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time slots plugin


lcas_timeslots.mod [<time slots file>]


Martijn Steenbakkers for the EU DataGrid.
This plugin makes an authorization decisions based on available time slots. Currently it reads a text file that contains the available time slots.


[<time slots file>]

The name of the file that contains the list of time slots. Default search path: /opt/edg/lib/lcas/modules. The format of the file is described here:
# This file contains the time slots for which the fabric
# is available for Grid jobs
# Format:
#        minute1-minute2 hour1-hour2 mday1-mday2 month1-month2 year1-year2 wday1-wday2
# max range:  [0-59]        [0-23]      [1-31]       [1-12]    [1970-...]     [0-6]
# wday:
#  0-6 = Sunday-Saturday
#  5-3 = Friday-Wednesday
# '*' means the maximum range
# <val>- means from <val> to maximum value
# The wall clock time should match at least one time slot for authorization
# The wall clock time matches if:
#           (hour1:minute1)      <= (hour:minute)     <= (hour2:minute2) 
#       AND (year1.month1.mday1) <= (year.month.mday) <= (year2.month2.mday2)
#       AND (wday1)              <= (wday)            <= (wday2)
# If the fabric is open on working days from 8:30-18:00 h, from 1 July 2002 till 15 January 2003
# the following line should be uncommented:
#      30-0           8-18        1-15         7-1       2002-2003      1-5
# If the fabric is open from 18:00-7:00 h, two time slots should be used:
#      18:00-24:00 and 0:00-7:00
#       0-0          18-24         *            *            *           *
#       0-0           0-7          *            *            *           *
# If the fabric is always open the following line should be uncommented:
#         *             *           *            *            *           *



See bugzilla for known errors (


lcas_userallow.mod, lcas_userban.mod, lcas_voms.mod,
Generated on Fri May 27 18:10:49 2005 for lcas by doxygen 1.3.5