This page provides information on Jefferson Lab experiment 97-111.
The spokespeople are Jeff Templon (UGA) and Joe Mitchell (Jefferson
The Experiment
The experiment consists of making measurements of the cross section for
the reaction 4He(e,e'p)3H. These measurements are made for missing
momenta in the vicinity of 430 MeV/c, where most modern calculations
predict that the overlap amplitude crosses zero; thus at least in
plane wave approximation, the (e,e'p) cross section should go to zero
at some point near 430 MeV/c. The structure of this predicted minimum
is sensititive to short-range structure in 4He.
Conversely, if the cross section does not go to zero, whatever
cross section we measure should be "all" contaminant, e.g.
final state interaction, meson exchange current, etc. So this
experiment has elements of both nuclear structure research as
well as nuclear reaction mechanism study.
This experiment was motivated by the results of experiment
91-10 at NIKHEF (performed in 1994, see links below of van Leeuwe et al.),
in which several of us have participated.
The results of that experiment have already been published.
See the literature section immediately following.
Sign Up For Shifts!!!
Dimitri Margaziotis will be
handling the shift signup for the experiment. Please
visit his web page
to sign up for shifts.
The Proposal
The original proposal is available as either a
gzip-compressed postscript file or a
gzip-compressed PDF file.
Meetings, Collaboration, Contacts
You can access the
for the experiment mailing list. To sign up, send mail to with the body text
subscribe e97111
- Minutes for the meeting
on July 24, 2000.
Working Documents
- The most recent run plan. Last
updated 11:54 on October 15. This document has now been
updated to include lots of the on-shift tasks directed
towards verifying the data.
- We got different beam energies than for which we asked.
This document outlines new kinematic
settings and rates based on the beam energies we did get.
Last Updated: Wed Jul 19 16:43:19 EDT 2000
- The most recent version
of the todo list. Last updated
Fri Jul 21 13:39:13 EDT 2000.
- The original todo list for the
experiment. The date says July 7th but this is a lie;
it was actually constructed on March 7th 2000.
Here are postscript versions of talks on E97-111.
Literature (Physics Motivation, Other Experiments, etc.)
Most Recent Links and References
- O. Benhar et al., final state interactions in
4He(e,e'p)3H at large proton energy,
available online.
- A. Kozlov et al., the longitudinal and transverse
response of the 4He(e,e'p) reaction in the dip region,
from Few-Body 1999 proceedings,
available online.
- S. A. Sofianos, G. Ellerkmann, W. Sandhas,
integral equation results for the 4He(e,e'p)3H reaction at high
missing momenta,
available online.
- V.D. Efros, W. Leidemann, G. Orlandini, E.L. Tomusiak,
Electromagnetic response functions of few-nucleon systems,
available online.
- J. A. Templon, studying short range dynamics in few
body systems, Fizika B8 (1999) 117.
- H. Morita, C. Ciofi degli Atti, D. Treleani,
a realistic study of the nuclear transparency and the distorted
momentum distributions in the semi-inclusive process 4He(e,e'p)X,
available online.
- R. Guardiola, M. Portesi, state-dependent jastrow
correlation functions for 4He nuclei,
available online.
- A.Bianconi, S.Jeschonnek, N.N.Nikolaev and B.G.Zakharov,
do final state interactions obscure short range correlation
effects in quasielastic A(e,e'p) scattering?,
Nucl. Phys. A608, (1996) 437; erratum Nucl. Phys.
A616, (1997) 680,
available online.
Links pertaining to NIKHEF '94 Experiment
These items all have to do with experiment 91-10 at NIKHEF.
Here you can find a list from SPIRES of works which reference
the NIKHEF 94 measurement Phys Rev Lett article.
- Investigation of nucleon-nucleon correlations in
4He, Ph.D. Thesis of J. J. van Leeuwe, NIKHEF/UvA 1996.
- J. J. van Leeuwe et al., The 4He(e,e'p) cross section at
large missing energy Talk given by J. Templon at the 15th
International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB 97),
Groningen, Netherlands, 22-26 July 1997. Published in
Nucl. Phys. A631 (1998) 593c.
- J. J. van Leeuwe et al., high missing momentum
components in 4He studied with the (e,e'p) reaction,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 2543.
Before NIKHEF '94 Experiment
This set of links has been compiled from the literature search in
Koos van Leeuwe's PhD thesis.
Here you can find a list from SPIRES of articles which reference
the 1988 PRL article of van den Brand et al.
- V. A. Goldstein et al., Nucl. Phys.
A335 (1981) 333. (Kharkov data)
- "The two-body electrodisintegration of 4He studied
through the (e,e'X) reaction", Ph.D. Thesis of
J. F. J. van den Brand, NIKHEF/UvA 1988.
- J. F. J. van den Brand et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
60 (1988) 2006. (NIKHEF data)
- J. F. J. van den Brand et al., Nucl. Phys. A534
(1991) 637. (NIKHEF data)
- J. F. J. van den Brand et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
66 (1991) 409. (NIKHEF data)
- J. E. Ducret et al., Nucl. Phys. A556 (1993) 373.
(Saclay data)
- J. M. LeGoff et al., Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 2278.
(Saclay data)
Jeff Templon -