructures for Research Conference
2017-11-30AARC2-NA3-Policy4RIs-DI4R2018.pdf"Towards hamonized policies and best practices - Digital Infrastructures for Research Conference
2017-11-21AARC2-NA3-Shortened-Overview-AHM2.pptxTowards hamonized policies and best practices - AARC2 All Hands meeting overview
2017-11-2120171121-Welcome-to-Nikhef-AARC2AHM2.pptxWelcome to Nikhef
2017-11-2120171121-Welcome-to-Nikhef-AARC2AHM2.pdfWelcome to Nikhef
2017-11-18AARC2-NA3-Overview-AHM2.pptxTowards hamonized policies and best practices - AARC2 All Hands meeting overview
2017-10-10EUGridPMA-status-20171015.pptxEUGridPMA Status and Current Trends and IGTF topics October 2017 APGridPMA Autumn Meeting
2017-10-10EUGridPMA-status-20171015.pdfEUGridPMA Status and Current Trends and IGTF topics October 2017 APGridPMA Autumn Meeting
2017-09-22IGTF-combined-assurance-assessment.pptxAssessing Combined Assurance - Introducing composites of DOGWOOD and BIRCH/CEDAR in EGI and beyond
2017-09-22IGTF-combined-assurance-assessment.pdfAssessing Combined Assurance - Introducing composites of DOGWOOD and BIRCH/CEDAR in EGI and beyond
2017-09-21IGTF-authN-fabric-reuse.pdfLeveraging the IGTF authentication fabric for research
2017-09-20AARC-BPA-and-NA3-for-FIM4R.pptxLinking research and infrastructures to federation - technology, policy, deployment
2017-09-20AARC-BPA-and-NA3-for-FIM4R.pdfLinking research and infrastructures to federation - technology, policy, deployment
2017-09-18IGTF-authN-fabric-reuse.pptxLeveraging the IGTF authentication fabric for research
2017-06-06AARC-NA3-intro-20170606.pptxPolicy and Best Practice Harmonisation (NA3) from the present to the future
2017-06-06AARC-NA3-intro-20170606.pdfPolicy and Best Practice Harmonisation (NA3) from the present to the future
2017-05-31AARC-TNC17-policy-20170531.pptxBringing Harmonized Policy and Best Practice from the present to the future
2017-05-31AARC-TNC17-policy-20170531.pdfBringing Harmonized Policy and Best Practice from the present to the future
2017-05-17AARC-NA3-PY2review-public.pptxWP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation addressing the research communities requirements
2017-05-17AARC-NA3-PY2review-public.pdfWP3: Policy and Best Practice Harmonisation addressing the research communities requirements CILogon-like service in EGI and the EOSC - Deployment and Sustainability Models or the AARC CILogon-like TTS Pilot CILogon-like service in EGI and the EOSC - Deployment and Sustainability Models or the AARC CILogon-like TTS Pilot
2017-05-11RCauth-i18n-update.pptxInternationalisation challenges in - Considerations and solutions to universal i18n mapping
2017-05-11RCauth-i18n-update.pdfInternationalisation challenges in - Considerations and solutions to universal i18n mapping
2017-05-09AARC-RCauth-EGI-and-beyond-20170509.pptxThe CILogin-like TTS Pilot in EGI - Deployment and Sustainability Models for the AARC Pilot - EGI Conference 2017
2017-05-09AARC-RCauth-EGI-and-beyond-20170509.pdfThe CILogin-like TTS Pilot in EGI - Deployment and Sustainability Models for the AARC Pilot - EGI Conference 2017
2017-04-25I2GS-trust-panel-20170425-v2.pptxInternet2 Global Summit Trust Panel: Building Trust for Research and Collaboration
2017-04-25I2GS-trust-panel-20170425-v2.pdfInternet2 Global Summit Trust Panel: Building Trust for Research and Collaboration
2017-04-23EUGridPMA-status-20170423.pptxEUGridPMA tatus and Current Trends and IGTF topics - TAGPMA plenary meeting, Washington DC Sustainability for the AARC CILogin-like TTS Pilot, Distribution and models for the CILogon-like TTS Pilot for the European Open Science Cloud and the Dutch National e-Infrastructure coordinated by SURF Sustainability for the AARC CILogin-like TTS Pilot, Distribution and models for the CILogon-like TTS Pilot for the European Open Science Cloud and the Dutch National e-Infrastructure coordinated by SURF
2017-04-04RUG-AARC-Draft-Blueprint-Architecture.pptxAARC Blueprint Architecture and Pilots - A snapshot of the BPA implementations and its context - NL OpenStack Federation workshop Groningen RUG-CIT
2017-03-20AARC-NA3-Athens-agenda.pptxAARC Policy Harmonisation and Best Practice, AARC All Hands meeting Athens 2017
2017-03-20AARC-NA3-Athens-agenda.pdfAARC Policy Harmonisation and Best Practice, AARC All Hands meeting Athens 2017
2017-03-06EUGridPMA-status-20170306.pptxEUGridPMA tatus and Current Trends and IGTF topics - APGridPMA plenary meeting, Taipei 2017
2017-03-06AARC-FIM4R-20170221.pptxBoosting AAI for research and collaboration - FIM4R meeting TIIME workshop Vienna 2017
2017-03-06EUGridPMA-status-20170306.pdfEUGridPMA tatus and Current Trends and IGTF topics - APGridPMA plenary meeting, Taipei 2017
2017-02-23FIM4Rv2.pptxFIM4R version 2: addressing e-Research Requrements, 5 years later
2017-02-21AARC-FIM4R-20170221.pdfBoosting AAI for research and collaboration - FIM4R meeting TIIME workshop Vienna 2017
2017-02-08RCauth-CILogin-AARC-for-EGI-AAITCB.pptxThe CILogon-like service in the EGI AAI - EGI AAI TCB meeting
2017-02-08RCauth-CILogin-AARC-for-EGI-AAITCB.pdfThe CILogon-like service in the EGI AAI - EGI AAI TCB meeting
2017-02-07Nikhef-PDP-PR-Ignatius.pptxAccelerating Throughput from the LHC to the World - Schoolvisit Ignatius
2017-02-07Nikhef-PDP-PR-Ignatius.pdfAccelerating Throughput from the LHC to the World - Schoolvisit Ignatius
2017-01-27Nikhef-DellYP-meeting-20170127.pptxNikhef - a Journey in Physics and Data Processing - Dell Young Professional visit
2017-01-27Nikhef-DellYP-meeting-20170127.pdfNikhef - a Journey in Physics and Data Processing - Dell Young Professional visit
2016-12-15SURFsara-SuperD-NikPDP-20161215.pptxAccelerating Throughput - from the LHC to the World, SURFsara Super-D 2016
2016-12-15SURFsara-SuperD-NikPDP-20161215.pdfAccelerating Throughput - from the LHC to the World, SURFsara Super-D 2016
2016-11-29AARC-NA3-highlights-20161129.pptxPolicy and Best Practices - the Story So Far: highlights from the AARC NA3 policy area
2016-11-23EGISPG-OMB-toplevel-policy-20161124.pptxEGI Security Policies - Top-Level and Data Privacy
2016-11-23EGISPG-OMB-toplevel-policy-20161124.pdfEGI Security Policies - Top-Level and Data Privacy
2016-10-25EUGridPMA-status-20161024.pptxEUGridPMA Status (TAGPMA24 meeting)
2016-10-21TAGPMA-Hamilton-DCVextension.pptxExtending host credential validity in presence of DCV & OV controls
2016-10-06Nikhef-Centric-meeting-20161006.pdfNikhef Advanced Computing for Research - beyond just WLCG
2016-10-05Nikhef-Centric-meeting-20161006.pptxNikhef Advanced Computing for Research - beyond just WLCG
2016-09-29DI4R-SecWS-2016-Assurance-and-Federation-AARC.pptxIncident Response in Federations - a deliberately provocative view to complicate security trainings
2016-09-2820160928 DI4R Enabling Federated Login to WLCG-DG.pptxEnabling Federated Login to WLCG resources (with Hannah Short)
2016-09-09HvA-ELK-torquedata-20160908.pdfProcessing workload data with the Nikhef ELK cluster
2016-09-07TCSG3-INC20160906-SCIRT.pptxThe TCS Event (confidential)
2016-09-07HvA-ELK-torquedata-20160908.pptxProcessing workload data with the Nikhef ELK cluster
2016-07-30EUGridPMA-status-20160805.pptxThe EUGridPMA - considerations for the APGridPMA
2016-07-15EUGridPMA-status-20160719.pptxThe EUGridPMA - considerations for TAGPMA and the IGTF
2016-06-28AARC-NA3-PY1review-v02b.pptxThe AARC Project Review: policy and best practice harmonisation (confidential)
2016-06-28AARC-NA3-PY1review-v02b.pdfThe AARC Project Review: policy and best practice harmonisation (confidential)
2016-06-16AARC-NA3-TNC2016.pptxPolicy and best practice: harmonisation and its impact
2016-06-16AARC-NA3-TNC2016.pdfPolicy and best practice: harmonisation and its impact
2016-05-25AARC-Sustainability-of-Services-20160525.pptxAARC Sustainability and operating models - an overview of models (AARC 3rd AHM meting, Heiko Huetten, Martin Haase, Peter Gietz, DavidG)
2016-05-25AARC-RCauthPlus-sustainability.pptxSustainability for the AARC CILogin-like TTS Pilot
2016-05-23TCSG3-___________-PMArep.pptxUpdate of the GEANT TCS service (not public)
2016-05-17Nikhef-introduction-pdp-20160517.pptxNikhef Advanced Computing (an overview)
2016-05-09RCauth-Abingdon-20160419.pptxThe TTS ICA and the AARC CILogon-like pilot accreditation presentation
2016-05-04Video-supported-F2F-20160510.pptUsing remote video-supported vetting - a potential model
2016-03-14EUGridPMA-status-20160314.pptxThe EUGridPMA: an update for the AP meeting
2016-03-14AARC-PolicyHamonisation-ISGC-contrib-20160315.pptxPolicyHarmonization (contribution to the AARC ISGC presentation)
2016-03-12ISGC-SecWS-2016-Assurance-and-Federation-AARC.pptxAARC: assurance and federation mechanisms for research and collaboration
2016-03-12IGTF-RATCC3-20160314.pptxThe IGTF Communications Challenge III: report-out (based on work by Ursula Epting)
2016-03-12AARC-CILogonPilot-APGridPMA-20160314.pptxThe AARC CILogon-like TTS Pilot for Europe - at the ISGC APGridPMA meeting
2016-03-12ISGC-SecWS-2016-Assurance-and-Federation-AARC.pdfAARC: assurance and federation mechanisms for research and collaboration
2016-02-04HvA-real-big-data-vis-20160204.pptxShowing Real Big Data - visualisng data transfers for the public and administraors alike
2016-02-04HvA-real-big-data-vis-20160204.pdfShowing Real Big Data - visualisng data transfers for the public and administraors alike
2016-01-31Bring-the-LCG-federation-Home-20160201.pptxBringing the WLCG Federation home - Extending your trust options beyond bottom-up identityy collaborating with global Research and Scholarship
2016-01-31Bring-the-LCG-federation-Home-20160201.pdfBringing the WLCG Federation home - Extending your trust options beyond bottom-up identityy collaborating with global Research and Scholarship
2016-01-28AARC-EGI-evolving-trust-and-IOTA-EGICSIRT-20160126.pptxEvolving the EGI trust fabric with the IOTA Profile and the AARC CILogon Pilot
2016-01-28AARC-EGI-evolving-trust-and-IOTA-EGICSIRT-20160126.pdfEvolving the EGI trust fabric with the IOTA Profile and the AARC CILogon Pilot
2016-01-16AARC-LoA-baseline-IGTF-20160119.pptxTowards an Initial LoA Baseline Assurance Profile
2016-01-15AARC-CILogonPilot-IGTF-20160118.pptxThe AARC CILogon-like Pilot - design and its relation to credential policies
2015-12-01EWTI-identity-bridges-davidg-20151202.pptxBuilding Interoperable Global Trust - bridging technology and policy divides - EWTI Keynote 2015
2015-12-01EWTI-identity-bridges-davidg-20151202.pdfBuilding Interoperable Global Trust - bridging technology and policy divides - EWTI Keynote 2015
2015-11-22Crossing-the-polder-ttc-20151123-einfra-collaboration.pptxBridging between nfrastructures in the polder - Collaboration amongst e-Infrastructures at the technical and policy level - a (biased) personal view - GEANT TTC Nov 2015
2015-11-09Evolving-EGI-trust-fabric-20151110.pptxEvolving the EGI trust fabric using distributed responsibility
2015-11-09AARC-NA3-LoA-EGICF15-20151112.pptxThe assurance level baseline developments in AARC - EGI CF Bari 2015
2015-11-09Evolving-EGI-trust-fabric-20151110.pdfEvolving the EGI trust fabric using distributed responsibility
2015-11-02AARC-AHM-NA3-intro-20151030.pptxOn policy harmonisation and best practice - AARC AHM Milano 2015
2015-10-27LHCOPNOne-NLT1-intro.pptxWelcome to the NL-T1 and theutch National e-Infrastructure
2015-10-05AARC-NA3-LoA-I2TechX-20151005.pptxThe assurance level baseline developments in AARC - I2TechX 2015
2015-09-17HvA-real-big-data-20150916.pdfShowing Real Big Data - Towards visualisation of data transfers with Big Data analytics techniques
2015-09-16HvA-real-big-data-20150916.pptxShowing Real Big Data - Towards visualisation of data transfers with Big Data analytics techniques
2015-08-20GEANT-TCS-DigiCert-training-session-20150820.mp4The GEANT TCS - a hands-on training for NRENs
2015-06-14TCSG3-TNC15-SAMLdemo-background.pptxThe GEANT TCS personal certificates - the SAML issuance process - TNC2015 TCS workshop
2015-05-22IGTF-AARC-20150513.pptxThe AARC Project - policy and best practice harmonization
2015-05-21EGCF2015-Security-Evolving-trust-fabric-20150520.pptxEvolving the trust fabric for research and collaboration - enabling pragmatic credentialing in a multi-domain world
2015-05-05NeIC-AARC-20150505.pptxAuthentication and Authorizationor Research and Collaboration - NeIC Conference 2015
2015-05-04NeIC-AAIWS-20150505-ext-v3.pptxEvolving models pf global trust fabrics and of federation operations - NeIC Conference 2015
2015-03-15ISGC-SecWS-ThreatLandscape-2015-sanitized.pdfThe CSIRT Threat Landscape - opening talk to the ISGC Security Workshop 2015
2015-03-12IGTF-SHA2-timeline-20150315.pptxThe SHA-1 depreciation time line in the IGTF
2015-03-12IGTF-Communications-responsiveness-and-suspension-20150315.pptxThe IGTF Communication Infrastructure - responsiveness and RATCC
2015-03-12Evolving-Assurance-IGTF-summary-20150315.pptxEvolving Assurance - IGTF LoA generalisation
2015-03-12EUGridPMA-status-201503115.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2015-03-062015-02-LF-AARC-FIM4R-DG.pptxThe AARC Project - relation to the FIM4R group
2015-03-062015-02-LF-AARC-FIM4R-DG.pdfThe AARC Project - relation to the FIM4R group
2015-02-10Long-tail-of-science-EGI-solagna-fim4r-v2-dgmod-20150209-TTC.pdfThe EGI Long Tail of Science service - for the GEANT TTC
2015-02-09Long-tail-of-science-EGI-solagna-fim4r-v2-dgmod-20150209-TTC.pptxThe EGI Long Tail of Science service - for the GEANT TTC
2015-01-28FOM-ICT-Meetup-GridIntro.pptxFOM ICT workshop on the distributed computing infrastructure and security
2015-01-21SirTFi-kelsey26oct14-compact.pptxSirTFi - a Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federatied Identity
2015-01-21Evolving-Assurance-20150121-compact.pptxEvolving Assurance - going where? - Collaborative, distributed, and generalized assurance beyond just identity authentication
2015-01-07TCS-update-2015-newCPCPS.pptxThe GEANT Trusted Certificate Service Accreditation to the IGTF
2014-12-15Jaarvergadering-PDP-2014.pptxPhysics Data Processing & ICT, ready for more than Run 2 - Nikehf Jamboree
2014-09-23Tracability-in-face-of-Clouds-20140925.pptxTraceability in the face of Clouds - EGI-GEANT Symposium - cloud security track
2014-09-23Tracability-in-face-of-Clouds-20140925.pdfTraceability in the face of Clouds - EGI-GEANT Symposium - cloud security track
2014-06-03IGTF-sha2timelime-20140604.pptxThe SHA-1 depreciation time line in the IGTF"
2014-06-03EUGridPMA-status-20140604.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2014-05-20TNC2014-IdFed-BoF-IGTF-20140520.pptxEnabling global trust through equirements profiling - enabling the interoperable lobal trust federation
2014-04-02eResearcherAAI-IGTF-20140402.pptxeResearchers Requirements the IGTF model of interoperable global trust and with a view towards FIM4R - EC AAI workshop
2014-04-02eResearcherAAI-IGTF-20140402.pdfeResearchers Requirements the IGTF model of interoperable global trust and with a view towards FIM4R - EC AAI workshop
2014-03-25Differentiated-Collaborative-Assurance-ISGC2014-DavidG-20140326.pptxDifferentiated and Collaborative Assurance - profiling the identity management landscape for diversifying e-Infrastructure services
2014-03-24EUGridPMA-status-20140324.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2014-03-14CHEP2013-summary-colloquium-20140314.pptxThe 20th CHEP Conference - a scientific overview - Nikhef colloquium March 2014
2014-03-14CHEP2013-summary-colloquium-20140314.pdfThe 20th CHEP Conference - a scientific overview - Nikhef colloquium March 2014
2014-01-22FOM-SURF-beleidworkshop-20140123.pptxIntroducing Identity Management in a mid-size research organisation - SURF workshop on identity management
2014-01-22FOM-SURF-beleidworkshop-20140123.pdfIntroducing Identity Management in a mid-size research organisation - SURF workshop on identity management
2013-12-01IGTF-IOTA-profile-for-EGI-CSIRT20131202.pptxDetails on the identifier-only AP assurance profile in the IGTF - EGI CSIRT F2F
2013-11-04EUGridPMA-status-20131106.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2013-09-17IGTF-EUGridPMA-update-20130918.pptThe EUGridPMA
2013-09-11IOTA-RP-Questions-20130909.pptElaborating relying party requirements on the identifier-only trust assurance profile
2013-09-09IGTF-assurance-levels-IOTAAP-EUGridPMA-20130909.pptTowards and identifier-only trust assurance profile in the IGTF
2013-05-24IGTF-SHA2-timeline-20130528-v1.pptThe SHA-1 depreciation time line in the IGTF
2013-05-07IGTF-assurance-levels-LiveAP-TAGPMA-20130506.pptThe LIVE AP assurance profile in the IGTF
2013-05-06EUGridPMA-status-20130506.pptThe EUGridPMA
2013-04-11IGTF-assurance-levels-LiveAP-EGICF2013-201304111-v3S.pptThe LIVE identifier-only AP assurance profile in the IGTF - EGI Community Forum
2013-03-22EUGridPMA-status-20130322.pptThe EUGridPMA
2013-03-22EUGridPMA-status-20130322-B.pptThe EUGridPMA
2013-03-10thoughts-on-IDEL-20130311.pptxThoughts on Identity Delegation
2012-06-17EUGridPMA-status-ogf35.pptThe EUGridPMA
2012-05-16CHEP2013-promo-NYC.pptCHEP2013 - the next CHEP
2012-05-04Eye on Amsterdam.mp4
2012-04-05GSP-Piet-Intro.pdfAbout the use and configuration of the NDPF Service Cluster
2012-04-03GSP-Piet-Intro.pptxAbout the use and configuration of the NDPF Service Cluster
2012-03-14Interpreting-bags-of-VOMS-20120314.pptxInterpreting attribute assertions of VOMS in context - OGF34
2012-03-13GFD125bis-update-OGF34-Oxford.pptThe Grid Certificate Profile update - towards GFD.125bis - OGF34
2012-03-12EUGridPMA-status-OGF34-Oxford.pptThe EUGridPMA at OGF34
2012-02-28EUGridPMA-status-apgridpma2012-taipei.pptThe EUGridPMA and IGTF - issues for 2012
2012-02-28EUGridPMA-status-apgridpma2012-taipei.pdfThe EUGridPMA
2012-01-09igtf-authn-wishlist-20120116.pptxCredential Validation Middleware Requests - compiling the wish list for authN functionality for EGI
2011-10-21IGE-AllHands-security-20111024.pptxSecurity plans for the IGE project
2011-10-21IGE-AllHands-security-20111024.pdfSecurity plans for the IGE project
2011-10-07igtf-authn-middleware-needs-20111011.pptxAuthN Middleware Requests - compiling the wish list for authN functionality for EGI
2011-10-07eugridpma-status-20111011.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2011-10-07eugridpma-liferay-portal-discuss-20111011.pptxThe LifeRay portal use case for credential issuance
2011-09-09Datacentre-certs-intro-Marrakesh.pptDataCentre certs - autoprovisioning of credentials in the CERN data centre
2011-06-09TCS-presentation-Jun2011-DG.pptThe TCS Certificate Service - EUGridPMA update
2011-06-09TCS-Instant-20110609.pptxThe TERENA Certificate Service - Certificates4all!
2011-06-09EEF-IdM-workshop-IGTF-building-20110610.pptxBuilding International Trust - the European E-infrastructure Forum on Identity Management
2011-06-09EEF-IdM-workshop-IGTF-building-20110610.pdfBuilding International Trust - the European E-infrastructure Forum on Identity Management
2011-05-14GridAATechnologies-TNC2011.pptxTechnologies for AAI in a distributed non-web e-Infrastructure - TNC2011
2011-03-24In-Grid-We-Trust-20010322.pptxIn Grid We Trust - New authentication mechanisms and their mpact on trust relationships at the home organisation - ISGC talk
2011-01-17Jaarvergadering-2010-PDPversion.pptxEnsuring Availability - Security, Protection, Trust, walking the line between paranoia and laisser-faire in a highly connected world
2010-12-17Jaarvergadering-2010.pptxEnsuring Availability - Security, Protection, Trust, walking the line between paranoia and laisser-faire in a highly connected world
2010-12-17Jaarvergadering-2010.pdfEnsuring Availability - Security, Protection, Trust, walking the line between paranoia and laisser-faire in a highly connected world
2010-11-25Establishing-identity-in-EGI-20101125-maintalk.pptEstablishing identity in EGI, a policy view
2010-09-15GridTechforAAI-20100915.pptxTechnologies for AAI in the grid infrastructure
2010-09-15GridTechforAAI-20100915.pdfTechnologies for AAI in the grid infrastructure
2010-08-05SURFnet-bezoek-20100805.pptxOn Computing at Nikhef and the world
2010-03-18ige-ogf28security.pptxSecurity services in Globus - new models for authentication and authorization
2010-03-16OGF28-securityWS-20100316.pptxDistributed Access Management - Recovering control over compute n the wake of community-run scheduling services
2010-03-08igtf-bridging-the-usability-gap-20100308.pptxBridging the Usability Gap for X509 in the IGTF
2010-03-08eugridpma-status-20100308.pptxThe EUGridPMA
2010-03-07MiddlewareSecurity-20100307.pptxMiddleware Security - an extended overview across infrastructures
2010-02-03NikIDM-en-LDAP-20100125.pptxThe Nikhef Identity Management System and its use of the NDPF LDAP directory
2010-02-03NikIDM-en-LDAP-20100125.pdfThe Nikhef Identity Management System and its use of the NDPF LDAP directory
2010-01-03On-MUPJs-SARA-20100105.pptxOn multi-user pilot jobs and their security implications
2010-01-03On-MUPJs-SARA-20100105.pdfOn multi-user pilot jobs and their security implications
2009-11-24GridSecurity-kennismiddag-20091125.pptxGrid Security, an introduction to security issues in grid infrastructures and cross-domain user collaboration
2009-11-24GridSecurity-kennismiddag-20091125.odpGrid Security, an introduction to security issues in grid infrastructures and cross-domain user collaboration
2009-11-24GridSecurity-kennismiddag-20091125.pdfGrid Security, an introduction to security issues in grid infrastructures and cross-domain user collaboration
2009-10-28KennisKringAmsterdam-20091028-short.pdfIntroduction to distributed computing at Nikhef and the world, KennisKring Amsterdam 2009
2009-04-21IntegratingFederations-ISGC2009-1.pptxIntegrating Federations in the IGTF Trust Fabric, ISGC2009
2009-04-19MiddlewareSecurity-20090419.pptxMiddleware Security in selected infrastructures, ISGC2009 (MS Powerpoint)
2009-04-19MiddlewareSecurity-20090419.pdfMiddleware Security in selected infrastructures, ISGC2009 (PDF)
2009-03-28AuthZ-Interop-reportout-MWSG-20090330.pptxReport and results form the Collaboration, MWSG Zurich, 2009 (MS Powerpoint)
2009-03-28AuthZ-Interop-reportout-MWSG-20090330.pdfReport and results form the Collaboration, MWSG Zurich, 2009 (PDF)
2009-03-17SNE2009-GridInfrastructure.pdfGrid Infrastructure and fabric management, SNE Guest Lecture 2009 (PDF)
2009-03-13SNE2009-GridInfrastructure.pptxGrid Infrastructure and fabric management, SNE Guest Lecture 2009 (MS Powerpoint)
2009-02-07EZbezoek2009-1.jpgPower EZ bezoek, January 2009
2009-02-07EZbezoek2009-1.cdrPower EZ bezoek, January 2009 (source)
2009-02-07EZbezoek2009-1.pdfPower EZ bezoek, January 2009
2008-12-13eugridpma-profiles-20081216.pptThe Profiles of the International Grid Trust Federation (2nd NetherNordic SLCS Workshop, Dec 2008)
2008-11-28BNC_DavidGroep_28Nov2008.pptxGrid Computing: enabling scientific collaboration in Europe and beyond (Belnet Networking Conference, Nov 2008)
2008-11-28BNC_DavidGroep_28Nov2008.pptGrid Computing: enabling scientific collaboration in Europe and beyond (Belnet Networking Conference, Nov 2008)
2008-11-28BNC_DavidGroep_28Nov2008.pdfGrid Computing: enabling scientific collaboration in Europe and beyond (Belnet Networking Conference, Nov 2008)
2008-11-13Grid_Security_and_Authentication.pptxGrid Authentication and Security (GridForum Tutorial, Nov 2008)
2008-11-13Grid_Security_and_Authentication.pdfGrid Authentication and Security (GridForum Tutorial, Nov 2008)
2008-11-06eugridpma-TAGGridPMA-20081107.pdfThe EUGridPMA (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-05eugridpma-TAGGridPMA-20081107.pptxThe EUGridPMA (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-05Portals_and_Credentials.pptxCredential Management and Portals: towards new concepts (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-05CVE20080166-lessons-20081107.pptxCVE-2008-0166: Lessons Learned (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-05Portals_and_Credentials.pdfCredential Management and Portals: towards new concepts (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)"
2008-11-05ClassicProfile-Update-20081107.pdfThe Classic Authentication Profile (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-05CVE20080166-lessons-20081107.pdfCVE-2008-0166: Lessons Learned (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-11-04ClassicProfile-Update-20081107.pptxThe Classic Authentication Profile (TAGPMA Plenary, La Plata, Nov 2008)
2008-10-28vle-infrastructure-workshop-20081029.pptInfrastructure in 2009 and beyond (VL-e Workshop, October 2008)
2008-10-07Lisbon-intro-only.pptThe EUGridPMA (EUGridPMA Plenary, Lisbon, Oct 2008)
2008-10-07Lisbon-GFD125-testing.pptTesting GFD.125 compliance (EUGridPMA Plenary, Lisbon, Oct 2008)
2008-10-07Lisbon-CRL-issues.pptIssues with the Certificate Revocation List (EUGridPMA Plenary, Lisbon, Oct 2008)
2008-09-25glexec-scas-20080924.pptgLExec and the SCAS (EGEE 08 conference, Istanbul, September 2008)
2008-09-15OGF-SA-SecMeeting-20080915.pptThe OGF Security Area (OGF24, Biopolis Singapore, SG, September 2008)
2008-05-29vle-P4-plan2009-poc-towards-production-20080530.pptxThe VL-e Scaling and Validation Programme in 2009 and beyond (VL-e workshop, March 2008)
2008-05-29vle-P4-plan2009-poc-towards-production-20080530.pdfThe VL-e Scaling and Validation Programme in 2009 and beyond (VL-e workshop, March 2008)
2008-05-10Introduction-to-Grid-20080509.pdfGrid: Data Delen op Wereldschaal (presentatie 9 mei 2008, PDF, 4 MByte)
2008-05-07Introduction-to-Grid-20080509.pptGrid: Data Delen op Wereldschaal (presentatie 9 mei 2008, MS Powerpoint2003, 23 MByte!)
2008-03-10SNE2008-GridInfrastructure.pdfGrid Computing and Site Infrastructures (Gastcollege SNE Master, March 2008)
2008-03-09SNE2008-GridInfrastructure.pptxGrid Computing and Site Infrastructures (Gastcollege SNE Master, March 2008)
2008-02-25OGF22-SA-programme-20080223.pptThe OGF Security Area (OGF22, Boston, MA, USA, February 2008)
2008-02-21glexec-oscompat-20080221.pptgLExec and Operating System compatibility (EGEE JRA1 All Hands, Amsterdam Feb 2008)
2008-01-15introAmsterdam2008.pptThe EUGridPMA (EUGridPMA Plenary Meeting, Amsterdam, Jan 2008)
2007-07-18dutchgrid-etokens-20070717.pptThe use of eTokens (TAGPMA meeting)
2007-07-17cabuild-process-20070716.pptThe IGTF Distribution Process explained
2007-07-16eugridpma-status-Banff-20070716.pptThe EUGridPMA Status and updates (TAGPMA meeting)
2007-07-11classicprofile-status-Banff-20070716.pptThe Classic Authentication Profile (TAGPMA meeting)
2007-05-31dutchgrid-indepth-20070530.pptDutchGrid CA: an in-depth review and self-audit quick scan
2007-05-30dutchgrid-etokens-20070531.pptThe use of eTokens in the DutchGrid CA/PKI
2007-05-21ICTDelta2007-Grid-Middleware-20070522.pptGrid Middleware: data delen op wereldschaal - presentatie ICTDelta 2007
2007-05-02Portal-AuthN-20070502.pptPortal security and Robot certificates - TCG Portal WG May 2007
2006-11-29eugridpma-status-austin-20061129.pptEUGridPMA: Updates from the European Side of the Pond (TAGPMA meeting, Austin)
2006-11-29SecurityAuditingLogging-20061115.pptSecurity Audit Logging for Grid Middleware in the short term
2006-11-10bobh-20061106-1-input.pptslide collectie voor eScience verhaal (temporary upload)
2006-10-19Grid-Federation-Eurocamp-20061018.pptTERENA EuroCAMP: The Grid, virtual organisation and their support via federations (extended version)
2006-10-05AAI-integration-roadmap-20061005.pptThe European AAI Roadmap (8th EUGridPMA meeting, Karlsruhe)
2006-09-18Security-tutorial-2006.pptSecurity mechanisms tutorial (EGEE style for knowledgeable users)
2006-09-13eugridpma-status-20070913.pptEUGridPMA Status Today (OGF18 IGTF session)
2006-08-08SiteOpProcedurePolicy-20060808-0.6-p3.pdfMSA1.3 (draft) Site Operational Procedures Policy version 0.6 dd 2006-08-08
2006-07-18certprofile-tagpma-20060715.pptThe Certificate Profile
2006-07-17eugridpma-status-20070715.pptEUGridPMA status and Classic Authentication Profile v4.1
2006-06-18glexec-deployment-models-20060614.pptDeployment models of glexec, presentation to the EGEE/OSG operations workshop June 2006
2006-06-17GM2006-lect-6-Storage.pptUvA Grid Master - Grid Middleware - lecture 6: Data Management, SRB and OGSA-DAI
2006-06-05workload_das2_asci.pdfAn Evaluation of Learning and Heuristic Techniques for Application Run Time Predictions (proc. ASCI2005)
2006-06-05rtprss.pdfEfficient Response Time Predictions by Exploiting Application and Resource State Similarities (proc. Grid2005)
2006-06-05mpmsg_revised.pdfMining Performance Data for Metascheduling Decision Support in the Grid (accepted for publication, FGCS 2006)
2006-06-05li06improving.pdfImproving a Local Learning Technique for Queue Wait Time Predictions (proc. IEEE CCGrid06)
2006-05-11eugridpma-ggf17-status-20060511.pptEUGridPMA status and changes to the Classic AP
2006-04-06VLe-WS-VLeIT-20060407.pptWeb Services deployment and the VL-e Proof of Concept environmen
2006-03-27eugridpma-igtf-rio-2006327-condensed.pptFrom Zero to IGTF in 1800 seconds
2006-03-08glexec-on-workernodes-updated.pptglExec on the Worker node - concepts and directions
2006-03-06SNB-Grid-and-NDPF-20060306-1.pptGastcollege Grid computing, SNE Master 2005-2006
2006-02-21Crunching-paper-CCPE-2004-EarlyView.pdfCrunching Real Data on the Grid - accepted CP&E 2006)
2005-12-13eugridpma-eirg-20051213.ppte-IRG 2005: IGTF and the EUGridPMA
2005-12-13eugridpma-eirg-20051213.pdfe-IRG 2005: IGTF and the EUGridPMA
2005-12-09eugridpma-eirg-20051213-long.pptIGTF (long version, not used)
2005-11-18GridRealtimeMonitor2.aviRTM movie Throbbing Job Monitor 2 (RTM by Gidon Moont, IC London, movie by Jan Just, NIKHEF)
2005-11-18GridRealtimeMonitor1.aviRTM movie Throbbing Job Monitor 1 (RTM by Gidon Moont, IC London, movie by Jan Just, NIKHEF)
2005-11-01PoC-and-VLeIT-20051101.pptThe VL-e PoC environment and the VLeIT Team, VL-e SP leaders meeting Nov 2005
2005-11-01PoC-and-VLeIT-20051101.pdfThe VL-e PoC environment and the VLeIT Team, VL-e SP leaders meeting Nov 2005
2005-10-31articles.04.EDG.CA.paper.pdfInternational Grid CA Interworking, Peer Review and Policy Management through the European DataGrid Certification Authority Coordination Group (LNCS 3470, p. 285-295)
2005-09-12LCG-AuthZ-WS-LCASLCMAPS-20050913-1.pptCredential considerations, LCG Authorization Now Workshop
2005-08-29eugridpma-grid-authn-eiroforum-20050914.pptThe EUGridPMA, the IGTF, and the relevance to the EIROforum members
2005-04-14G281750T562337K6.pdfAutonomic Management of Large Clusters and Their Integration into the Grid (JoGC 2004: 2: 247-260)
2005-04-05VLE-WS-P4-intro-20050405-1.pptWeb Services in VL-e
2005-02-13VLE-EGC-industryforum-dg-200502115.pptThe Virtual Laboratory for e-Science - EGC Industry Forum Session
2005-01-31NWO-DIdag-ICTgrids-20050201.pptGrids: van Onderzoek tot Onderzoeksfaciliteit, NWO Themadag D&I
2004-12-07SPmeeting-20041207.pptP4 and the PoC, VL-e Subprogramme leaders meeting
2004-10-27NIKHEF-Data-Processing-Fclty-20041026.pptThe NIKHEF Data Processing Facility
2004-09-11lcgfast.aviOld-style LCG Throbbing Job Monitor
2004-07-14Grid-Computing-at-NIKHEF-NWO-20040714.pptGrid Computing at NIKHEF, NWO Visit July 2004
2004-01-27UvA-SDE-lecture-20040127.pdf.gzGastcollege DataGrid, UvA Grid Master 2004-2005
2004-01-26UvA-SDE-lecture-20040127.ppt.gzGastcollege DataGrid, UvA Grid Master 2004-2005
2002-08-29DataGrid-OGh-20020828.pptData Grid: introduction for the Oracle User Group Holland
2002-01-18Auth-tb1.pptAuthentication and Authorization in EDG test bed 1