The K command and keycomp

The K command which is used to read in the compiled key redefinition file is a command line command with the following syntax:
    K filename
where `filename' must be a file made by the keyboard compiler keycomp. Some checking is performed to see if this is so. This command installs the contents of the file `filename' into the buffer of the editor used for keyboard redefinitions. The command
removes all keyboard redefinitions and restores the original layout.

Although there is no need to use a fixed extension for key redefinition files the preferred extensions are .k for the text files that are typed in (like the above examples) and .key for the translated versions. The key compiler keycomp prefers these extensions as its use is either

    keycomp filename
    keycomp filename1 filename2
In the first case the `filename' should be without extension. The extension .k is appended to obtain the name of the input file filename.k and that file is read. The output file will then be filename.key. In the second case the names and the extensions are arbitrary:
    keycomp foo bar
The file `foo' is read and the file `bar' is written. In MS-DOS the name of the key compiler is keycomp.exe and it can be run with the above commands. The same holds for command shells that run inside window systems.

The sources of the key compiler are present in the distribution. Apart from being an example of how one could use folds it serves a second purpose. It allows the user to add to the mnemonics if he wishes to do so.