Information on f2c-stabs package f2c does name mangling, auto array referencing, pointer passing, and parameter realization when compiling Fortran code to C code. This makes debugging f2c code from within gdb very difficult. This package, when used in conjunction with running gdb from within emacs, solves alot of this problem. It allows emacs to take fortran expressions, convert them to the f2c mangled version, and pass them to gdb for evaluation. For example, if one has: REAL FOO(2:3,1:2) COMMON /BAR_NONE/ FOO one can do C-cC-v foo(3,2) in emacs to get the value of FOO(3,2). Emacs will automatically translate this to[4], and pass it to gdb for evaluation. The package include the above emacs elisp code, a fortran parser, and other miscellaneous utilities.