[install-us] copyright=1997 by Daniel Schellhorn. system=097047208113051118054112022183216159163090 distributor=PHYWE version=ius300 code=4 [uninst] dir= prggrp=0 [language] l1=Install-us is preparing %Software% Setup Assistant. Please wait... l2=Error in directory: The name of the directory cannot contain: l3=Please try another name! l4=Error in directory: The name of the drive is not correct. l5=Registration Key: l6=Error in program group: The name of a program group cannot contain: l7=The system has to be rebooted to finish installation. l8=Please exit Windows and reboot your system now! l9=User information l10=User name: l11=It is recommendable to remove the old version, before installing the new one. Remove old version? l12=&Back l13=Try to get more free space on your drive. l14=Copying l15=%Software% has expired. Please ask your distributor for help! l16=Not enough space available on drive l17=&Next l18=Password required l19=Please press Enter to start installation. l20=Please insert disk l21=Installation complete! l22=Access denied l23=Expiration l24=Bro&wse... l25=Required diskspace: l26=Available diskspace: l27=Installation is not complete! Do you really want to cancel the installation? l28=There is already a copy with a higher version of this software on the system. l29=%Software% Setup Assistant l30=Welcome l31=Directory l32=Configuration l33=Options l34=Program folder l35=Start Installation l36=Welcome to the installation of %Software%. The install-us SETUP-assistant will guide you through the installation. l37=Click ''Next'' or press Enter to continue. l38=Choose the directory in which you want the installation to copy the new program files into. l39=Before continuing the installation please read this important information: l40=Choose one of the following configurations: l41=Complete: l42=Minimum: l43=Custom: l44=The program will be installed with all options. Recommended for most users. l45=The program will be installed with the necessary options. Recommended when there is a shortage of disk space. l46=Please type in your registration information below: l47=You can choose the options you want to be installed. l48=Settings l49=Options l50=Accept the name for the Program Folder or choose one from the list to add the entries to an existing folder. l51=Existing Folders: l52=Settings for installation are complete. Setup Assistant now has enough information to start installation. l53=Information l54=The installation requires a 32-bit Version of Windows. l55=Please choose the options you wish to remove: l56=Can&cel l57=Directory l58=One moment please... l59=&Yes l60=Progress l61=Uninstall %Software% l62=Registry Entries l63=Program Folder l64=These components will be removed from your system: l65=Files l66=Install-us will remove %Software% from your system. l67=Do you really want to remove these components from your system? You cannot undo this! l68=%Software% was removed from your system. l69=This Dynamic-Link-Library may be used for running other programs. On removing this file, these programs may not run correctly. Remove anyway? l70=&No l71=Error decompressing temporary files. C:\temp full or some files write protected. l72=Starting Setup. l73=PreSetup l74=PreSetup will prepare the temporary files needed for installation. l75=&Skip l76=This file is in use by another application or by the system and cannot be replaced automatically: [software] name=Phywe Laboratory Experiments name_display=Phywe Laboratory Experiments prggrp=PHYWE medium=3 exedirpos=0 epr=232194229023221106119027 fix=1 dir=%Reg-09%\PHYWE dir31=C:\PHYWE o_standard=1 Opt1_name=Option-1 Opt1_standard=1 Opt1_space=32280 Opt1_prgitem=1 [main] l1= l2= l3= font=MS Sans Serif 1r=128 1g=128 1b=128 2r=255 2g=255 2b=255 3r=255 3g=255 3b=255 brd=1 [leader] r=0 g=0 b=0 m0= total=0 [syspara] ramsize=0 ram=Es ist nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher verfügbar. Benötigt werden mindestens XX MB. cdepthtxt=Bitte wählen Sie einen Grafikmodus mit mindestens XX Farben! scrrestxt=Bitte vergrößern Sie die Bildschirmauflösung auf XX! cdepth=4 scrres=554 [vercheck] v=100 d=0 [ini_0] inis=0 not32=1 [sysreg] total=0 remove=1 [URS] code=ius [varReg] p9=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion b9=ProgramFilesDir d9=C:\Progra~1 k9=4 [media] dlgc=0 v=1 t11=100 [dirs_1] d1=%Install%\ total=1 [Option_1] f1=ius12.bmp d1=1 q1= total=1 [compression] size=0 [prggrp_1] p1=Phywe Multimedia f1=%SetupDir%\phstart.exe total=2 p2=LEP f2=%SetupDir%\lep\lep.pdf