#ifndef signal_h #define signal_h #include #define GMsolc3 4.94e-6 const double PI=acos(-1); double signal_insp(double m1, double t) { // t: time Before coalescence. When called, keep this in mind: tau = tcoalescence-t // m1: mass of object in solar masses. m2 is chosen equal to m1 // The chirp mass mchirp = (m1m2)^3/5/(m1+m2)^1/5 governs the wave form. // double chirp=pow(m1*m1,0.6)/pow(2*m1,0.2); double fcoal=GMsolc3*3e8*6/chirp/2/PI; if (t<1e-4) return 0; double fgw=1/PI*pow(GMsolc3*chirp,-0.625)*pow(5.0/256/t,0.375); if (fgw>fcoal) return 0; if (fgw<20) return 0; double fgwdot=500*pow(chirp*GMsolc3,1.667)*pow(fgw,3.667); return 1e-12*pow(m1*fgw,1.7)*cos(2*PI*(fgw*t+fgwdot*t*t)); } #endif