Related commands

There exist a few other commands that fall in the category of search and replace. They are:


This command causes stedi to determine the word the cursor is currently on and then to search for the next occurrence of this word according to the default options. As the command is not issued from the command line, it can greatly speed up the finding of all the various occurrences of a particular word.


If the target word of a previous Ctrl-A search has been modified by the user, it is impossible to continue the search for the old string using Ctrl-A. The Ctrl-B command remedies this situation. It will search for the same word that the last Ctrl-A operation searched for.


This command is issued from the command line. It makes stedi determine the `current word' as with the Ctrl-A command, but rather than just searching for this word stedi will generate the command:

    /current word/=/string/W+options
This command is particularly useful as a very large percentage of replace operations involve whole words and the target words are already part of the text, so there is no need to type them in again.

This command changes the case of all characters in a marked range (the range between the mark and the cursor) to upper case.

This command changes the case of all characters in a marked range (the range between the mark and the cursor) to lower case.

This command changes the case of the character under the cursor. The F stands for `Flip case'.