
The rest of the manual contains a number of chapters with detailed descriptions of stedi's various features. In addition, a complete glossary is included with a list of all commands and also many keywords pertaining pertaining to the various capabilities. The glossary also indicates where in the manual these subjects are covered. So if you want to find information quickly about a particular subject, the glossary should be invaluable. Finally a list is included of all messages that you may encounter while using the editor, along with an explanation of what each message means and when it is likely to occur. This should prove useful in the occasional situations when you don't quite understand a message.

Here we end the tour of the main features of the stedi editor and you should now be able to set out to create and edit files on your own. Keep in mind that this has been an abbreviated tour, and that many of stedi's features and commands have not been covered. As the rest of the manual contains a complete and technical description of stedi's features, if you want to know more about any particular aspect of stedi's capabilities, you should read on.