Command line commands

All fold commands can also be entered from the command line. They start with a closing square bracket (]) for close fold commands, or an opening square bracket ([) for open fold commands. Just a ] is the same as F6, and a [ is the same as F7. To open and close all folds, the commands are:


Closes all currently opened folds. This command is the same as shift-F6.


Opens all closed folds. This command is the same as shift-F7.

In addition, folds can be opened and closed from the command line by name or line number. These commands have the following syntax:


This command closes the first fold found with the name or label which is given between the quotes. The search for the fold is always started at the beginning of the file. This gives usually the best interpretation of nested folds with the same name. Note that all characters between #[ and : are relevant so if a fold line contains the string #[ NAME :, this fold must be closed with the command ]'  NAME  ' in which the blanks are relevant. Note also that there are no escapes in this search string, so it is very unwise to use quotes in the name of a fold. Case sensitivity in the search for this fold is determined by the same setting as for normal searches (See the S/N status character).


This command opens the fold with the given name. No recursive searches are done so stedi won't look inside closed folds.


# stands for a number. This command moves the cursor to the line indicated by the number given and closes its current fold.


# stands for a number. This command moves the cursor to the line indicated by the number given. On its way all folds it has to enter to find this line are opened.