The complete tables

The tables here are complete in the sense that for each weight all MZVs (non-alternating sums) have been expressed in terms of a Lyndon basis, including the products of lower weight terms. Calculus is over the rationals.

Note that sums that can be obtained trivially by a duality transformation were never part of the calculation. Also the divergent sums are not in the tables as they can easily be obtained by inverse stuffle relations.

All data files have been compressed with bzip2. Use bunzip2 to decompress them. Between parentheses we give the size of the (bzip2-ed) file.

The table files for the weights 20, 21 and 22 have been treated specially because they are rather lengthy. There the .prc file gets its fill statements from a number of .h files, each of which is about 2000000 lines. The .prc and corresponding .h.bz2 files have been put together in a single .tar archive. This makes it easier to transfer. Unpack with the statement

tar -xf mzv21.tar

or another apropriate number. The weight 20 system has 4 .h files, the weight 21 system has 15 .h files and the weight 22 system has 49 .h files.

These big tables need computers with much memory. Already the compilation can cause problems. The .sav and .tbl files can be handled on smaller systems. The .sav files are portable between 64-bits systems and 32-bits systems. The .tbl files unfortunately are not. But the .tbl files are the easiest to work with.

The .log files are the results produced by running the program hexc.frm. This is the `raw' data.

hexc11.log.bz2 Weight 11. (7693)
hexc12.log.bz2 Weight 12. (21761)
hexc13.log.bz2 Weight 13. (55510)
hexc14.log.bz2 Weight 14. (174196)
hexc15.log.bz2 Weight 15. (536746)
hexc16.log.bz2 Weight 16. (1620030)
hexc17.log.bz2 Weight 17. (5059078)
hexc18.log.bz2 Weight 18. (16553858)
hexc19.log.bz2 Weight 19. (53749078)
hexc20.log.bz2 Weight 20. (150429893)
hexc21.log.bz2 Weight 21. (584848341)
hexc22.log.bz2 Weight 22. (1982127841)

The mzv table files are procedures with table definitions. They are in text format and can be read in like this. They are very convenient if you just want to look up a few elements. These files were produced from the .log files with some simple edit commands in the STedi editor. The tables to weight 10 are in the file hexc.h. Just be aware that if you read in a table like this FORM will have to compile the complete table. For the big files this may take a while even though FORM may compile several Mbytes per second.

mzv11.prc.bz2 Weight 11. (6883)
mzv12.prc.bz2 Weight 12. (20436)
mzv13.prc.bz2 Weight 13. (54172)
mzv14.prc.bz2 Weight 14. (171323)
mzv15.prc.bz2 Weight 15. (534198)
mzv16.prc.bz2 Weight 16. (1610416)
mzv17.prc.bz2 Weight 17. (5046702)
mzv18.prc.bz2 Weight 18. (16518881)
mzv19.prc.bz2 Weight 19. (53596286)
mzv20.tar Weight 20. (150108160)
mzv21.tar Weight 21. (583147520)
mzv22.tar Weight 22. (1975674880)

The .sav files are files in binary FORM notation. They are very convenient if you want to manipulate a complete system and select a specific subset of the sums for further considerations.

mzv11.sav.bz2 Weight 11. (7165)
mzv12.sav.bz2 Weight 12. (20604)
mzv13.sav.bz2 Weight 13. (51376)
mzv14.sav.bz2 Weight 14. (174720)
mzv15.sav.bz2 Weight 15. (545092)
mzv16.sav.bz2 Weight 16. (1656512)
mzv17.sav.bz2 Weight 17. (5326449)
mzv18.sav.bz2 Weight 18. (17370650)
mzv19.sav.bz2 Weight 19. (55819594)
mzv20.sav.bz2 Weight 20. (162707847)
mzv21.sav.bz2 Weight 21. (590793009)
mzv22.sav.bz2 Weight 22. (2007037699)

The .tbl files allow speedy library-like access to individual elements. For their definition and proper use one may see the proper pages in the FORM manual. An example of their use is given in the program apply.frm. These files are not compressed because internally it uses already gzip to compress the individual elements.

mzv11.tbl Weight 11. (284096)
mzv12.tbl Weight 12. (320068)
mzv13.tbl Weight 13. (402830)
mzv14.tbl Weight 14. (1182421)
mzv15.tbl Weight 15. (2150359)
mzv16.tbl Weight 16. (5426328)
mzv17.tbl Weight 17. (13245540)
mzv18.tbl Weight 18. (37043603)
mzv19.tbl Weight 19. (107511866)
mzv20.tbl Weight 20. (269438106)
mzv21.tbl Weight 21. (950014276)
mzv22.tbl Weight 22. (2955266855)

Finally the programs that were used to obtain the above files and a sample of how to use the files.

hexc.frm The main program that produced the .log and .sav files. (6430)
hexc.h The library used by hexc.frm. (40729)
maketbl.frm The program that produced the .tbl files from the htable files. (486)
totabl The script that runs the maketbl.frm program (3579)
apply.frm A sample use of the tablebases, (662)
mzvlow.h The tables for the weights 1-10, (26811)

All sums are expressed in the basis that is explained in the paper. This involves as much as possible Lyndon words of odd integers greater than one. The other elements have the property that their last two indices are one and the first two are even. If the ones are removed and added to the first two indices to make them odd they give the missing Lyndon words of odd integers greater than one that could not be used in the basis.

The program in the file apply.frm, which uses the tablebases, verifies some relations that are due to Michael Hoffman to weight 22.